Early development and ideas


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
Yo, what is in the upward direction my fellow urban folk? It's been a long ass time since I've been on here (been dealing with I'll shit) and throughout my hiatus I've been bettering my writing skills, and I've been planning a character out in my head. Now, I have some very, very rough drafts for this character I've been mulling over in my head, and I have full intentions to write him/her.

Now I wanted to come before you and see if any of you are any interested in this character, and some other ideas for the future, such as their gender, name, race (though I do have a specific race in mind), which i have not decided on, and am welcome to community feedback to decideal those.

If any of that makesentence any sense.

Anyway the character I've been brainstorming on and such. So they're going to be kind of a "forced feminization" type of character, kind of like Delilah, except they're going to be femenizing steele. I was planning on having at least a couple "normal" sex scenes with this characters for non males/males who don't want to be feminized, and then the real meat of the character would go into those that wanted it. Yes, I said it, you won't be forced into the content if you don't want it, like [insert controversial character here].

Basically what's going to happen is you'll talk to him/her/it/whatever and they'll provide some sort of service, and talk options, and and after a few times hitting talk options you unlock sex, after that I would say you have to leave them, and come back [arbitrary amount of time later], and if you're a male they'll bring up a proposition to partake in this particular fetishes of theirs (you can say no). If you say yes it'll start that "quest" (only in the most simplistic and basic of terms), otherwise, the issue won't be pressed, however if you change your mind you can bring it up in the talk menu.

It would obviously have to advance in stages, which I haven't decidedicated how those stages would progress, whether it's talk options locked behind [arbitrary number] of sex scenes, or if it just progresses a little after every sex scene. I'll fine tune those details as I pick up writing this, have no fear.

Now the issue is, is anyone interested in this kind of content? If not I'll just brainstorm another. And again, yes, I have full intentions of writing this character (pls no attack me for asking the dreaded question "is anyone interested in _____") if people are interested.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I'm pretty curious to what types of services are rendered or what type of science that this character will use to feminize Steele.

It's also nice that you at least give us a choice in the matter as well. I saw "Forced Feminization" at first and kinda thought of [insert controversial character here], so I was worried till the point I saw it was an optional thing.

Also yeah, it does sound like it could better be a process that happens gradually as the PC has sex with them, as it might be the easiest way to get that coded, I think anyways...

Then again, I'm kinda new to writing, and have no idea how to code either so... yeah! :confused:

Not sure what others might think, but I'm not sure if I can make a full opinion on a char like this until I can see it fleshed out a little more. Sounds interesting though, though I'd like to see where ya go with it xD


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
I'm pretty curious to what types of services are rendered

That's probably my biggest current stumbling block, everything I could think of is already in the game. Honestly the only thing I can really think of is like a chef or bartender, since theres not like 10 of those on every planet like everything else.
type of science that this character will use to feminize Steele.

I was thinking it would be like his/her cum at first, but then I realized that would probably only work for a male or herm npc, and I didn't really want to lock them into one gender that easily. Though, I'm sure most people would say "herm" or "shemale" in the first place, since it's a favorite in fengames.
I saw "Forced Feminization" at first and kinda thought of [insert controversial character here], so I was worried till the point I saw it was an optional thing.

yeah it kind of makes sense that the word forced would bring bad connotations. But I legit only mean it in the sense that someone else is feminising steele, for those that are interested in that kind of thing.
though I'd like to see where ya go with it

I'm not sure I'll be going too far into this character, I like the concept, and I'm really looking forward to really getting into it, but I don't want them to be My mrs. Reasner, so to speak.