Encountering Miko and Mai


New Member
Sep 22, 2018
How exactly do you meet Miko and Mai after the Den of Foxes quest is complete?

I completed the quest while having the Amulet of Union equipped so Miko and Mai were my last battle. I went back and completed the quest with Evergreen but I cannot seem to get Miko or Mai (or both) to trigger.

I saw in the changelog that they would be implemented in 0.2.31 so I assume they are able to be encountered but no matter when I go to the shrine it simply says 'Since you know where the entrance to the kitsune den is located, you can just waltz on in. After all, you've received permission to visit, even if you are a foreigner to them.' but there is no option to go in or meet them.

I also went back to the old shrine where I got the Amulet of Transference but nothing there as well.

Any help on how to meet the foxy duo after fighting them?

Edit: I'm playing on Public 0.2.32 patch


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It was delayed due to Surprise New Companion. Can't meet them yet. Should be next patch.