Dong Designer + NPC = Fun? ...& Mitch


Oct 24, 2023
EDIT: moving this to the desired content sticky thread, sorry for the wrong placement. Mods feel free to delete this.

After reading the idea forum instructions it seems better to float an idea here instead.

There are NPCs who consent to you giving them mods, and there are also NPCs on your crew. But in some cases, might it be fun to explore different dicks with an NPC?

Mitch's story is what gave me the idea for this. I like Mitch's character the most out of the whole game so far, I'd like it if he were recruitable as ships counselor. As part of Mitch's storyline, a dong-designer expansion feels like a fun quest. Even more, it's an opportunity to compare and contrast all of the different dick styles with sex scenes. This would be a LOT of writing, and maybe non-trivial implementation... So it would either need to be commissioned by a backer or written myself.

Of course there are other NPCs that it could be fun with. Syri and Kase both come to mind.

All that said, does anyone else like the idea?
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