Bugged Drifa Heat Crash

Mark an issue as still broken and needing further investigation.


New Member
Mar 20, 2025
The lack of a lesbian alternat scene or anything for a PC that had a dick and got Drifa to get off the brown leaf during that time period but later got rid off/lost said dick causes fatal crashes when Drifa ambushes the PC when she's in heat:

version: 0.7.39

TypeError: Cannot set property 'virgin' of undefined at N.value (file:///D:/Adult/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/505.ff067aabd757b309d1d6.js:1:350688) at Object.func (file:///D:/Adult/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/Content_Wayfort.3bc7d227799ab60779ee.js:1:2611821) at doClick (file:///D:/Adult/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/256.451d7137e65871be8729.js:1:38830) at l (file:///D:/Adult/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/826.912a392d88551b81eb78.js:1:4372972)