Demon Brothel/Slaves Game?


Oct 1, 2017
Hey guys.

I used to play a game and I'm trying to remember the name of it.
Basically you were a demon in charge of a brothel-like place. You mission was to gather resources until the end of the period to pay for your stay.
In this game, you would visit men at night and recruit them by seducing them enough so that they would come with you and be your slaves. As you progressed, you could improve your abilities and your slaves so that they could defend the brothel from demon attacks and produce more resources.

Does this ring a bell to anyone? I've been trying to find this game for a while :(

Im bad at game

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
The game it self is pretty interesting.
I am trying it and seeing that it got alot of potential of becoming a good game.