Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)


New Member
Aug 26, 2015

[SIZE=12pt]This is a guide I wrote some time ago on the old forums, a lot of changes were made to the game since the latest revision so there's still a lot of information to be added or edited. However, if you're having trouble beating Doctor Lash then this guide is for you. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Feel free to point out any errors, share your strats (if viable and legitimate, they will be added and credit will be given).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]08/13/15 – Release of 0.5.55 build, Lavel cap was increased to 8, Concussive shot was hit with the nerf bat. In the balls. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]08/09/15 – Release of 0.5.54 build, some special abilities of Smuggler and Tech specialist were improved.
07/21/15 - Release of 0.5.51 build, Lash is now immune to disarm and Concussive Shot was nerfed.[/SIZE]
07/16/15 - Added Smuggler normal victory strategy
07/15/15 – Added some Lust Victory strategies


Doctor Lash

Level: 15
Shields: 725
Health: 400
Starting lust: 1

Armor: 25
Drugs: 80%
Tease: 85% (although teases practically don’t work)

6 Plasma pistols:
Damage: (*)
1 Electric
30 Burning
Accuracy: -1 (Lash hits you about 95% of the time normally, a bit less if your character is a Smuggler)
Critical bonus: +5 (Doesn’t matter – enemies don’t crit)

These have a chance of inflicting burn damage over time (1 hp per turn for 4 turns)

*Taken from wiki. The actual damage Lash does to you seems heavily dependent on your Electric as well as Burning resistance, so these values might be inaccurate.


999999 credits + maxes out your XP

[Things that help]

Goozooka – created by Anno for giving her the MK.VII Goovolver and 1000 credits (or giving 1000 + <Goovolver’s price> credits) – works as a free special ability (consumes Gray Goo vials instead of energy); haven’t missed with it yet, does 5 lust damage per use, great as a finisher.

Lightning Duster – can be bought from Ellie on New Texas – grants 100% resistance to Electric damage, which greatly reduces damage taken from plasma pistols, should they hit you. (Damage test results: Smuggler character with Duster/Goo Armor (special inactive)/Thermal Underpants/Crystal Coated status = 14 health damage per hit; same without Duster = 26 health damage per hit).

Myr bow – can be bought from Anarrie and at the Survival Shop in Kressia on Myrellion – pretty much the only viable weapon for defeating Lash with lust damage (unless you're a Smuggler with Quickdraw). Does 5 lust damage and low physical damage. You’re going to hit Lash about 80% of the time with it but don’t be surprised if you get a long streak of misses.

[SIZE=12pt]Royal Shard Bow [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]- obtainable from the Queen of the Deep Lake after you defeat her – direct upgrade from the Myr bow, it sometimes deals 6 lust damage instead of 5 to Lash.

Suit of Gray Goo Armor – obtainable after completing Anno’s quest on Tarkus by agreeing to create new bodies for Nova crew; talk to Anno about “Nova Update” then go to Deck 13, go to the north and you should get an option to create goo – +6 armor and +25% burning damage resistance are the main reasons for picking up this armor, it also gives you a special ability to create a small goo girl which will deal 1 lust damage to Lash per turn, speeding up the fight a bit. However, using this ability will also lower your armor rating which, even with the rest of the gear, will make it possible for Lash to kill Tech Specialists in one turn (same Smuggler character, Duster /Thermal Underpants/Active Goo Armor/Crystal Coated status = 19 health damage). The choise is yours. Since the addidtion of the Myrellion dungeon you can upgrade this armor by defeating the Goo Incubator while wearing your Gray Goo Armor.

Thermal Underwear - can be purchased from Anarrie at the Survival Shop in Kressia on Myrellion - +25% burning damage resistance, pretty straightforward (same Smuggler character, Duster/NO Thermal Underpants/inactive Goo Armor/Crystal Coated status = 24 health damage).

Vial of Gray Microbots – can be purchased from Anno or acquired from Gray Goo Girls if your intelligence is high enough or if your character is a Tech specialist - works as ammo for the Goozooka, can also be used once per fight to restore 40 hp, it’s good to have a full stack of them, more of them are probably a waste of space unless you’re going to try to use Goozooka instead of normal Myr bow attacks.

Zil Honey - can be collected, with consent (or not), from female zil in the jungles of Mhen'ga – restores 35 energy per use and can be used as much as you want, you can use these if you happen to have some but Gold Myr Nectar is better.

[SIZE=12pt]Thermos of Gold Myr nectar [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]– can be bought from from Asennia in Gildenmere, Myrellion – better version of Zil Honey, it restores 55 points of energy per use and can be used as many times as you want in combat, you’ll want to have a stack of it in case the fight is too long.

Crystal Shard[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] - can be bought from Seifyn at the Trading Post in the Deep Caverns, Myrellion – Can be used before the fight to increase your armor by 4 by giving you “Crystal Coated” status for 20 hours. This effect cannot be stacked.

Tanis’ Bow – can be acquired from Tanis on Mhen'ga when you train with him enough times – easily the best weapon for dealing with Doctor Lash the hard way. My Smuggler deals 35 shield damage or 17 health damage per normal hit, however these values increase greatly when you have Aimed Shot and Concussive Arrows perks (43/31 with Aimed shot x1; 54/41 with Aimed shot x1 while using Concussive Arrow; That was before the Aimed Shot buff).

Royal Nectar status – gained from Queen Irellia in Gildenmere, Myrellion by using “Treat” option, available after completing her quest – increases your max energy to 140, makes Mercenary’s Second Wind regenerate 70 points of energy, instead of 50. At level 8 this status gives you 173 max energy total.

[Things that don’t help] (too much)

Means of regenerating shields or shields in general – The plasma shots are so powerful against shields that they go down very fast no matter what, so don’t waste turns or energy trying to regenerate them. Still, if you want to take a bit less health damage from the first shot, get a Reaper Armaments Mk I shield from the Myrellion dungeon by defeating the Nyrean princess or by killing Queen Taivra.

Piercing weaponry – You might think that with Doctor’s 25 armor it might be a good idea to use these, however the Hammer Holdout Pistol, which possesses the “piercing” damage tag, does laughable 3 health damage per normal hit when used by my Smuggler (17 with Aimed shot x1; pre-buff).

Vanae Milk Squirt – I’ve tried a lot but I couldn’t get one hit with it.

[Untested stuff]

Transparent Zipsuit (could be better than inactive Goo Armor, nice resistances), Mimbranes, I also have no idea if Royal Nectar improves Smuggler’s Burst of Energy since I use the Smuggled Stimulant. SecureMP on Merc with Rapid Fire for a normal victory strat.

[Tactics and perk selection]

The only things Lash does during combat is try to obliterate you with his pistols and say “goodbye”. Following sections contain tips for all classes that will help minimize the risk of him doing at least one of these things (when I’m done writing them).

[Lust Victory]

There's one tactic that every class can utilize. There’s not much to it, you need the Myr bow/Royal Shard Bow, Concussive Arrows perk, about a stack of Zil Honey/Gold Myr Nectar, some Gray Goo and as much defense and resistances as you can get.
Before fighting Lash, get Royal Nectar status from Irellia and use a Crystal Shard.
Start the fight with Concussive Arrow, if it stuns, you can activate Goo Armor’s special ability and fire normal arrows or Goozooka. The stun effect of concussive arrows lasts for 2-4 turns including the one used for firing them. When Lash recovers, just stun him again and fire away.
Repeat until victory. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When your Energy is down to 60-70 and Lash is stunned and still in good state, use Zil Honey or Energy regenerating abilities, if you have them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]That was the case before the nerfs to the Concussive Shot, now it has a smaller chance of stunning vs Lash and only stuns for 1-2 turns which means that even if you do stun him, you may have to fire a Concussive Shot again if you don’t want to get hit. On the plus side, you can pick the Second Shot perk at level 8 and get a chance to hit him twice with a normal attack in a single turn. It’s still possible to beat Lash using this method but it has become even more luck and energy dependant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][Mercenaries] can use Take Cover instead of Concussive Arrows, so they don’t have to rely on their accuracy with the bow, it is the easiest way to beat Lash right now. You could use both abilities so that at least one of their effects is in play all the time. That would be the safest method, however, it’s very energy-consuming, so you’d need to have more Zil Honey stacks. Using Rapid Fire on stunned Lash may be a viable option but I have not tested its accuracy yet as my Mercenary doesn’t have it. Headbutt has a high chance of connecting, but low chance of stunning. Riposte doesn’t work with ranged weapons and grants less evasion chance than Take Cover. Concentrate Fire doesn’t seem to work with with lust damage from the Myr bow (but it’s a way better perk than Cleave IMO). Finally, Second Wind is a great special to use when both your Health and Energy is low.

[Smuggler]’s Stealth Field Generator isn’t nearly as good as Take Cover in this fight because it only lasts 2 turns (3 since ver.0.5.54; now a viable option), a much better way to stop Lash’s attacks is to use Disarming Shot, a perk of the same level. If successful, it completely disarms Lash for 4 turns, again, including the turn it’s used. The only advantage the Concussive Arrow has over this is that it applies the lust damage from Myr bow, while Disarming shot doesn’t (No longer viable since Lash has become immune to disarms). Quickdraw enables you to change weapons without spending a turn, which means you could use Concussive Arrow to stun Lash, switch to the Goovolver if you find it to be more accurate (I didn’t test its accuracy) and switch back to the bow to stun Lash again. Both level 7 perks are good for regenerating your energy. Aimed Shot does not provide a bonus to Lust damage from the Myr bow. Gas grenades are not tested out yet. Shoot First perk does not work when Concussive Arrow is used on the first turn but you should use CA first anyway.

[Tech Specialist] is the hardest class to fight Lash with, I think. Even the best shield will go down in one or two hits, depending on your level two perk and Tech’s low max HP value makes it possible for Doctor to kill him/her in one turn if you activate the Goo Armor’s ability.(No longer the case in ver.0.5.55 and later - level cap was increased to 8 and Tech's can now survive more than 6 hits in that scenario) Another big disadvantage for Techs is that their Weapon Hack ability doesn’t work with plasma pistols for whatever reason (that was a bug, but Lash was given immunity to disarm anyway). They do have a little bit more accuracy thanks to their level 7 perk, though. Paralyzing Shock can paralyze Lash for a few turns, but it’s success rate against Lash is very low.

[Normal Victory]

For now, the only class I’ve managed to get a normal victory with is Smuggler. I might try to find ways for other classes later.


The strategy involves stunlocking Doctor Lash with Concussive Arrows from Tanis' bow and using normal arrow shots while he's stunned. Both of these attacks' damage is boosted by Aimed Shot perk. The damage will be further improved if you also blind Lash with your starter ability - Pocket Sand, however, the chance of it working against him is very low and it's very hard to keep both statuses up, so I wouldn't bother. The effectiveness of Flashbangs (which can be bought from Anno if she is fired from Steele Tech) or Grenades is untested at this moment. Tips about defense and the rest of Smuggler's perks also apply here.

[Final tips]

Make sure that Lash is stunned or you’re taking cover as a Mercenary before attacking, unless you’re certain that you can take him out this turn.
The 1 Lust damage per turn from Goo Armor’s special ability is applied AFTER Doctor Lash’s actions.
Keep in mind that, at least in current version of TiTS, even if you are as prepared as you can be, it can take a lot of tries to defeat Lash, so stay strong and don’t give up! [/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Made this account just to contribute to this post, just in case people want to be rich tycoons early.

Anyways, as far as I can tell, Tech Specialist is unable to defeat Lash right now, due to a lack of an evasion skill like the Smuggler or the Mercenary has, which is crucial in surviving long enough to defeat him and how Lash just straight up rips through shields (Like 50 damage per hit). 

But that's another topic, my method of beating Doctor Lash.

Like you mentioned in your post:

Lightning Duster, Gold Myr Nectar, Crystalized Goo Armor, Thermal Underwear, Royal Nectar Status, and a Crystal Shard makes this fight much much easier.

Unlike you, Bow Usage wasn't on the agenda, because my Mercenary had absolutely no aim (Little point in having a mix of both tbh, you just wind up with mediocre damage all around and the melee/ranged skills don't mesh well anyway).

And also: Usage of the Vial of Fungal Extract for healing is fine here, because Lash doesn't deal any Lust damage, so depending on your max lust you can get quite a bit of millage off of multiple Fungal Extracts, since they heal 50 health (but give 20 lust, but that doesn't matter, Lash doesn't deal Lust damage so the only way this could backfire is if you use enough Fungal Extract to immobilize your character).

So I was stuck Meleeing him. It would go fine, until I broke through his shield and starting hitting his health. Lash dodged my attacks quite a lot and on his bare health, they dealt very little damage (Like 20 damage max with the Survival Axe). Lash would get in a few lucky hits while I'm trying to restore my energy for more Take Cover Usage and I would be unable to win. It is possible to beat him with Fungal Extract, Take Cover, and Regular Attacking, but you have to get lucky. I found a much more reliable way of beating Lash.

This involves usage of the Mercenary Skill: Detonation Charge. This skill deals damage based on intelligence, but maxing intelligence is simple, just talk to Syri about books.

Lash has little to no resistance to Detonation Charger, as they were dealing the standard 60-70 damage to him with max Intellect, bypassing his ridiculous Defense. With Fungal Extract, Gold Myr Nectar, and the "Take Cover" skill, you actually have to get unlucky to lose to Lash.

Boom, a planet... 8ish boss (Just going by his level and stats here) defeated by planet 4.
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Aug 26, 2015
Unlike you, Bow Usage wasn't on the agenda, because my Mercenary had absolutely no aim (Little point in having a mix of both tbh, you just wind up with mediocre damage all around and the melee/ranged skills don't mesh well anyway).

You can max both pretty easily, the only stat with no trainer is Willpower.  The Ten Ton Gym for Physique, and I prefer Tanis for Aim but the gym has that too if you want.

Still always better to put all your skills into one or the other, mind you, but you deal fine enough damage at baseline for random encounters.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
You can max both pretty easily, the only stat with no trainer is Willpower.  The Ten Ton Gym for Physique, and I prefer Tanis for Aim but the gym has that too if you want.

Still always better to put all your skills into one or the other, mind you, but you deal fine enough damage at baseline for random encounters.

Is there a trainer for reflexes?

And I've been toying with the idea of a Mercenary that uses the Trench Shotgun and Rapid Fire, because Power Strike is kind of crappy after you get to level 8 and start double attacking (And Power Striking doesn't trigger it for some reason).

Because I'd imagine enemies with high evasion to Melee will be more prominent later on, but if Lust is still as insanely strong now as it will be then, there wouldn't be much of a reason to do that.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Is there a way to make flash grenade more accurate? Right now I am using thermal undie, lightning duster, crystallized goo armor, queen's bow. I use stealthfield, then flashbang, if successful I activate goo armor and take 1 round of shot, otherwise I reactivate stealthfield and flashbang... this is by far the safest way to engage but flashbang misses 3/5 time, even with energy boost from queen plus all the nectars I just can't sustain the attacks. 

Edit: NVM I found a better way to do it, rather than trying to land flash grenade, I just stealthfield and shoot or stealthfield and use nectar, since aimed shot doesn't affect lust damage it was really dumb of me trying to land flash in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Is there a way to make flash grenade more accurate? Right now I am using thermal undie, lightning duster, crystallized goo armor, queen's bow. I use stealthfield, then flashbang, if successful I activate goo armor and take 1 round of shot, otherwise I reactivate stealthfield and flashbang... this is by far the safest way to engage but flashbang misses 3/5 time, even with energy boost from queen plus all the nectars I just can't sustain the attacks. 

Edit: NVM I found a better way to do it, rather than trying to land flash grenade, I just stealthfield and shoot or stealthfield and use nectar, since aimed shot doesn't affect lust damage it was really dumb of me trying to land flash in the first place.

Yeah, Flash Grenades will never be reliable on Doctor Lash.

So there are clear ways to beat Lash with the Smuggler and Mercenary classes, but as it is right now, the Tech Specialist cannot. Tbh, the Tech Specialist feels kind of underpowered compared to the other two classes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Techs got gimped atm due to lack stronger I mean up to planet-wise energy weapons (having skills from lvl-ups a s we got now also not helping much). Last ones we got for both type of fight is 1st planet end reward weapon and mid planet 2 weapon find. Not much fitting to fight when we can atm "clear" 3 planets. But Fen making some energy weapons seller for ant planet so that should make them fighting doc easier...I hope so at least.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
I am hoping techs later will get exo-suits or mechs only they can use. Because the flavor is right and they needed the buff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh TiTS version of T-X hue hue. Well exo-suit covered with grey goo....that got some pretty interesintg combo to make. But bets are hight that by time any class will get hands on any exo-suit/mech Dr. Lash will be just normal tier fight.

Argh why of all classes techs got hardest fight with him (well that and fact their mostly all about having biggest shields which here not helping much).
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Sep 3, 2015
I surprised myself last night by beating Lash twice, The first time i had to use the armor crystal to survive and 1 myr honey and grey bot, The second time i got extremely lucky and only took 1 hit (or maybe none at all i maybe remembering wrong) because i kept getting stun locks off (I'm a Techie and use the first skill and the double shot perk with Myr bow)...
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Ohh TiTS version of T-X hue hue. Well exo-suit covered with grey goo....that got some pretty interesintg combo to make. But bets are hight that by time any class will get hands on any exo-suit/mech Dr. Lash will be just normal tier fight.

Argh why of all classes techs got hardest fight with him (well that and fact their mostly all about having biggest shields which here not helping much).

I can see it now... If you decide to help or exploit the grey goos, steele tech will come up with some interesting applications. If you are techie, you can help Anno finalizing the suit. Other two classes will get a goo armor upgrade, but tech can turn goo armor into full exo-armor or even mech.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I can see it now... If you decide to help or exploit the grey goos, steele tech will come up with some interesting applications. If you are techie, you can help Anno finalizing the suit. Other two classes will get a goo armor upgrade, but tech can turn goo armor into full exo-armor or even mech.

Well tbh I not looked at it that way. I said aloud my thought since well remembered talk (maybe even on old forum still) about power siuts and when we can see them ingame. There was meantioned there first ones could be some partial armors not yet full body suits. Then I saw recently 3rd movie of Terminator series and well recalled T-X. I mean instead liquid metal in TiTS we got grey goo that could be used for same thing. So maybe not per se as choice at start but maybe possible as another step to not make our grey goo armor companion useless later on (unless Fen and Co already decided that later on with all new armors she will become replaced).

Still using gre goo to fill missing parts on some crude power suit prototype sounds like good way to have those really really basic power suits ingame (still think it won;t be thing before I think finding probe on Myrellion thus been around 7-8th lvl).


New Member
Nov 7, 2015
[SIZE=12pt]Lightning Duster – can be bought from Ellie on New Texas – grants 100% resistance to Electric damage, which greatly reduces damage taken from plasma pistols, should they hit you. (Damage test results: Smuggler character with Duster/Goo Armor (special inactive)/Thermal Underpants/Crystal Coated status = 14 health damage per hit; same without Duster = 26 health damage per hit).[/SIZE]

Lightning Duster's Electric resistance was reduced to 60%.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Just beat Dr. Lash 4 times in a row using a few of the tips in this thread, though it wasn't until I switched something very important out: My weapon. As a tech I could barely hurt the bastard with the Salamander Rifle, and even teasing did barely 5 to him a turn, however when I finally remembered I had the slut ray (which you get from Dr. Badger right next to Dr. Lash) I used that beauty to obliterate him. If you have the second shot perk, it doubles your shots with the slut ray, and the ray had a consistent 4-5 damage a shot meaning 9-10 lust a round. Combine that with paralyzing shock and the energy regen from myr honey, meant I could push him to 100 lust in 20-30 rounds or so.

Though I haven't tried this method with the new nerfs to the fire and lightning accessories, which might affect this strategy since as a tech Lash could kill me in 1 or 2 shots without fire protection. But still, the 4 million I got from beating him 4 times will last me till the end of the game so I don't really mind that much.
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Once the duster nerf hits, you'll probably want the Steele Tech suit from Anno. With the undies, duster, and the suit, you'll get good thermal resistance, plus some electric resistance on top. The extra shielding won't do much, and there's no def, but you still shouldn't be taking that much damage.

Slut Ray is just a weaker version of Goovolver. There's no reason to ever use it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Once the duster nerf hits, you'll probably want the Steele Tech suit from Anno. With the undies, duster, and the suit, you'll get good thermal resistance, plus some electric resistance on top. The extra shielding won't do much, and there's no def, but you still shouldn't be taking that much damage.

Slut Ray is just a weaker version of Goovolver. There's no reason to ever use it.

Goovolver can only shoot once, with the double shot perk slut ray is better against Dr. Lash.

I could only hit 4-5 lust with goovolver, but with slut ray I hit a solid 9-10 on him a turn. In most cases the slut ray isn't better, but against such a heavily lust resistant enemy as Lash it pays to use the slut ray if you're a tech specialist.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Goovolver can only shoot once, with the double shot perk slut ray is better against Dr. Lash.

I could only hit 4-5 lust with goovolver, but with slut ray I hit a solid 9-10 on him a turn. In most cases the slut ray isn't better, but against such a heavily lust resistant enemy as Lash it pays to use the slut ray if you're a tech specialist.

Are you confusing Goovolver with Goozooka? Because Goovolver totally works with Second Shot (and all other multiple attack perks like Volley or Rapid Fire).

Also, Goovolver and Slut Ray deal the same type of Lust damage. Neither deals any other type of damage. Goovolver has better base damage than Slut Ray. How are you doing more damage with the Slut Ray?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you have the second shot perk, it doubles your shots with the slut ray, and the ray had a consistent 4-5 damage a shot meaning 9-10 lust a round. Combine that with paralyzing shock and the energy regen from myr honey, meant I could push him to 100 lust in 20-30 rounds or so.

Well two things to remeber here. First that second shoot is with decresed accuracy so it not may be always 2 shots (for my testing it was even more funny of hitting once or missing both shoots on him never both connecting). Second is that paralizing shock got if I remeber low chance to proc on him and I not sure if Dr. Lash is immune to been stunned now anyway. So both things mean that you had much luck to beat him without bigger troubles.

Unless you using public build with not yet nerfed duster thus you could have used so armor with more defence than 0 for suit that Anno sell and which is need if we want PC have 100 or more % burning resistance. For nerfed dusters I can see that in compare to previous 1 point of dmg of his each attack now with changing armor to not been killed super fast with fire dmg my PC taking 4-5 dmg. But that difference of 7 pts of defence value that causing it on top of having even additionaly some more electric resistance than before. Oh well fight with good ol doctor get again hard for Techs while mercs and smugglers kinda not lost too much here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Are you confusing Goovolver with Goozooka? Because Goovolver totally works with Second Shot (and all other multiple attack perks like Volley or Rapid Fire).

Also, Goovolver and Slut Ray deal the same type of Lust damage. Neither deals any other type of damage. Goovolver has better base damage than Slut Ray. How are you doing more damage with the Slut Ray?

Huh, you're right I did mix up the goovolver with the goozooka, I blame the goo name! Well then that makes things slightly easier to beat him then, with goovolver does about 1-2 more lust damage a hit from what I just checked in a fight with Lash.

Also I didn't say anything about different damage, the numbers I was listing was for lust damage for both weapons.

Well two things to remeber here. First that second shoot is with decresed accuracy so it not may be always 2 shots (for my testing it was even more funny of hitting once or missing both shoots on him never both connecting). Second is that paralizing shock got if I remeber low chance to proc on him and I not sure if Dr. Lash is immune to been stunned now anyway. So both things mean that you had much luck to beat him without bigger troubles.

Unless you using public build with not yet nerfed duster thus you could have used so armor with more defence than 0 for suit that Anno sell and which is need if we want PC have 100 or more % burning resistance. For nerfed dusters I can see that in compare to previous 1 point of dmg of his each attack now with changing armor to not been killed super fast with fire dmg my PC taking 4-5 dmg. But that difference of 7 pts of defence value that causing it on top of having even additionaly some more electric resistance than before. Oh well fight with good ol doctor get again hard for Techs while mercs and smugglers kinda not lost too much here.

I was using the public build, it probably helps that all my stats are maxed out (except aim which is at 38). Lash does tend to dodge paralizing shock, usually twice in a row, but it's a 50-75% chance to hit if you have max intelligence. Also I found it rare that I'd ever miss my second shot against him, Lash is tanky but not good at dodging actual shots.

As for my armor, I was using the upgraded gray goo armor, which gave me -25% fire resistance, with the longcoat and thermal undies meant I only had 75% fire resistance. Haven't tried with the suit anno sells yet, so don't know how effective it is.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Also I didn't say anything about different damage, the numbers I was listing was for lust damage for both weapons.

I meant that different damage type couldn't have caused the weaker weapon to deal more damage, since they both have the same type. (If the Slut Ray dealt Psionic damage like JimT wrote it, it would end Lash pretty hard, since he only has resistance against Tease.)

I was using the public build, it probably helps that all my stats are maxed out (except aim which is at 38). Lash does tend to dodge paralizing shock, usually twice in a row, but it's a 50-75% chance to hit if you have max intelligence. Also I found it rare that I'd ever miss my second shot against him, Lash is tanky but not good at dodging actual shots.

Dr. Lash is actually pretty good at dodging shots, thanks to his 60 Reflexes. When combined with the fixed extra miss rate from Second Shot (46%), I find the claim that you'd rarely miss to be a dubious one. The chance to stun you cite seems to be in the ballpark, though; stunning is an opposed check resisted with Physique, and the good doctor only has 35 in said stat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was using the public build, it probably helps that all my stats are maxed out (except aim which is at 38). Lash does tend to dodge paralizing shock, usually twice in a row, but it's a 50-75% chance to hit if you have max intelligence. Also I found it rare that I'd ever miss my second shot against him, Lash is tanky but not good at dodging actual shots. As for my armor, I was using the upgraded gray goo armor, which gave me -25% fire resistance, with the longcoat and thermal undies meant I only had 75% fire resistance. Haven't tried with the suit anno sells yet, so don't know how effective it is.

Yeah so i t does explain much. Well if you want as tech get 1 point of dmg from any Dr. attack be it those guns or burning dot he can apply sometimes better replace Goo Armor with Chitin armor that you can buy on myrellion. Also buy on of those shards from Nyrea village merchant and use on yourself. With that all even if you wouldn't using slut ray but gooweapon he will deal laughable amount of dmg on you.

And I suppose Fen only due to this nerfer salamander duster since it was like for real even techs could trim down doc dmg to 1 pt so it would be 6 pts per turn or 7 if we count 1 pt from burning dot. That aside other stuff really broken to enemy that IS after all lvl 15 deal like 6-7 pts of dmg with shotting 6 times and sometimes even applying debuffs on...lvl 8 max PC ^^


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Now if only we had something to invest the million credits we get from him.... I mean I got 4 million just for the hell of it, but I don't have anything to use it on yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Actually, all plasma and laser weapons deal most of their damage with burn. So when we eventually start to see more enemies with those, even +60 resistance would be quite useful.

wouldnt it make more sence to nerf it after more enemies that use burning damage are added? Right now it feels like this nerf is specifically intended to cripple tech specialists ability to fight lash at all.


Aug 27, 2015
Right now it feels like this nerf is specifically intended to cripple tech specialists ability to fight lash at all.

Wow, I think you're onto something Columbo!