Deployed Turret vs NPCs


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Attacks that don't properly account for a Deployed Turret:
Nuka Psyker said:
The nuka tech-scavenger fires off a line of concentrated aphrodisiac gel. You’re splashed by the slime!

Your deployed turret doesn’t seem at all interested in Nuka Techno-Psyker’s teasing.
Hyrax Bike Raider said:
Your deployed turret tries to back away, only to realize too late that the flamethrowers are only a distraction. Blinding light flashes out from the bike as the flames stop, searing your deployed turret’s eyes and blinding it!
Turret is more mobile than I thought.
He twirls the small metal object around his finger before charging straight at your deployed turret. As he swoops by, he swipes at you, slapping the metal device around its neck. Your deployed turret grabs at it only to be met by a painful electric shock!

The collar around your deployed turret’s neck continues to shock it!
Shalin Shaman said:
Hawk eyes locked on you, the bird-taur lifts her crossbow to her shoulder and fires, the dead thunk of its mechanism merging with her ululating battle screech into one dreadful sound. The bolt slams into you with the force of a meteor. Once again you feel the searing pain of the poison she dips her arrows in. (S: −74)
The shalin’s singing grows louder and more distant as she cuts and sweeps over you, wings extended, raising the dust of the battlefield into a gritty cloud. As she does so, loose feathers from her under-coverage rain down around you. Incredibly sharp and resilient things, nothing so much as a sudden shower of knives pelt your body. Inevitably the dust gets into your eyes and you are blinded.
The attack directly impacts your deployed turret!
Gritting her teeth against the pain, the shalin spreads her wings wide and charges at you.

The wing slams into you, far harder than any delicate limb of flight has a right to be. You are sent skidding backwards, but thankfully are able to stay upright. The attack directly impacts your deployed turret!
Gabilani Chemist said:
The chemist’s metal tail lashes out at you like a whip!
Gabilani Cyborg said:
Pointing the twin barrels of her rifle in your general direction, she unloads a concentrated blast of energy at you. It hits you squarely on your chest!
“Take a deep breath now,” she taunts you as she slings a grenade in your direction. Before you can react, you’re surrounded by a thick green cloud!
Zaika Hydra said:
The Hydra’s fogged glasses slip down the brim of her nose just far enough for you to get a look at the unfocused pink eyes underneath. Wincing with the acute agony of her unsated lust, she leaps at you in a violent hug.
The four foot tail wriggles with a mind of its own, whipping about in search of the nearest warm hole. Unfortunately, that means you!
Twin jets of radiant spunk lance out of the hydra’s throbbing members and catch you dead center. Heated jizz splatters all over your chameleon armor and your black fur, drenching you in the sticky, glowing slime. Despite the release, the girl still quivers with pent up desire and you can’t help but fantasize what it would be like to see her go all out.
Leyak said:
The leyak whips its tentacles through the air, flashing angry magenta hues as they speed toward you.

You yelp in pain as a fiery sting burns into your flesh, jarringly followed by a worrying surge of numbness. You are poisoned!
The leyak’s kiss catches you full on the mouth, and before you can stop it, it’s slipped its tongues between your lips and filled your mouth with curiously-sweet saliva
The tentacle slaps against your flesh, leaving a smear of quick-drying slime. Your breath catches in your throat as you feel your body flush with arousal.
Milk Thief said:
A cloud of plum-pink mist channels down the barrel and hisses in your direction; the diffusive discharge swirls in your vicinity - there’s no dodging it!
“Just let me milk you. It’ll be so much fun!” the milk thief openly leers at you, distracting from you from the fact that her tail slithers right between your lupine legs, flossing through your crotch in the most delightful way.
A glimmering, 3-inch blade emerges from the tip of her finger, and she swipes it at you!
“Can’t hit what you can’t see!” The glowing strips on the milk thief’s body flicker, flashing into a supernova of searing light! You are blind!
Zaika Techie said:
Though small, the Dhaal native moves with the speed of a battle android. She feints in and delivers her punch right to your deployed turret’s solar plexus.
Zaika Grenadier said:
The heat and fumes wash over your deployed turret, practically burning the oxygen right out of its lungs.
Sizing you up, the ganger grenadier pulls out a spherical device that glows with a faint pulse.

...Tongues of brilliant blue lick up and down your frame, fizzling out any electronics they touch.
But she hit herself.
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Apr 27, 2016
Meant to fix these for turret as well, I think you covered.
Your deployed turret is still reeling from the force of the blows to which it’s been subjected!
Your deployed turret finally shakes away the cobwebs, its feet planted firmly on the floor once again.
You might get this before I can J, still working.
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