In the vein of Gedan's wonderful "How not to make Gedan hate you when you submit a content document," guide for writers, I'm taking it upon myself to help further demystify the process of making an almost absolutely 100% code-ready submission for TiTs. Part of why I'm doing this is to not only help myself better understand the process, but to also make it easier for others to get the sometimes tedious parts of creature building out of the way so they can focus on the actual writing necessary to make these things.
To do this, however, I'ma need help with understanding the following:
Code Questions
1) this.meleeWeapon = (what does this do, specifically?)
2) this.rangedWeapon.attack = #; (i assume this means they get that number of ranged attacks with their basic attack)
3) this.rangedWeapon.longName = "dart"; (what does this do, specifically?)
4) this.rangedWeapon.attackVerb = "dart"; (--specifically?)
5) this.rangedWeapon.attackNoun = "dart"; (--specifically?)
6) this.rangedWeapon.hasRandomProperties = true; (specifically?)
7) HPMod = (Gedan describes it as "a flat addition to the HP total of a character, as calculated based on level, class and physique," but what's the actual equation for it?)
8) HPRaw = HPMax() (where does the number for the max HP (without the addition of HPMod factored in) a monster enters the battle with come from?)
9) this.skinFlags = new Array(); (what does and the newArray() thing do?)
10) this.elasticity = #; (this needs to be clarified: yeah, it starts at 1, but how elastic does 2 make you, or 10? (Like just a general 2 = a slink, 10 is an amorphous blob of goo would help)
11) this.pregnancyMultiplierRaw = 1 (--specifically? Does a 2 mean you're always gonna get pregnant with 2 kids, or...?)
12) breastRatingRaw = #; (what numbers correspond to what bra-sizes? 0 is obviously flat, so is 1 an A-Cup, 2 a B-Cup, and so on and so forth?)
13) milkMultiplier = # (--specifically?)
14) milkRate = # (--specifically?)
15) milkFullness = # (--specifically?)
16) wetnessRaw = # (--specifically? and what numbers correspond to what kind of wetness?)
17) this.createStatusEffect("") (--specifically?)
18) (Deprecated; see sub heading) resistances = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] // (this is me just not knowing code, I feel; why the 1s and what happens if we put 0 or 2 or any other number there? And what type of resistance is each number representing?)
19) this.refractoryRate = #; // this.minutesSinceCum = #; this.timesCum = #; (what do these do in terms of combat encounters? Are they arbitrary?)
20) sexualPreferences (this one isn't explained in Gedan's document at all. And what ARE all of the sexual preferences an enemy can have?)
21) this.createPerk (does this give player-specific perks to enemies?)
22) why use " this.tallness = #" as part of the creature profile, but then have "tallness = rand # (equation)" beneath it?
23) using "rangedWeapon" or "meleeWeapon" without this. before it does what, exactly?
24) using (RandomInCollection(weapon name, weapon name, weapon name))(); i'm assuming that this assigns a random, pre-existing weapon to the appropriate slot at combat start.)
25) this.meleeWeapon.hasRandomProperties;(--specifically?)
26) this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.type.damageValue = #; (how does this interact when the weapon-as-an-item used by the enemy has a different "baseDamage.type.damageValue = #" associated to it?
(for example: the Nyrea Praetorians have "this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.kinetic.damageValue = 5," as part of their .as file, but the Nyrea Spear item file has "this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.type.damageValue = 10".)
27) lipMod = # (--specifically? and what numbers correspond to what size of lips?)
28) tailVenom = # (Gedan says: "Tail venom is a 0-100 slider used for tail attacks. Recharges per hour." but what does that mean, exactly? Does each tail-based attack use Y amount of the Venom stat, or...?)
29) tailRecharge = # (on the flip-side, should this be an arbitrary number for combat encounters, or is the number here how much Venom an enemy recharges per turn?)
30) I don't understand why code for some cocks appears like (A - Nyrea) versus (B - Zil). which do we use?
this.cocks = [];
this.cocks.push(new CockClass());
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cType = GLOBAL.TYPE_NYREA;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cLengthRaw = 13;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cThicknessRatioRaw = 1.66;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).addFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_KNOTTED);
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).virgin = false;
this.cocks = new Array();
this.cocks[0].cLengthRaw = 6;
this.cocks[0].cThicknessRatioRaw = 1.75;
this.cocks[0].cockColor = "black";
this.cocks[0].cType = GLOBAL.TYPE_BEE;
Misc Questions
1) When are the GLOBAL.TYPE flags/code used and when aren't they?
2) How are Easy, Moderate, and Difficult Stat checks handled, equation-wise?
3) When can code be left out of an entry? (For example: the Nyrea Praetorians have (this.scaleColor = "green") as part of their entries, but I don't see the color green referenced at all anywhere else?)
4) Can there be more than one kind of customDodge? Like, one for melee and one for ranged attacks? Same question for customBlock. (I haven't gotten a definitive answer for this yet.)
5) What are general stat distributions per level? Or, if that's too large a question: what should the maximum and minimum limit be for any given stat at level 5 and 10? (This includes health and innate shields)
6) Is it possible to create our own Damage Flags, or are the ones that currently existing in-game all we'll have to work with until the Devs decide to make new ones?
My plans for this, after getting all the information and drafting done, would be to create several templates authors could use as the base for designing different kinds of encounters. I know/have heard the general feeling among forumites is that people don't read the documents offered by the Devs to help in the submission process, and this is in no way my attempt at "trying to do better," than they have thus far; but at least for me knowing the answer to the questions above this post would make my writing process much, much simpler.
Later on, I'll ask questions in regards to Item Creation and Parser Tags--specifically stuff not covered by the pre-existing document, or I haven't found covered elsewhere--but I think this is enough for now.
(I'm also hesitating to @ the Devs to this thread right now since I'm so new, but if enough time passes and other forumites can't answer what I'm asking I'll shoot them a line as well.)
Hopefully, I'm not asking too much of stepping on any toes by doing this, hehe.
In the vein of Gedan's wonderful "How not to make Gedan hate you when you submit a content document," guide for writers, I'm taking it upon myself to help further demystify the process of making an almost absolutely 100% code-ready submission for TiTs. Part of why I'm doing this is to not only help myself better understand the process, but to also make it easier for others to get the sometimes tedious parts of creature building out of the way so they can focus on the actual writing necessary to make these things.
To do this, however, I'ma need help with understanding the following:
Code Questions
1) this.meleeWeapon = (what does this do, specifically?)
2) this.rangedWeapon.attack = #; (i assume this means they get that number of ranged attacks with their basic attack)
3) this.rangedWeapon.longName = "dart"; (what does this do, specifically?)
4) this.rangedWeapon.attackVerb = "dart"; (--specifically?)
5) this.rangedWeapon.attackNoun = "dart"; (--specifically?)
6) this.rangedWeapon.hasRandomProperties = true; (specifically?)
7) HPMod = (Gedan describes it as "a flat addition to the HP total of a character, as calculated based on level, class and physique," but what's the actual equation for it?)
8) HPRaw = HPMax() (where does the number for the max HP (without the addition of HPMod factored in) a monster enters the battle with come from?)
9) this.skinFlags = new Array(); (what does and the newArray() thing do?)
10) this.elasticity = #; (this needs to be clarified: yeah, it starts at 1, but how elastic does 2 make you, or 10? (Like just a general 2 = a slink, 10 is an amorphous blob of goo would help)
11) this.pregnancyMultiplierRaw = 1 (--specifically? Does a 2 mean you're always gonna get pregnant with 2 kids, or...?)
12) breastRatingRaw = #; (what numbers correspond to what bra-sizes? 0 is obviously flat, so is 1 an A-Cup, 2 a B-Cup, and so on and so forth?)
13) milkMultiplier = # (--specifically?)
14) milkRate = # (--specifically?)
15) milkFullness = # (--specifically?)
16) wetnessRaw = # (--specifically? and what numbers correspond to what kind of wetness?)
17) this.createStatusEffect("") (--specifically?)
18) (Deprecated; see sub heading) resistances = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] // (this is me just not knowing code, I feel; why the 1s and what happens if we put 0 or 2 or any other number there? And what type of resistance is each number representing?)
19) this.refractoryRate = #; // this.minutesSinceCum = #; this.timesCum = #; (what do these do in terms of combat encounters? Are they arbitrary?)
20) sexualPreferences (this one isn't explained in Gedan's document at all. And what ARE all of the sexual preferences an enemy can have?)
21) this.createPerk (does this give player-specific perks to enemies?)
22) why use " this.tallness = #" as part of the creature profile, but then have "tallness = rand # (equation)" beneath it?
23) using "rangedWeapon" or "meleeWeapon" without this. before it does what, exactly?
24) using (RandomInCollection(weapon name, weapon name, weapon name))(); i'm assuming that this assigns a random, pre-existing weapon to the appropriate slot at combat start.)
25) this.meleeWeapon.hasRandomProperties;(--specifically?)
26) this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.type.damageValue = #; (how does this interact when the weapon-as-an-item used by the enemy has a different "baseDamage.type.damageValue = #" associated to it?
(for example: the Nyrea Praetorians have "this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.kinetic.damageValue = 5," as part of their .as file, but the Nyrea Spear item file has "this.meleeWeapon.baseDamage.type.damageValue = 10".)
27) lipMod = # (--specifically? and what numbers correspond to what size of lips?)
28) tailVenom = # (Gedan says: "Tail venom is a 0-100 slider used for tail attacks. Recharges per hour." but what does that mean, exactly? Does each tail-based attack use Y amount of the Venom stat, or...?)
29) tailRecharge = # (on the flip-side, should this be an arbitrary number for combat encounters, or is the number here how much Venom an enemy recharges per turn?)
30) I don't understand why code for some cocks appears like (A - Nyrea) versus (B - Zil). which do we use?
this.cocks = [];
this.cocks.push(new CockClass());
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cType = GLOBAL.TYPE_NYREA;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cLengthRaw = 13;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).cThicknessRatioRaw = 1.66;
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).addFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_KNOTTED);
(this.cocks[0] as CockClass).virgin = false;
this.cocks = new Array();
this.cocks[0].cLengthRaw = 6;
this.cocks[0].cThicknessRatioRaw = 1.75;
this.cocks[0].cockColor = "black";
this.cocks[0].cType = GLOBAL.TYPE_BEE;
Misc Questions
1) When are the GLOBAL.TYPE flags/code used and when aren't they?
2) How are Easy, Moderate, and Difficult Stat checks handled, equation-wise?
3) When can code be left out of an entry? (For example: the Nyrea Praetorians have (this.scaleColor = "green") as part of their entries, but I don't see the color green referenced at all anywhere else?)
4) Can there be more than one kind of customDodge? Like, one for melee and one for ranged attacks? Same question for customBlock. (I haven't gotten a definitive answer for this yet.)
5) What are general stat distributions per level? Or, if that's too large a question: what should the maximum and minimum limit be for any given stat at level 5 and 10? (This includes health and innate shields)
6) Is it possible to create our own Damage Flags, or are the ones that currently existing in-game all we'll have to work with until the Devs decide to make new ones?
My plans for this, after getting all the information and drafting done, would be to create several templates authors could use as the base for designing different kinds of encounters. I know/have heard the general feeling among forumites is that people don't read the documents offered by the Devs to help in the submission process, and this is in no way my attempt at "trying to do better," than they have thus far; but at least for me knowing the answer to the questions above this post would make my writing process much, much simpler.
Later on, I'll ask questions in regards to Item Creation and Parser Tags--specifically stuff not covered by the pre-existing document, or I haven't found covered elsewhere--but I think this is enough for now.
(I'm also hesitating to @ the Devs to this thread right now since I'm so new, but if enough time passes and other forumites can't answer what I'm asking I'll shoot them a line as well.)
Hopefully, I'm not asking too much of stepping on any toes by doing this, hehe.
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