Event Writer's Guide [OLD AND DEPRICATED]

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Hi, I'm Savin, the lead writer/designer for CoC2.

If you wish to contribute to the game, here are some handy resources you'll find useful:

The Primary Design Document. Reading this is non-negotiable.

The Combat Math/Resolution Document. Includes status effects and how to write combat abilities.

The Parser Guidebook and Tester.

Pregnancy/Breeding Documentation

Note the following are mandatory considerations for all submissions:
  • Your work must be in a viewable Google Document with Suggestions turned on. Trying to send a .txt/.doc/.whatever or a pastebin or putting your writing right in the forum will get you ignored.
  • Submissions must be in American English, and at least attempt to abide by the parser documentation. Good grammar and spelling are a must.
  • Submissions must use the Second Person, Present Tense for content. That is "You walk down the street," not "The Champion walked down the street."
  • Please use Arial 11 for your submission's font. Slightly larger fonts/sizes are okay; if you submit your document in anything smaller or harder on the eyes I'm going to make you fix it before I even try reading it.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You might ask yourself "What the hell should I write? There's limitless possibilities!"

Here's some gentle nudging in the right direction from me to you:
  • Start small. Write a new sex scene or two for an existing enemy or waifu character. Get your feet wet and learn to use the parser.
  • New sex scenes for existing enemies are always welcome and always in demand. It's a good way to make us like you.
  • If you want to write a New Original Thing, please consider starting with an enemy encounter or an event in the wilderness. These are much more in-demand than new waifus or your own special snowflake.
  • Writing Cool New Items and Talents is not super useful to us unless they come from an event or something. If you are creating an event, these are a great place to add in your cool ideas for items, perks, and talents.
  • Writing new Transformation text is very helpful. I don't like TFs myself so I'm trying to farm it out as much as possible.
Now here's the negative nancy part:
  • You are not allowed to write Combat Companions. That's for Creator (purple names) and higher. It's a huge commitment of time and energy.
  • Please don't write in a bunch of direct ripoffs from or references to CoC1. CoC1 still exists; there's no reason to just rehash stuff that's already been done there. I want new and original ideas if you want to write the CoC2 version of something that existed in CoC1 (goblins, hellhounds, etc.)
  • Don't create your own Regions. You can create new Locations within existing Regions, that's fine, but creating a new Region requires an ungodly amount of time and effort -- a hundred thousand words, easy.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
By the way, if you do want to submit something to CoC2, please read the following. Posting your project here on the forum or sending it to me is taken as agreement that:
  • Once content is submitted, you surrender control of your project to me (that's Savin, hi). I try diligently to talk to writers and keep them in communication with each other, but if you vanish or throw a fit about something, your content can end up getting changed without your approval. It's exceedingly rare, but it can happen. Be prepared for that eventuality.
  • The CoC2 staff can publish and distribute your submitted content, and use your characters for whatever media purposes we deem fit. In other words: your waifu might end up on a mug or a bookmark, or plastered on promotional material.
  • You are free to use your characters and writing elsewhere (unless it's something I paid you for eg. a commission). They belong to you, after all.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Once you have taken into account all of the above, written your submission out to the best of your abilities, you should about now be asking yourself: "How do I get this in game?"

It's not quick but it is relatively easy. Make a thread here in Event Submissions, or update your existing thread to have [Submitted] as the first part of the thread title. Make sure the first post of the thread has a link to a Google Doc containing your submission, with permissions set so that Anyone With a Link -> Can Comment. Then send me a private message, either here on the forum or on Discord. While you're waiting for somebody to officially look at your work, it's a good idea to let forumites read through your document and help you out with copy editing and any inconsistencies that may exist.

At some point, I will claw my way out of the eternal night of being behind on my own projects and read your thing. If it's good enough to get in, it'll get passed on to somebody (probably Drake) to get coded. If it's not up to snuff, I'll tell you why and, if it's salvageable, how to fix it.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
A reminder of the legal business these forums operate, for those that do not read the TiTS section as well. Just shamelessly copy/pasting from Fen here:

By posting a submission on these forums (or emailing it to any of our staff), you are agreeing to the following:
  • Giving Savin all rights to use your character & writing in our games - be they TiTS, CoC2, or a future sequel. (TL;DR: You're giving us this stuff to use for game stuff without expectation of financial payment.)
  • Giving Savin and co. rights to modify your scenes in the future for potential expansions and arcs. (TL;DR: We might tweak things, add new scenes, or accept other author's submissions for your characters.)
  • To be properly credited for work in games where appropriate, unless you don't want to.
I'd rather not have to do this stuff, but we need to make sure that nobody can demand content be removed after the fact (ala Breeding Season's art), and I want to be clear that any character at any time could have bad things happen to them. As an author, you'll need to be okay with that.
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