Farming money?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
Is there a better way farming money than killing low level enemies? I'm level 7 and want to get some good armor but I'm not getting much from these weaker enemies. Thanks in advance for the advice!

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No real great way, but you can go work at the farm, load up your inventory, and sell it all at the pawn shop, then repeat.  Probably anything you do will be a bit on the tedious side.  There's always the cheat to edit your save.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Get armor pieces (ideally, via Benoit so that you can get five of them in one sitting), ask Rathazul to craft armors. Sell the armors.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Is there a better way farming money than killing low level enemies? I'm level 7 and want to get some good armor but I'm not getting much from these weaker enemies. Thanks in advance for the advice!

For me, best way to get a lot of gems as early as lvl 1 is to sell multiple copies of the Beautiful Sword, since it's worth about 200 Gems each. 

1. Play with Debug mode on

2. Find beautiful sword at the lake and equip it

3. Un-equip and re-equip the sword until you run out of inventory space

4. Sell all the swords in your inventory at Tel'Adre

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4


An alternative is to buy the Claymore from the Weapon Smith and Un/Re Equip it in your inventory space and sell them for 500 Gems each. Granted, you need at least 40 strength to wield it, so just chug some vitality tinctures and you'll be golden, but since you're lvl 7, you're probably past that threshold requirement already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for armors first armor you get from chitin so you farm at forrest...either god lucky to find chitin on ground or beat bee girl to get one. So gathering 5 won't be so long. Going to lake will give you chance farm pieces from goo girls or slime gel to make gel armor. This one until spidersilk (or dragonsclae one if layed in mods) will be quite good def for PC. As for farming money farm is best place those who not wanna fight as otherwise it's about not using gained exp to lvl up and keep beating enemies in one ocation which with your lvl would be or desert or mountain. Higher lvl ones locations may be too hard to keep going and fight enemies while not needed to rest after few fights.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
At your level, you can try fighting the fetish cultists. They may drop ovi elixir and lust drafts, which sell for reasonable amount of gems.

Once you reach level 12 and become capable of fighting swamp enemies, Kiha seems to give a good amount of gems even when you take her as lover and spar her. According to the code, she yields between 95 and 109 gems each time you beat her. Using that method, you can potentially earn 1700 gems per day.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I can vouch for the Kiha method. Remember there is absolutely no time limit in this game unless you start some quest lines. Make sure you don't have many active quests and just grind. If you don't have good armor, the bee armor isn't bad. Get Rathazul in camp and go for the bees. Lvl 7 should be around the mountains or so. Fight the minotaurs. They drop weapons and blood. You can sell those. That dog girl in tel'adre has armor you can buy that will really bump up your defense so you have increased survivability. Don't forget that the beautiful sword's damage is tied to your corruption. The lower the better. If you are corrupt, get the axe from the minotaurs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Around level 12 or 13 enemies can rarely drop Bimbo Liquer or Bro Brew which sells for quite a bit (think the Bimbo Liquer sells for 300-500 gems).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Actualy on bimbo/bro items: Up to 0.5% chance of a random drop from any non-plot monster for a level 7 or higher PC. So already at lvl 7 it can drop of some enemies. Plus it cost 500 gold ea making it quite good drop to sell after PC not need them anymore. Damn I start to feel giving this two items to enemies in Blight Ridge drop table was a lil too generous as it have for them more than this pitful 0.5% drop rate -_- No worry I would soon make chance for this drop lower xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Defeating Kiha no mather how done pays well also when fighting goblins and witches keep watch for ovi elixer (15 gold) and talk to bee for a chance at pure honey (20 gold)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
If you keep saying no to getting filled with eggs and explain to the bees when asked why as duty they'll comply and only offer you honey from then on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
The best way I could see to get Gems for starting equipment, would be finding high selling items from areas.

1. Explore the desert a bit until you get the event that gives you a wizard staff.

2. Explore the Lake until you get the beautiful sword.

3. Farm Bimbo Liquor, and Bro Brew from enemies.

With just the first two you would have a decent amount.

Then with option 3, you can sell each for 500 gems if I remember right.

There are also more items you get from just exploring that you could just sell off, thus earning you enough to buy whatever you want.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In CoC at least in vanilla version if PC have around 1-2k gems it's more than enough to buy all needed stuff aside maybe larger stacks of TF items. As what else PC spending money after having best armor/weapon for it build? Only some new TF items. Moded CoC may have some new uses for gems but that still nothing that would require having more than 4-5k gems at hand unless we want do something fast like build cabin or warehouse or granary fast without slowly cutting wood in forrest or visiting Phylla for stones for 2-4 days.