Favorite pokemon


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
From the looks of this forum it looks like we have some pokemon fans here. I just want to know whats your favorite pokemon and why. Mine is totodile because gen two was my favorite and anyone who has played gen two would tell you totodile was the best started out of all of them.That thing made the game easy mode because he can solo the whole game. So as kid I felt a little bit of a power fantasy with my giant Alligator crushing everyone and everything. Plus totodile is the cutest thing ever! And the best part is with its hidden ability Sheer Force with a life orb he hits harder than mega gyrados! I can relive my childhood power fantasy with him again in competitive matches now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Growlithe-Arcanine: Cause I like dogs. Pity they were always garbage pokes. Frickin' moves running off the wrong stats.
Vulpix-Ninetales, Altaria: Cause cute.
Scyther: Cause badass. Pity the evolution was so lame- who thought crab claws were a good idea... Sycther=scythe, the evo could have done so much with scissors, but no~.
Lopunny: Cause hot. Busty and DFC all-in-one. Surely they appeal to all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Given the lack of people posting on this subforum, I'd suggest merging threads that discuss the same franchise.

Having said that... Mew. Always Mew.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Steelix. because I mean LOOK AT HIM so freaking cool! So much defense! He truly is one of the most bad ass pokemon ever!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I have a couple of favs from almost all gens. Since I'm not good at choosing, I'll just jot a couple that I like the most out of them all down:

Azumarill (This was obvious given my icon, lel), and Lopunny line simply because I love bunnies so it brought itself into my favs list. There's also Growlithe/Arcanine, Fennekin line, Snivy line, Quilladin, Altaria, Noivern, Sylveon, Umbreon, Pignite, Goodra, Dragonair, Flygon, and Sceptile.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
do fakemon count? 

Sorry folks i lost all faith in mainstream line of games several gens ago.  But i keep up through fangames like Uranium. 


Rattata.  No pokemon is more FEARsome
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Up until Gen 6 my favorite was Pikachu, since the anime is what got me into Pokemon (though I haven't really watched consistently since Orange Islands and not much at all since Johto), but now it's Goodra. It's just too cute.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tyranitar and Aggron are my favorite, they bitch slap everyone in pokemon league


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Lots of porn interesting community art/stories.

Gotta love that Gardevoire porn fan art.


Rakkuguy's Airalin comics are pretty great. (and pokemon shaming is always funny xD )

As for my favourite pokemon...Gardevoire. 3rd gen's Sappire was my very first pokemon game. And to this day I can still remember how I refused to move on to any other area, before I got a Ralts. I also really love the design and flavour text of it. And Gardevoire turning into a dragon slaying fairy type after gen 6 is only strengthening my affection for it.

I also really like Eevee and the eveelutions. My favourite there is Espeon, with Umbreon as a very close second. However I've wanted a ghost type eeveelution for a really REALLY long time now. My dream name for it was Spectrion.

I generally love both Pokemons with very cool designs and the ones who are adorable. The flavour texts can also contribute a lot.

Thanks to the community Mimikyu is already on the list of the most adorable ones.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If by favourite, you mean "which one would I want as a pet"... probably Vaporeon or Vulpix.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well suprising not any of pokemons that reasable fox or dragons are taking first spot but their taking all together 2nd spot (I not even trace much of it after first 2-3 generations).

So suprising I would say Blastoise (well actualy since now it can be Mega then this one version too) and ummm...generaly all evolution of this turtle pokemn from that tiny Squirtle throu Wartortle toward Blastoise and it recent new option of Mega Blastoise. I kinda must say their really go near over the band imho adding those hand water minicanons and replacing two on shell with one large. He now look more like siege pokemon that could sit and shoot his main water canon all day :D

Well why it's this one when there was some more interesting ones in 1 gen like Mewtwo, Vulpix, Ghastly, Charmander evolution line? Probably that badass appearance of his final evolution in 1 gen with those water canons ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like shadefalcon Saphire was my first game, so I've got a soft spot for the Mudkip line. I have one Swampert I've dragged around with me for ages, though currently he's enjoying retirement in the PokeBank.

Cyndiquill's number two, it's just so cute. Umbreon takes the third spot in my heart. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My favorite remained unchanged throughout the years: Absol. He just stuck out to me the moment I saw him in Ruby. Normally in any given game I'd spring for a pokemon that would appear to evolve twice. I didn't even care that Absol didn't, I'd fallen in love with his regal, black and white yin-yang design on sight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
@HeavyMetalLoser in game probably.  Any half decently designed pokemon can be made incredibly sexy by a good artist. 

In that case Galvantula. In previous gens Magneton/Magnezone was my Electric 'Mon of choice, but 90% accurate Thunder backed up with Bug Buzz and Energy Ball is just too good to not use. Helps that it's one of the few really good Bug 'Mons.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Well my absolute favourite is dragonair. It just looks and feels and is awesome and I was so disappointed as a kid when I got it to evolve and it's evolution looked so... dumb. Ah memories.

I also like haunter and nidorina a lot and wartortle got a great design as well. Also love evee and the eveelutions, especially vaporeon. When I got back to pokemon with a rom of ruby, mawile and skitty joined the club as well as combusken and torchic. Out of the second gen, that I only played as the remakes, my favourites would be murkrow and piloswine.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the gen 3 ghosts, except for sableye who looks just like I imagine a generic internet troll, shuppet and it's evo banette as well as duskull and dusclops all have great designs that hold the middle ground between scary or alienated and cute.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My favorite is by far, Empoleon (IV gen remake plz). I like Blaziken too, and I'm waiting to Rowlet's evo to have a trio of elemental birds. 

I love Ghost type pokemon, specially 4-5 gen ones: Chandelure, Golurk, Mismagius and Froslass, and some water types: Milotic, Swampert, Feraligatr. I find Ludicolo cute and funny, and is quite high on my list. and of course, I have some favorites among the colorful and beautiful ones: Cresselia, Volcarona, Gallade, Togekiss, and Sylveon. And besides those, are Chesnaught, Tyrantrum and Scizor.

From the dragons, I prefer Hydreigon and Salamence, and my fav legendaries are Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Reshiram and Zekrom.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I mentioned earlier that my favorite species was Goodra, but my favorite Pokemon I ever used in a game was this one event Arceus that had Judgement, Shadow Force, Spacial Rend, and Roar of Time. It was probably the only individual Pokemon I consistently used across 3 gens. Unfortunately, I did something stupid that caused me to lose it forever and I feel a sad just remembering it. It's weird, but I feel a lot more attachment now that it's gone than I did when I still had it, and I don't think that even if I got another Arceus that had those moves that I'd feel satisfied. I want my friend back...T-T
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I know this pain all too well.

Dragonite makes me cry. Like... he's sort of cute in a dopey way, but Dragonair is just so freakin' elegant and beautifully badass, but not in an edgy way. Just in a cool "look at that pretty blue snake thing!" kind of way. I dunno. I wish Dragonair had an evolution that wasn't so absurdly dissimilar. They're not even like remotely related to one another.

I guess I actually cried back then, because I did not know that you could abort an evolution. Internet was not that big of a deal at that time, so knowledge about video games was rare around playgrounds. So I put that dragonite in a box and moved on with a broken heart. T'was pretty sad. Funny, probably non-sensical thought, we'd make a great duo of mysterious sisters xD .


Jan 8, 2016
Charizard, because when I was 10 I beat the Elite 4 in Pokemon Blue using him and 5 HM slaves (I wasn't very efficient). Also all the dog pokemon because dogs are good.

Lord Lodestar

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
I'm pretty partial to Gallade (Mega or base). There's something about the whole "Pokemon that fights for justice" thing that appeals to me. Another long time favorite would have to be Blaziken, for sure. And shout-outs to Bisharp for looking like Kamen Rider Kuuga.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
In terms of a sentimental favorite, Wartortle. The reason is really dumb, actually. When I was a little kid, my brother gave me his Pokemon Blue game, because he got Pokemon Yellow. Now, Blue was broken, and would never save, so I just played as far as I could, which was usually as far as defeating Brock or Misty. I always picked Squirtle, because you could defeat Brock easily with them, but after picking them over and over again, I really started to love Squirtle. And eventually, I found out, holy shit, Squirtle's evolved form is adorable! The little wings, the fluffy tail, I loved it. So then, I just played until I evolved Squirtle and would turn off the game.

Other favorites are:

Bisharp, because he's cool and I want to hug but cannot.

Mawile, because I LOVE the mega evolution, cute pigtails!

ok no long lists i'll stop there

Skeleton Man

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2015
Gotta be either Diancie or Glaceon. My ol' Glaceon's not the strongest, she's not the fastest and she's certainly not the toughest... but she was a staple of my Gen 4 lineup for one reason only: It's a doggo with a hat. And that's fuckin' adorable. To her credit, she was a pretty influential pokemon in my team right to the very end when she oneshot That Garchomp. Good times...

Continuing on from that theme, when I got my event Diancie I immediately fell in love. I've always been "that guy" who liked using oddball pokemon (like Klinklang, Slaking, Drapion, Altaria, etc.), especially Rock-types. Maybe it's a holdover from Brock PTSD when I was a wee babby Skeleton Boy, Iunno... Point is: when I saw a Rock/Fairy pokemon with such a cute design, my heart just melted. And when the Mega Stone arrived, I couldn't dream of a cuter killing machine as my partner. Sucks that she's a mythical and not regularly catchable, so my only use of her will be AFTER I beat the 8th gyms/gym equivalent of any new games... Still, cute design. Powerful moveset. Rock-type. It's basically my idea of the perfect pokemon.