Evil's Thread (of Ideas)


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
(I'm so sorry for the pun...)

I'm creating a dedicated thread for all my own ideas and WIPs rather than a separate thread for each one.

At the moment, I'm developing two concepts that I hope will eventually make it into the game.

Another lust inducing show for Steele to watch while they are on their ship. Its a news show that will comment on various events that Steele might be connected to, for example the planetbuster bomb on Tarkus or the Kashima incident. The twist is that the newsreader strips as she reports the news and either masturbates or performs some sort of sex act, like one of the production assistants performing oral on her and so on. Eventually, Steele will make a name for themselves and be asked to do an interview, where they end up having sex with the newsreader.

As for the name of the show, I'm thinking of calling it NewsTrip, or something to that effect. As for the name of the newsreader, I'm considering Honey Jarr, Lily Gild or Tilly Mehoff or something punny sounding.

X is a professional looking terran woman, standing at 5'9, 5'11 in heels. Shoulder length black hair frames a beautiful face; with olive skin, high cheekbones and grey eyes that are accentuated by long lashes. She possesses a sultry smile on full and lustrous lips.

She wears a blouse of ruby red, paired with a black skirt that runs to just above her knee with a split up to her left thigh. It is an outfit that both shows her to be a consummate professional and accentuates her stunning figure in all its glory.

X has a pair of full D-cup breasts that are held up by a red lace bra and has matching panties. They invite you to take a hold of them and to tease her pencil eraser sized nipples. The rest of her body is highly toned, she isn't musclebound, but X definitely looks as though she has spent a great deal of time in the gym.

Between her legs, X has a tight vagina that is topped with a thin strip of hair. A tight asshole sits on the other side of her body, just where it should be. In fact, her ass looks so firm that you could probably bounce a credit chip off.

There will be a comical element to the news reports, for example if Steele deactivated the bomb on Tarkus, the newsreader might ask a local about their thoughts on the bomb, only for the local to panic and to run away screaming and leaving her a little nonplussed.

The second concept introduces something of another lover for Steele.

It begins with Steele picking up a distress call while travelling between Tavros or Uveto. Boarding the disabled ship, Steele finds a metal band have become stranded on the way to their last concert. The lead singer is very combative and acts like a pain in the ass. Unfortunately, their ship can't be repaired so Steele has to bring them to their concert. As thanks, the manager of the band gives them an all-access pass to the concert and backstage afterwards.

After the concert, Steele meets the lead singer who apologises and explains that the angry woman from before is part of the act and partly because this was the big concert of the tour. She then insists on taking Steele out for a meal as thanks. Far from the energetic and angry woman on stage, away from it she is quiet and quite calm.

The entire storyline reveals how she became a metalhead as well as her misgivings about the two conflicting personas and how tired it makes her. Luckily, her record company will purchase an apartment for her to recover (either on Tavros Station or Uveto, I haven't decided yet). Steele can visit her apartment and talk to her and doing activities with her, eventually leading to them having sex, because of course its TiTS. One of the key scenes will be her playing a song for Steele on her prize possession, a wooden guitar.

Still need to think of a look for her and her on-stage persona.

Straight away, she won't become a crew member. She travels too much around the Core to go gallivanting around unknown space with Steele.



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Is it bad that I'm sold on the Rocker Babe do to the wooden guitar more so than the possibility of sex...

Love the idea of Lusty News, you could also include a head news anchor that gets a few words in while being blown under the news desk on screen.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Is it bad that I'm sold on the Rocker Babe do to the wooden guitar more so than the possibility of sex...

No its not bad at all, but what if I told you that she wears an oversized shirt as she plays the guitar in the middle of the night?

Also at least one obligatory joke about Steele having the most metal name.


Active Member
Dec 21, 2016
Got say I like both these ideas, the news service would add flavor to things, and the rocker girl just seems interesting. And the image of the rocker chick, perhaps in one off Steeles shirts if he is big enough just push some of my buttons.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
...Okay, fair enough...

Anyway, two updates:
First - All Aina gift scenes have been written up, but I haven't added them online just yet. I'll probably do that over the weekend after I get a chance to do some polishing and editing. I'll be beginning her date scenes in the next day or so.

Second - Newsreader and Rocker chick now both have names!
The Newsreader is now Roxanne X. What does the X stand for? Who cares, she brings in the ratings. She also have two roving reporter sidekicks for some filler segments; Misty Fields and Nell Downes, who will serve as the butt monkeys for their segments. These will be less a "Steph Irson getting jumped" in nature and more "bad luck happens to reporters" kind of a thing.

Rocker chick is now Melissa, also known as Mel Bone, the lead singer for the heavy metal band, Carbon Ausar.

Until next time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I got some devastating news today that kind of means that will have to take priority over my writing over the next couple of weeks. Not saying that I'm stopping work on Aina, Roxanne or Melissa, it just means that I won't be able to do nearly as much as I would have hoped.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I got some devastating news today that kind of means that will have to take priority over my writing over the next couple of weeks. Not saying that I'm stopping work on Aina, Roxanne or Melissa, it just means that I won't be able to do nearly as much as I would have hoped.
Whatever that news may be, I wish you the best of luck in getting through it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Update time.

Sorry about the lack of writing this week.
My father was hospitalised last week and put into ICU. Which I realised is something of a loaded term, he's...alright. His heart and lungs are healthy and his blood pressure is perfect, but a bacterial infection has heavily damaged his liver, so he's on his way to Dublin for an assessment and examination. I'll be heading up there tomorrow for the weekend to stay with him. Its been a stressful and exhausting week and I've spent most of the week travelling to the hospital and staying with him for most of the day, like twelve hours out of the house and trying to catch up on work. So no writing, but I did have a chance to work on some ideas.

NewsTrip will be similar to the Steph Irson programs in that Steele will have pay for each news report, this will represent the fact the Vic got Captain Steele a little gift: A subscription to Vic's favourite news show. The cost is simply the subscription being paid. 100 credits seems reasonable for the cost. Each report will be unlocked after Steele has completed a particular quest or flagged an event.
- First Report, unlocked after Steele meets Maki on Tavros: Roxanne D reports that while SteeleTech's shares took a dip following Vic's passing, the news that his heir is now looking to take over the company has seen a surge in the shares value. The "fluff" report will be Misty Fields in the hanger of Tavros station where she tries to talk to Rushers getting ready. Her mishap will involve a heat backwash, clothing damage and a Galotian.
- Second Report, unlocked when Steele recovers the probe on Mhen'ga: Roxanne reports about how several companies have already begun competing for the right to colonise several new worlds and the newest potential products, all while an Ausar production assistant is shoved out and has to lick out Roxanne. The fluff report sees Nell Downes talking to some of the locals on Mhen'ga and encounters one of the flowers in the jungle.
- Third Report, unlocked on Tarkus after recovering the Probe: Roxanne discusses how several new aliens species have been in negotiation with the UGC for being accepted into the wider galactic community. All while on a sybian. Misty Fields is on Tarkus, trying to get an interview with Captain Steele, only to bump into a Raskvel.
- Fourth Report, unlocked when Steele recovers the Probe on Myrellon: A report about how the UGC fleet have helped negotiate a ceasefire between the Red and Gold Myr, while Roxanne hooks herself into some complicated harness. Nell Downes will be at Gastigoth, talking about how it will handle the worst the galaxy has to offer, whereupon she'll end up getting frisked and forced to orgasm.
- Special Report, when Steele completes the Kashima Incident. Misty Field will be in the field, trying to get information about what happened. Surprisingly does not get molested but something will happen to her. Nell Downes will be on Uveto for the upcoming Uveto gaming tournament, unfortunately she strips and nearly freezes whereupon one of the rescue team will ask what kind of idiot strips on an ice planet until they notice the recording drone and tries to talk to Roxanne.
- If the Special Report is unlocked, Captain Steele will receive an email from Roxanne asking them for a interview. The interview is simple enough, but ends in one of a selection of sex scenes: Vaginal, Anal, Tribbing, On The Air (which will require Steele to have a high exhibitionist stat) which is exactly what it sounds like.

Melissa, aka Mel Bone is the leader singer for the heavy metal band Carbon Ausar, is famous for her constantly changing style and appearance. What people don't know is that its a heavy investment in hardlight technology. Why she has to use hardlight will be explained when you meet her, but I will reveal that its a secret to everyone outside the band and its management.
So the breakdown of her content will be:
  1. First encounter, where Steele picks up on their distress call and helps them get to Uveto. They'll argue with Mel Bone, but her manager will thank them with a group VIP pass to their concert.
  2. Steele will go to the concert and be impressed with Carbon Ausar, deciding to go backstage and meeting a more relaxed band. Mel Bone will apologise and thank Captain Steele for helping her out, explaining that it was the stress of trying to get to their last concert. She'll offer to take Steele to a meal, transforming into Melissa, allowing her some post-concert anonymity. Dinner will be pleasant enough and Melissa will reveal that she's staying on Uveto for a while to recover. (Unlocks her apartment in Irestead)
  3. The apartment on Uveto will be quite spacious with enough equipment for Melissa to work on her next album. While there, she and Steele can talk about various topics; Her Life, Mel Bone, Her Family, Her Music and so on
  4. Hanging out - while Mel won't exactly want to date, she'll enjoy doing activities with Steele, like travelling up to the Station and looking at the planet below or making use of an inbuilt sauna.
  5. The scene that unlocks the sex scenes will take place in the sauna where Mel will admit that she might be feeling something for Steele. (Admittedly sauna sex is something of a kink of mine).
  6. Melissa will reveal why she is so reliant on Hardlight projectors instead of mods, and asking Steele if they can accept that. Basically, this will be where Steele can be a decent person and accept that, or be a douche and break her heart, but why would you do that, you heartless monster?!
  7. If Steele accepts that, they can unlock staying the night with her. This might trigger a scene where Steele wakes up in the middle of the night to find that Melissa is gone, only to find her sitting in Steele's shirt, playing an acoustic guitar and where she sings for Steele. (Think along the lines of an acoustic version of "Eternal Flame")
For a reference, Mel Bone would look like Alissa White-Gluz from the band Arch Enemy.
Silly!Mode in this will probably involve Anno fangirling over the band in the first couple of scenes.

Until next time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
I really like the idea of a news show (since I suggested something like that :) ), but I would suggest making the band less ausar centered (since the name makes it seem they are all ausar).
There are quite a lot of them allready in the game and it would be nice to have some diversity among the NPCs. So maybe add one or two other races to the band? Pretty sure a puazi or a even a gryvain could fit in a metal band.

Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
The band won't be all Ausar, the name is a reference to Iron Maiden.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Still slowly writing, but not at a stage where I feel confident in sharing what I have.

But anyway, short idea for the Halloween writing competition.
Iona, a member of the Dearg, a secretive race that chooses to keep to themselves. As such, dark rumours are abound concerning them, the less generous claim that they are cruel and vicious hunters, who seek easy prey to take into the shadows and devour.

The truth is that the Dearg have certain...dietary requirements that are quite difficult to synthesise. Sure, there are protein pills, but most Dearg prefer to absorb the protein from the blood of willing participants. Its a simple procedure, a small amount of blood is removed, the necessary proteins collected and the volunteer leaves with a cookie and some orange juice for their troubles.

And then there's Iona. She's... not your average Dearg. She'd never have anything that came from blood. You don't know where that's been! (Yeah, she's not the brightest star in the galaxy). While she's not going anywhere near blood, she'll happily use oral to get the "tasty yummies!"

Essentially, Iona will be a repeatable encounter who will randomly appear in bars, kinda like Kiro or Erra. She'll have two short scenes; the first that introduces her and the Dearg and then the resultant sex scene. Can't see it hitting more than 2500 words.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
Iona sounds like fun.

Does she still giver her donors a cookie and some orange juice (even if only in silly mode)?