Crash in Korg'ii Hold

Dec 1, 2019
Just started the Korg'ii hold quest. Saved chief, went back to save the hold. Had just started wandering the hold when the game crashed with this message

 Version: 0.9.022-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2600 Message: window.tuuvaBustString is not a function Stack:
TypeError: window.tuuvaBustString is not a function
    at Array.window.encounterMiloTemptress (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:25795540)
    at T4 (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:25603921)
    at e.y.runOnEnter (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:29438968)
    at hb (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:16916738)
    at e (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:10630379)
    at e.value (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:16558937)
    at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:30022132)
    at HTMLDocument. (file:///C:/Users/solt/Documents/Downloads/ANP%20Comp/TS/TS%20Game/resources/app/main.a3895c6e.js:1:11096314)


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Yeah there's an issue where it crashes every time you run into Tuuva. You're stuck inside the hold if you saved in there (I did) until they patch it, or unless you savescum your way tediously to finishing the mission without running into Tuuva at all, which I'm not willing to do, cause I don't wanna miss out on content.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Yeah there's an issue where it crashes every time you run into Tuuva. You're stuck inside the hold if you saved in there (I did) until they patch it, or unless you savescum your way tediously to finishing the mission without running into Tuuva at all, which I'm not willing to do, cause I don't wanna miss out on content.
I think you can use the Cheat Menu to teleport out of the Hold and reset the quest. I'm not sure what happens if you reset the quest in the middle of it.