[disc] Increasing minimum lust should have at least some advantage


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Prior to the removal of minimum lust requirements for sex scenes, increased minimum lusts advantage was free access to these scenes. It was a sacrifice you were willing to make a weaker Steele for easier smut access. You chose to make your Steele weaker for access to those scenes.

Now having increased minimum lust (especially if it comes from a source without an increase in maximum lust) is all risk and no reward. Heck, it makes you want to avoid events like "The face fucker massacre", and items like savacite panties and piercings because it is basically all risk and no reward.

This could be resolved by adding in a reward for having your minimum lust increased, without a bonus to maximum lust. So that there is actually a reward for doing so.

My proposal is the following increase the tease cap by the loss in lust capacity (max lust - min lust) so that if you have a lust capacity of only 80 you have a tease cap of 120%. This would turn Steele into a glass teasing cannon since they would still need a libido of 120 to use this to its fullest effect.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I'd just remove minimum lust as a mechanic, personally.

Alternatively, have it come with some kind of lust-damage-reduction that ~roughly equals the difference.
Fair point I just feel like we need to have this discussion since having items/events that are a net demerit isn't fun. If the savacite panties are given a higher sexiness rating In exchange for keeping their minimum lust demerit I would be fine with it. Heck giving the savacite piercings a boost in sexiness per x minimum lust gained is also fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Can we also consider Extra Ardor? Ice Cold got a buff, making it even more optimal, while Extra Ardor is currently only useful as a self-imposed challenge.
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Well-Known Member
Can we also consider Extra Ardor? Ice Cold got a buff, making it even more optimal, while Extra Ardor is currently only useful as a self-imposed challenge.
All right. Extra Ardor doubles lust gain over time, which (because of the Libido*3 + 100 factor) is the same as doubling Libido (ignoring Max Libido), then adding 50. Ice Cold halves lust gain over time, which is effectively halving Libido and subtracting 16+2/3rds. Perhaps Extra Ardor could increase the rate at which Steele's Tease Skill improves with Libido, or provide a flat bonus, without affecting the Tease Skill cap? It would synergise well with SBJ's suggestion of increasing the Tease Skill cap by loss in lust capacity; the boost from Extra Ardor could be enough to fill up to the extra cap without needing an increase to max Libido.

Also worth mentioning: there are sources of max lust that don't come with a source of min lust (15 from a large dose of IQ-B-Gone, +40 from the Bull or Faux-Cow Treatment; other Treatment variants give a net lust capacity increase of 20 (Amazon) or 7 (Cow and Cum-Cow)). How should we handle increasing min lust without max lust, then increasing max lust without min lust? Should there even be a difference between increasing the two together or separately? I can't see an easy answer to these...


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Also worth mentioning: there are sources of max lust that don't come with a source of min lust (15 from a large dose of IQ-B-Gone, +40 from the Bull or Faux-Cow Treatment; other Treatment variants give a net lust capacity increase of 20 (Amazon) or 7 (Cow and Cum-Cow)).
Faux-Cow also gives Easy. Bull is the only one without a downside*, but it's also the one with the fewest bonuses.
Amazonian Needs from the VR Adventure doesn't stack with Treated Readiness, so it's a net +20 Maximum Lust if Steele is a Treated Cow.
*Aside from Brute Speech, potentially. Interestingly, Doll Maker can be used to remove Ditz Speech from most sources, but I know of no way to remove Brute Speech.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Min lust requirements were removed from post combat sex scenes, there can still be minimum lust for non combat sex scenes if the writer wishes.


Well-Known Member
Min lust requirements were removed from post combat sex scenes, there can still be minimum lust for non combat sex scenes if the writer wishes.
Thing is, they were also removed for all non-combat sex scenes except for the first time with Bianca. That's literally one sex scene per playthrough that has a lust requirement, and it's in wilderness areas so it's easy to meet that requirement without having a minimum lust (just get into a fight and fantasise until you get enough lust); in fact, meeting minimum lust requirements in general is pretty easy (wilderness areas: as stated before; civilised areas: watch porn on your ship). As such, having a minimum lust at all doesn't really confer any bonus whatsoever.

On the other hand of this whole discussion, there are quite a few other perks that are entirely detrimental, and not all of them come from sources that also come with desirable or beneficial effects. Maybe minimum lust could be lumped in with those?
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