Evergreen/Cait Threesome condition


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
So I just found out this was a thing when it was mentioned in a topic today and went to check it out but couldn't make it work. I looked at the wiki which said the condition was to reach the current endpoint of the Cat Call quest. Going back to some older saves I found I could unlock it if I accepted Evergreen's offer to knock her up/be knocked up as part of the quest progression, which I either couldn't do or hadn't done before with my champions so all of those resolved with the 'No Way' option and... whatever she does with Cait afterwards.

So my question is, is the post-quest threesome sex meant to be gated behind accepting Evergreen's request during Cat Call (and the wiki just isn't clear on it) or is it meant to be available regardless (in which case it looks like a bug)?