Fast companions make you slower


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
Sayeth what, sirrah?

Aye, verily.

Plodding through the Harvest Valley in the search for the fabled White Hare I find myself pestered by all manner of randy creatures: from lowly centaurs, to insane horses, to filthy hyenas, to fungal trollops. I want not their flesh nor their baubles, so I decide to dash away without a word, as I'm leagues faster and more puissant that they are.

But lo! Once in a while my elven hireling decides to act before her betters, and since the Gods have decreed that initiative shall be distributed fairly amongst the creatures of the land, once she's acted I must wait for an adversary to make their move before I can even move a finger! The devilry!

the devilry.png

And since this elven harlot is so subservient of me, she cannot flee without me ordering it first! To think that, where I joined by my other servants, I wouldn't have to suffer such indignity, as I would be the fastest each and every time. We are lucky that my skills are vastly superior, and that I can carry the day despite my underling's attempts to undermine me, but if we instead found ourselves hard pressed in some demon infested hole, this could be a fatal misstep.

But I'm nothing if not a kind master to my pets, so I'll forgive this silliness... after I bring out the cat o' nine and tire my good arm with it. But I'll have a measure of mercy and have the green one go first, so she can start with something small.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
This is just an elaborate way of saying : Lemme act before my companions so i can run from any fight i don't want to get involved into , isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
But was it? Was it really?
It was amusing to me because the wording.
But otherwise the game's written like a D&/D game: you're gonna get random high/low rolls and natural 1s/20s from the party, expect shenanigans.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021

You take your pick, goldilocks:

a) I'm a bitter man and I like complaining. The journey is the destination.
b) In practice, I get less Initiative from my agility when I'm not the only fast one around. That is to say, I don't want a filthy elven strumpet to bump me in the turn order so she can do... whatever the hell she learnt when she picked ranger instead of a classic D&D party class.
c) I'm some sort of time vampire and your waste is my gain. Like that Timberlake bloke in the movie about being 25 until you die from time poverty.