Description text on buttons throughout the game is almost never accessible to "Screen Reader" users.


Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Current version: 0.5.16 (this has been happening potentially for ever)
So a screenshot won't help you guys here as you won't see anything different, and their are obviously no errors in the console as this is normal behavior, but for the couple dozen of us who play with Screen Readers it is still a pretty big deal I've found.
Essentially, in almost all cases (I don't know why descriptions for some buttons work and others don't but it is consistent) we can only see the element name. I.E Yes/No. We don't see any of the often important or complementary details given by the choice description. In some areas, this can be a serious problem, because we lack vital information that a single word can't give us. Many times I've had to reload a save because my character ended up doing something completely opposite of what I wanted do to an extremely vague button title..
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to fix this on the technical side, but given that some of the buttons already show it by accident, I'm guessing it just means moving the description from a separate tag to the title it's self. Sorry, I'm not that good with HTML yet. I don't think it would be hard, and you could probably even write a script to automate it if one doesn't already exist in some editor.
For a long time I didn't even realize what I was missing, but the wiki sometimes lists these descriptions alongside the choice names, and they really add allot to the experience. I know we don't make up many of your players, but I hope you'll still fix this if it's possible, and I would be more than happy to help test it for you. Thanks!