"Cuntboy" option


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Does this option in the character creator change anything? I know it gives you the appearance of a cuntboy, but does it change any character sex reference or anything like that? I remember trying to play as a cuntboy in CoC and I got annoyed when everyone treated the character as a girl, hope it will (or is) different in FoE. Maybe a "preffered gender" option same like in TiTS?

On a side note (albeit still on topic): Same goes to Terry. You can have him as a cuntboy (female, flat chest, "he" pronoun), but still the description says "Tough he's really a female, you preffer to call Terry "him" instead" - Or something along those lines. Is it intentional? 

I've noticed that, hmm, cuntboy characters seem to be on the rise in the furry fandom, so I think it would be nice to think about this.
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Aug 27, 2015
Yes it's intentional. Though I do like cuntboys too, we have a problem: How do you differentiate a flat-chested female from a cuntboy? There's no way to do that in Terry's case. His personality is the same anyway, so even if you made him a female, he still acts like a guy for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Well, when it comes to the PC, setting the preffered gender wouldn't be a bad idea.

When it comes to Terry - He could always start a short discussion about his gender when turned into a girl with no breasts, with the player having the option to tell him wether Terry is a female or a cuntboy. Wouldn't be that far fetched considering he already has a way to choose his "official" gender.

I think this is kinda' important in such games because, well, everything is defined by text only. One can behave in whanever manner he chooses to, but if the game identifies someone as a girl or as a guy then it kinda' sticks. I could pretend all I want when I tried to play as a cuntboy in CoC, but when everyone treated the character as a girl, then there was no way to go around that other than admitting you're just faking it.
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Aug 27, 2015
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't intend to do that for Terry. It's not something I consider important for the character at all. If you must have a cuntboy follower your best bet is to try another character.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Nah, never said I *must* have one. And I keep Terry as a male almost all the time.

It's not really about my personal prefference all that much - I simply think such games need variation. Especialy in the furry community - Considering how open about "other" genders and sexual prefferences it is, the focus of CoC/TiTS et cetera is surprisingly narrow (m/f, tons of dickgirls). I'm really grateful that FoE seems to be way better in this regard, but there is always room for improvement. 

And I don't want to impose anything on Terry, I love him as he is now (He's really one of my favourite characters). This thread is about the PC being a cuntboy and wether the game can support it. I only mentioned Terry because it kinda' scratched the topic and I was curious about it. I'm totaly fine with the way he is now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't intend to do that for Terry. It's not something I consider important for the character at all. If you must have a cuntboy follower your best bet is to try another character.

I'm confused. I can already change Terry's pronoun in the game, so technically wouldn't that be a cuntboy? Through an androgynous one at that?
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Aug 27, 2015
Oh, okay then. I'm glad you like him.

In regards to the PC I think it's just a case of considering Femininity when doing gender checks, but once someone sees what you have between your legs it's kind of hard to consider your character a "cuntboy" and not simply a girl. It's something that happens naturally for someone not used to the term, heck some cuntboys look more like girls than actual boys.

As for variety, yes the writers kinda decide the tendencies. I try to balance things with a little M/M, but I like girls too.

@Lashcharge: Farlun was talking about how Terry's appearance recognizes him as a woman if you gave him a cooch, despite having his pronoun set to male. So yes, that kinda is a cuntboy, but that line breaks that "dream".


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In regards to the PC I think it's just a case of considering Femininity when doing gender checks, but once someone sees what you have between your legs it's kind of hard to consider your character a "cuntboy" and not simply a girl. It's something that happens naturally for someone not used to the term, heck some cuntboys look more like girls than actual boys.

Wouldn't the same logic apply to dickgirls?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Other bodily proportions of dickgirls tend to be much more blatant than cuntboys, if you get what I mean.

Well, is it really *that* complex?

I mean, I always thought it goes as follows:

"He" pronoun, male genitalia, masculine features -> Male | "She" pronoun, male genitalia, masculine features -> Shemale aka dickgirl (of the "tomboy" variety)

"He" pronoun, male genitalia, feminine features -> Male ("Trap" / "Femme boy" ) | "She" pronoun, male genitalia, feminine features -> Shemale aka dickgirl

"He" pronoun, female genitalia, masculine features -> Cuntboy | "She" pronoun, female genitalia, masculine features -> Female (again "tomboy")

"He" pronoun, female genitalia, feminine features -> Cuntboy (of the 'femme boy" variety) | "She" pronoun, female genitalia, feminine features -> Female

"He" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, masculine features -> Maleherm | "She" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, masculine features -> Herm (tomboyish)

"He" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, feminine features -> Maleherm ("femme boy" variety) | "She" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, feminine features -> Herm


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"He" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, masculine features -> Maleherm | "She" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, masculine features -> Herm (tomboyish)

"He" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, feminine features -> Maleherm ("femme boy" variety) | "She" pronoun, both female and male genitalia, feminine features -> Herm

Lemme stop you right there with those last two. Is it really that necessary to tack on 'male-' for masculine? If so, then why don't you do it for feminine? A herm is a herm, no matter what secondary and tertiary traits exist. If you're going to needlessly separate then go whole-hog.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Well, the only difference here is linguistic and cultural - Both of those are simply "herms", but still some herms are refferenced to as "him", some as "her". If you look around the furry fandom, "maleherms" are almost always tagged seperately than "herms" (female herms) due to masculine features and being reffered to as "he". 

Sure I might have used the term "femherm" (this one is also in use), but usualy "female" herms are reffered to simply as "herms", while "male" herms are reffered to as "maleherms". I know the difference is disputable but I didn't make that up. If you don't believe me then just go to FurAffinity or e621, search for "herm" and "maleherm" and see what comes up.
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Nov 3, 2015
Wouldn't the easiest way to tell the difference between cuntboys and flat girls be to check tone?

I mean if a character has manly pecs I can't really say they are a flat girl. Flat girls don't have manly pecs. Their breasts are just so small that they look flat.

 There's also the possibility of a transformation item that could make you/label you as a cuntboy.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
I think this could be done by either a transformative item, or just simply by an additional scene when changing sex with a certain level of masculinity/feminity. Say, if you are masculine, but you grow a vagina, the game could simply ask how do you feel about your gender identity. Same could be done for sex-changeable NPCs. I think that would be better than instantly changing the pronoun the moment someone grows a penis/vagina.
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