Do you always get ntred in seeds of chaos?


Aug 10, 2016
So it says you can turn Nice Time for Roo seens on or off if i turn them off will my wife cheat on me anyway but i just wont see it. or will she actually be faithful?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So it says you can turn Nice Time for Roo seens on or off if i turn them off will my wife cheat on me anyway but i just wont see it. or will she actually be faithful?
Turning that off will force you to make choices that prevent the Nice Time for Roo from happening. If you keep the option on, options that lead to the Nice Time for Roo scenes will be available. The option doesn't affect the game's story, just locks off some sections of the game so you don't stumble into Nice Time for Roo by accident.


Aug 10, 2016
Thats great then im totally gonna play then! And since it looks so good if i really like it ill totally support on patreon!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Can't truly get why people fear so much that a game has things like Nice Time for Roo... even less when you can avoid it.

I personally find much more interesting those games where your actions have consequences, ironically most people have less problems with people dying rather than Nice Time for Roo.

And i have to say that if in a game your character has sex with a lot of people but you expect your wife to be faithful, then that's pure hypocrisy. At least you should fight to be faithful too...
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
You guys have no idea how much hassle I get over this despite the fact: A> If you disable it, it never occurs and B> in order for a proper Nice Time for Roo plotline to happen, you'll have to increase Alexia's corruption to a high level, which will require the player to make a lot of informed choices to go down that path. I get that some people really do not like it, but the amount of anger I've encountered due to the mere existence of something a person never has to experience is rather irrational.

Anyway, I guess the question has been answered, so lock it up?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
You guys have no idea how much hassle I get over this despite the fact: A> If you disable it, it never occurs and B> in order for a proper Nice Time for Roo plotline to happen, you'll have to increase Alexia's corruption to a high level, which will require the player to make a lot of informed choices to go down that path. I get that some people really do not like it, but the amount of anger I've encountered due to the mere existence of something a person never has to experience is rather irrational.

Anyway, I guess the question has been answered, so lock it up?

Sorry to hear that, i hope that those haters calm down a bit about it. I personally do not like Nice Time for Roo but i have enjoyed some games with it and one of the h games that i would like to play translated is oyako rankan.

Personally i quite like you as a developer and when I'm able i will be one of your patrons :), however the only bad thing for me about your game is exactly how "consensual" is everything, but I understand that if it's not an option for the player then a lot of people wouldn't shut up about what they hate XD.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sorry to hear that, i hope that those haters calm down a bit about it. I personally do not like Nice Time for Roo but i have enjoyed some games with it and one of the h games that i would like to play translated is oyako rankan.

Personally i quite like you as a developer and when I'm able i will be one of your patrons :), however the only bad thing for me about your game is exactly how "consensual" is everything, but I understand that if it's not an option for the player then a lot of people wouldn't shut up about what they hate XD.
Even games where nothing is 'consensual' should still ask for the player's consent at the start of the game, explaining that if you play this you're going to get fucked up in all kinds of ways without the ability to stop it. It's one of those things you really have to commit the entire game to and you wouldn't want people who don't like surprises playing the game.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Even games where nothing is 'consensual' should still ask for the player's consent at the start of the game, explaining that if you play this you're going to get fucked up in all kinds of ways without the ability to stop it. It's one of those things you really have to commit the entire game to and you wouldn't want people who don't like surprises playing the game.

Like the usual warning thing that a lot of games have at the start right?.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like the usual warning thing that a lot of games have at the start right?.
If they're done properly. It's a very common mistake for a newcomer to not include that basic info or just make a general blanket statement without the important details.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm having a dunce moment. What does Nice Time for Roo in this case stand for?


Aug 27, 2015
I'm having a dunce moment. What does Nice Time for Roo in this case stand for?

Netorare. I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN content.

I avoid including it in any of my own work, for pretty much the reason Arioch posted above - regardless of how carefully and sensitively you implement it, the concept inspires such violent emotion you're guaranteed to get people tearing the hair out about it. Now more than ever, since the alt-right got ahold of the concept.


New Member
Mar 25, 2017
I find the whole Nice Time for Roo fear in Seeds to be ridiculous on so many levels. As if the protagonist's wife is your actual real life wife. Um, no. They are just fictional characters and none of them are true avatars of the player. The Alexia Nice Time for Roo scenes are the hottest ones so far so I'm looking forward to more. At least until the protagonist becomes more assertive anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I find the whole Nice Time for Roo fear in Seeds to be ridiculous on so many levels. As if the protagonist's wife is your actual real life wife. Um, no. They are just fictional characters and none of them are true avatars of the player. The Alexia Nice Time for Roo scenes are the hottest ones so far so I'm looking forward to more. At least until the protagonist becomes more assertive anyway.

We're basically dealing with in-grained jealousy here. The majority of those who play these games like to be the only "alpha male" around with the rights to fuck whoever they want (specially if said character has any sort of relationship with the protagonist), its also why no one ever complains about inverted Nice Time for Roo - when its the MC cheating on their partners or robbing other people's gfs and wives (hello incest games). Hell, if Seeds ever allows us to play through Alexia (which was sort of planned) then its going to get quite interesting around here... makes me wonder if people are going to change their tune then.
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Aug 29, 2016
We're basically dealing with in-grained jealousy here. The majority of those who play these games like to be the only "alpha male" around with the rights to fuck whoever they want (specially if said character has any sort of relationship with the protagonist), its also why no one ever complains about inverted Nice Time for Roo - when its the MC cheating on their partners or robbing other people's gfs and wives (hello incest games). Hell, if Seeds ever allows us to play through Alexia (which was sort of planned) then its going to get quite interesting around here... makes me wonder if people are going to change their tune then.

IMO it's not only the jealousy aspect that rub people the wrong way, it's the powerlessness aspect of it. Granted my analysis is based on the few scene I stumbled upon.

For example I feel like MC could let Alexia get with red guy if he wasn't such an asshat with MC (from what I remember) and friendly with him.

I'm agreing with you on the Alpha Male part though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Personally I will never get why so many people have to hate so much netorare, even in games that you can evade it easily.

It's a shame that most people are quite narrow minded about just going to what they like, in fact for me the game would have been more interesting if I had to deal with things that I dislike, at least until I had enough power to free myself from those who forced them upon my character.

Something like "you steal my wife? I will steal her back", "you fuck my ass? I will take your head when I can"... I have to say that I gain quite a bit of satisfaction when I can take revenge in those situations.
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Jan 21, 2016
Hello there, just wanted to say my opinion on this.
For my part, i like to immerse myself in the character, and in the case of hentai, the story is already done so you can't do anything about it ! The first time (and the only time) i read Nice Time for Roo, it was really hard because you as the reader know everything, and i felt so sad and angry i nearly cryed. . .
I'm really thankfull that such a promissing game as Seed let's us the choice.
Also, their is Nice Time for Roo, real hard where the male " " " " mc " " " " get's shitted on for no fucking reason, who think his love is pure and the girl happens to be the same at the start, and somehow turns into a nympho who enjoys hurting the " " " "mc" " " " by sending him pics of her having sex with tens of guys . . .
And Nice Time for Roo, as in Seed, where from what i saw, the Mc is aware of (kinda) almost agree with it (Maybe not later, i don't know) (won't talk about the nympho part here). Which almost makes me want to play with Nice Time for Roo ON for this game :)
See you later or never !

*Also, this game let's you chose and you can react differently so yeah, huge advantage when you want to take revenge for exemple :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I play with Nice Time for Roo on, but I also tend to make choices that don't really lend themselves well to Nice Time for Roo, or at least the sort of Nice Time for Roo I dislike. So far, my MC has allowed Alexia to do what she thinks she has to, and was entirely honest with her about his own actions, with the end result that Alexia seems to be getting closer to him, rather than being pulled away. Plus choosing those decisions shoots the double-standard problem right in the head. Both partners know exactly what the other is up to, and, if not approving, are at least understanding. But perhaps I just haven't gone far enough to see the real consequences of my actions.

I kind of wonder, on the other hand, if this is a case of semantic confusion, as it so often is. I tend to think of Nice Time for Roo as Arachnid described it, where there appears to be some sort of sadism involved. That sort makes me angry and frustrated, and I avoid it whenever I can. However, someone else may describe Nice Time for Roo as any form of cheating. That broad a spectrum can have many variations, including some that I don't mind at all, or even enjoy. But since it's described as 'Nice Time for Roo', I avoid it, and miss out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thank you all for sharing your opinions. It's useful information and will help us going forwards with the game to hear everything you guys have to say on the subject when it's well thought out and presented like this.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Cog is more than likely completely correct with the assessment of semantic confusion. Nice Time for Roo is like cuckoldry with a sadistic twist. Netori is being that sadist to someone else. Cuckoldry itself is literally any instance in where the wife/girlfriend is cheating on her significant other, whether they are aware or not. What commonly gets plainly labelled cuckoldry is when a man is a Wittol, which is a man who is aware and tolerant of his wife's infidelity; an acquiescent cuckold.

When 4chan and other places on the internet rage about cuckoldry they are referring to Nice Time for Roo, and when they are insulting someone by referring to them as a I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN the implication is they are a Wittol. They used it in this manner before the "alt-right" and the submissive, "beta" male has always been looked down upon and ridiculed for sharing their spouse. Ironically, the majority of Wittols get off on that, it's a variant of a humiliation and degradation fetish. Many times it borders homoeroticism. It's often accompanied by low self-esteem and depression, but not always.

Hopefully this can clarify things further. I'm not a fan of it personally. I find the fetish vile and disgusting, but to each their own.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Personally i tend to stuff myself into the MC role, even emotionally, tp the point where forced cheating (even if its my own character) does bother me. I like to reserve the choice to be like nope. I'm not a fan of rape either, as a matter of fact i'll actually put aside games with forced rape scenes unless the games story is to good to pass up. Yup im a control freak, its why i play CYOS and VNs, because they give your "choices". From my understanding you give us the choice to allow her to cheat or not , so i dont see the problem.

That said i hope i understand the fetish in question properly (i did a google search as i had no idea what that meant.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Personally i tend to stuff myself into the MC role, even emotionally, tp the point where forced cheating (even if its my own character) does bother me. I like to reserve the choice to be like nope. I'm not a fan of rape either, as a matter of fact i'll actually put aside games with forced rape scenes unless the games story is to good to pass up. Yup im a control freak, its why i play CYOS and VNs, because they give your "choices". From my understanding you give us the choice to allow her to cheat or not , so i dont see the problem.

That said i hope i understand the fetish in question properly (i did a google search as i had no idea what that meant.....

Let's see... when people talk about netorare they usually refer to when you playing as a male character, your girlfriend cheates on you.

There are many talks about the difference between cheating and netorare, the most effective one is to relate it to the pov, meaning it's cheating from the girlfriend perspective but netorare for the male one.

There are people that feel excitation on those feeling that the male has in that situation, I would relate it in a good part to a voyeur fetish but with a darker feeling.

Now, there are many people that hate netorare but, are okay with cheating, this is mostly exactly because of what you said you are, a control freak. Usually this type of people prefer games in which the characters just follow what they say and they don't have any will. Personally I'm the opposite, I like to have little to no control (this doesn't mean that I can't act based on what they do, but that I don't have direct choices on it)

There are other type of people that hate netorare but because of a wrong relation, meaning that when they see netorare they think about "a beta male that has everything he loves stolen from him", this is mostly the most hated part and which makes people hate it so much, however it's quite a tiny part of the fetish.

And finally to end this, I would like to give an example of a game that I like the Nice Time for Roo and other that I find it horrible:

-Oyako rankan is my example of good Nice Time for Roo, you can always stay with you favourite girl and nothing will happen to her, however if you try to have more than one then you are risking that if you don't do it perfect they can be raped. This is an example of what I mean as "act without choices".

-Thug hero party is my example of horrible Nice Time for Roo, the MC is a beta male and every girl that has feelings for him are stolen away in the worst manner, this is a game that for me generated hate.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I have to admit for me the big issue with Nice Time for Roo is that I tend to identify with the characters I like in the game and so on, so to see them made helpless and put through Nice Time for Roo bugs me a lot... But I have supported seeds of chaos since before the Nice Time for Roo was included and I have to say how it has been handled. The choice is made at the start of the game and then those parts that include it are cut off at no lose of story or lore which for me is huge. It basically turns the Nice Time for Roo content a reward for those that enjoy it, in that by choosing to unlock it they are getting to see more of the game than those that choose not to, which to me is an entirely valid and positive manner to handle it.

Im sorry @Lord Arioch that you are having to deal with the hate and lashing out of having that content in the game.