Could someone post the new scene for handing Keros the orb?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I don't feel like starting over again, especially since Den of Foxes is closer to midgame than early game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
"She did make a request of you, did she not?"

That... she did. Kiyoko asked you for a dose of your bodily energy, as she put it, said it was a way forward to freeing her. But for your own reasons, you'd rather not do the deed personally, and would prefer to pass on this duty to someone else. To that extent, you'd rather return the amulet to him and let him sort it out himself, get someone else to do the deed. He doesn't have a problem with that, does he?

"I... well..." The Trickster sighs. "After hearing of the details from Komari, I was hoping that you'd be willing; you are quite the unique woman, after all. Nevertheless, if you came all the way here, then you've had ample time to change your mind should you want to, and I can respect your reasons. Thank you, then, for returning my descendant to me."

You hand over the amulet, and Keros tucks it away in his robes. With your job done, that's the last you'll ever see of it.
"Now then, a suitable reward... I think I have just the thing."

Just as quickly as Keros made the amulet disappear, he turns his palm, and a rod-shaped device appears in his hand. The deity passes it on to you with a smile, and even at this distance you can feel the magic emanating from it.

"There've been some troubles lately, and my people came across this in the conflict. Strange artifice, indeed — Nareva would love to get her hands on it, but I think its story isn't over just yet, and it would most definitely be a done deal if it's rotting away in one of her vaults. While the rod's useless for its intended purpose, it's still quite the potent catalyst. I'd like to see what kind of future you can give it — there's the promise of a good yarn to be spun."

Received the control rod.

At least there aren't going to be any unexpected consequences to this particular trinket. Probably. Hopefully.

"Please forgive me, but you've just made me a very busy god. Once again, your efforts are appreciated, Jasmine. Do petition me again when the both of us aren't pressed for time."

After giving you a bow, the deity clambers up onto the plinth again, and just like that, the figure's stone once more, although in quite the different pose than he was in previously. You can feel the tension in the air drain as Miko and Mai share glances with each other, then at their great-great-grandmother.

"Well," she says, heaving a sigh and shaking out her golden fur, "that didn't quite go the way I'd expected it to. I'll... I'll leave you to your thoughts now; I know I need to be alone with mine. Mikoto, Miyuki, please attend to me."

The sisters dip their heads, then fall in by Komari's side as the den matron departs, leaving you alone in the shrine. A sense of closure hangs heavy in the air... but the deed's done, the exchange's made, and there's no point in second-guessing your decisions.

Shgon Dunstan

Active Member
Feb 10, 2025
Oh so the only way to see this is to not give chi to kiyoko? Yeeeaa no thanks by the time I get to the den for the first time I already have about 50 kits or so

Myself, on top of just looking the part, Kinu has such "first born" energy, I tend to prioritize rushing over there to make sure she actually is.

Still, nice change for those who are ever going to see it in the wild I guess.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Is it bad that I kind of prefer the old version?

"She did make a request of you, did she not?"

That... she did. Kiyoko asked you for a dose of your bodily energy, as she put it, said it was a way forward to freeing her.

"Just so. If you're intent on getting her out of there... please accede to her request, thank you very much."

But... why?

"To put it simply, the transference system is completely corrupt. Not just that, but as I'm sure the Lady Otomo herself has explained to you, she has no physical body to return to and several changes ensued in the transference process to my Dream that I frankly find morbidly fascinating. I could extract her, but the result would be frankly, awful. To remedy that, I'll need to fashion a fresh body for her — and in order to do that, I'll need material to work with."

And that material is... of course.

"Just so. I could do it from scratch, but given the number of unknowns already involved in the process that I'd rather not introduce more avenues of potential failure. So yes, I'm going to return the amulet to you for now. Please go in, breed with the fine Lady Otomo, give her a little while to process what you've given her and return to me after the amulet's changed. If mating with a fine foxy lady isn't quite your thing... well, a god is asking you nicely if you'd hold your nose and do the deed for someone else's sake. Please."


("All right, you'll do it. If you give your word to a deity, though, there's no walking this one back. If you say yes, you're going to have to see this through.")

All right, you'll do it. You'll give the High Lady Otomo what she needs.

With that, the Trickster steps forward, deposits the amulet and its amber orb in your palm and clears his throat. "I'll leave it to you, then. Have Komari send a message along once everything's ready. I trust you'll do the right thing, even if it might mean some personal inconvenience."
At that, the deity clambers up onto the plinth again, and just like that, the figure's stone once more, although in quite the different pose than he was in previously. You can feel the tension in the air drain as Miko and Mai share glances with each other, then at their great-great-grandmother.

"Well," she says, heaving a sigh and shaking out her golden fur, "that didn't quite go the way I'd expected it to. Still, [], if you would please entertain the notion... if you won't do it for his divine lordship, then do it for me. I'll... I'll leave you to your thoughts now; I know I need to be alone with mine. Mikoto, Miyuki, please attend to me."

The sisters dip their heads, then fall in by Komari's side as the den matron departs, leaving you alone in the shrine. The amulet and its orb feel like they weigh a good bit heavier than they did just a moment ago... or is it just your imagination?

In order to free Kiyoko, the Amulet of Transference must be upgraded to the Amulet of Union. There is but one way to do that...
(“Absolutely not, you refuse. Keros will have to find someone else to fill Kiyoko’s needs.
This option will permanently remove the amulet of union and Kiyoko from the game.”)

No, you think not.

"Come again?"

You've already done more than enough in going to all the trouble in returning Kiyoko to her people where something can be done for her. Even if a god asked you nicely and directly, even if he said please, this is not something you're going to do. You're not going to give of yourself for your own reasons, even if it means helping her; there's a reason you've been putting it off for so long, after all. No, he can find someone else for that. He's a deity with plenty of supplicants and petitioners every day, he can find some sap who isn't as squeamish about it as you are.

Keros doesn't say anything. Instead, he fingers the amulet in his hands, closes his eyes, and leans his head back. For a moment, you wonder if you've angered the deity and he's about to try something, but after several moments he opens his eyes and shakes his head.

"As they say, 'all life is precious, but no one can be forced.' Which, like most folk sayings, is largely untrue and a bunch of nonsense except in very specific circumstances. You've made your position very clear, Adventurer, and it's not worth fighting you on this point any further; it's clear that you don't deserve any kind of liaison with my descendant anyways. Go, then. You've done all you feel obligated to, and no more. I'll fix this problem myself. Komari, attend to me. We have someone to find."

Beckoning to Komari with a finger, Keros tears open the air itself with a hand like someone ripping at fabric, with much the same effect; there's the vague impression of some kind of landscape on the other side of the tear, but with the Trickster obscuring the impromptu portal it's hard to make out any details. He tucks the amulet with its amber orb into the constantly shifting colors of his clothing, then steps through; Komari appears uncertain for a second or two, then bows her head and follows along behind her god. The seam in reality closes up behind the two of them after they've passed through, leaving Miko, Mai and you alone in the shrine.

"Well, ain't that jus' grand," Miko says, planting her hands on her hips. "Bless yer heart, [], but if'n ya don't mind I think I'll be askin' ya to leave. His divine lordship's gonna be bummed f'r a bit an' when he gets bummed, he gets creative. Mai an' I, we're goin' to be performin' rites an' all to quiet down angry kami, an' we don't need no one muckin' about inside o' here. If'n ya see anyone outside, tell 'em we're done closed f'r today an' they can do their own supplications.

"Now go, get. And if'n ya know what's good f'r ya you mightn't wanna show yer face 'round th' shrine f'r a bit, lest ya run into his divine lordship again by accident."

All right, you know when you're not wanted around here. Refusing a god may have been a little hard, but you have principles to stand by. Turning tail on Miko and Mai, you step out of the shrine, and the door slams behind you with a final, resounding thud.

Well, that's that. She's in good hands now...

I liked Keros' barely-restrained, entirely justified disappointment with the champion's refusal, and the subtle impression that you were making a mistake and also quite possibly an enemy for life.

I've mentioned before how I find it interesting when the game explores ethical conflicts between what is pure and what is right, and guilting the player for choosing to be a celibate weirdo in this situation feels right up that alley.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
Well, here’s another version I never saw and frankly I would never have liked to see it. Hell if I make another PC I’ll simply never pick up the amulet to begin with. Buuut since I aways end up as a floof I couldn’t bear to see this happening. Thank you for your sacrifice


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Oh so the only way to see this is to not give chi to kiyoko? Yeeeaa no thanks by the time I get to the den for the first time I already have about 50 kits or so
Damn I barely go to 35-ish and already there. Need to up my game next run lmao


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Is it bad that I kind of prefer the old version?

"She did make a request of you, did she not?"

That... she did. Kiyoko asked you for a dose of your bodily energy, as she put it, said it was a way forward to freeing her.

"Just so. If you're intent on getting her out of there... please accede to her request, thank you very much."

But... why?

"To put it simply, the transference system is completely corrupt. Not just that, but as I'm sure the Lady Otomo herself has explained to you, she has no physical body to return to and several changes ensued in the transference process to my Dream that I frankly find morbidly fascinating. I could extract her, but the result would be frankly, awful. To remedy that, I'll need to fashion a fresh body for her — and in order to do that, I'll need material to work with."

And that material is... of course.

"Just so. I could do it from scratch, but given the number of unknowns already involved in the process that I'd rather not introduce more avenues of potential failure. So yes, I'm going to return the amulet to you for now. Please go in, breed with the fine Lady Otomo, give her a little while to process what you've given her and return to me after the amulet's changed. If mating with a fine foxy lady isn't quite your thing... well, a god is asking you nicely if you'd hold your nose and do the deed for someone else's sake. Please."


("All right, you'll do it. If you give your word to a deity, though, there's no walking this one back. If you say yes, you're going to have to see this through.")

All right, you'll do it. You'll give the High Lady Otomo what she needs.

With that, the Trickster steps forward, deposits the amulet and its amber orb in your palm and clears his throat. "I'll leave it to you, then. Have Komari send a message along once everything's ready. I trust you'll do the right thing, even if it might mean some personal inconvenience."
At that, the deity clambers up onto the plinth again, and just like that, the figure's stone once more, although in quite the different pose than he was in previously. You can feel the tension in the air drain as Miko and Mai share glances with each other, then at their great-great-grandmother.

"Well," she says, heaving a sigh and shaking out her golden fur, "that didn't quite go the way I'd expected it to. Still, [], if you would please entertain the notion... if you won't do it for his divine lordship, then do it for me. I'll... I'll leave you to your thoughts now; I know I need to be alone with mine. Mikoto, Miyuki, please attend to me."

The sisters dip their heads, then fall in by Komari's side as the den matron departs, leaving you alone in the shrine. The amulet and its orb feel like they weigh a good bit heavier than they did just a moment ago... or is it just your imagination?

In order to free Kiyoko, the Amulet of Transference must be upgraded to the Amulet of Union. There is but one way to do that...
(“Absolutely not, you refuse. Keros will have to find someone else to fill Kiyoko’s needs.
This option will permanently remove the amulet of union and Kiyoko from the game.”)

No, you think not.

"Come again?"

You've already done more than enough in going to all the trouble in returning Kiyoko to her people where something can be done for her. Even if a god asked you nicely and directly, even if he said please, this is not something you're going to do. You're not going to give of yourself for your own reasons, even if it means helping her; there's a reason you've been putting it off for so long, after all. No, he can find someone else for that. He's a deity with plenty of supplicants and petitioners every day, he can find some sap who isn't as squeamish about it as you are.

Keros doesn't say anything. Instead, he fingers the amulet in his hands, closes his eyes, and leans his head back. For a moment, you wonder if you've angered the deity and he's about to try something, but after several moments he opens his eyes and shakes his head.

"As they say, 'all life is precious, but no one can be forced.' Which, like most folk sayings, is largely untrue and a bunch of nonsense except in very specific circumstances. You've made your position very clear, Adventurer, and it's not worth fighting you on this point any further; it's clear that you don't deserve any kind of liaison with my descendant anyways. Go, then. You've done all you feel obligated to, and no more. I'll fix this problem myself. Komari, attend to me. We have someone to find."

Beckoning to Komari with a finger, Keros tears open the air itself with a hand like someone ripping at fabric, with much the same effect; there's the vague impression of some kind of landscape on the other side of the tear, but with the Trickster obscuring the impromptu portal it's hard to make out any details. He tucks the amulet with its amber orb into the constantly shifting colors of his clothing, then steps through; Komari appears uncertain for a second or two, then bows her head and follows along behind her god. The seam in reality closes up behind the two of them after they've passed through, leaving Miko, Mai and you alone in the shrine.

"Well, ain't that jus' grand," Miko says, planting her hands on her hips. "Bless yer heart, [], but if'n ya don't mind I think I'll be askin' ya to leave. His divine lordship's gonna be bummed f'r a bit an' when he gets bummed, he gets creative. Mai an' I, we're goin' to be performin' rites an' all to quiet down angry kami, an' we don't need no one muckin' about inside o' here. If'n ya see anyone outside, tell 'em we're done closed f'r today an' they can do their own supplications.

"Now go, get. And if'n ya know what's good f'r ya you mightn't wanna show yer face 'round th' shrine f'r a bit, lest ya run into his divine lordship again by accident."

All right, you know when you're not wanted around here. Refusing a god may have been a little hard, but you have principles to stand by. Turning tail on Miko and Mai, you step out of the shrine, and the door slams behind you with a final, resounding thud.

Well, that's that. She's in good hands now...

I liked Keros' barely-restrained, entirely justified disappointment with the champion's refusal, and the subtle impression that you were making a mistake and also quite possibly an enemy for life.

I've mentioned before how I find it interesting when the game explores ethical conflicts between what is pure and what is right, and guilting the player for choosing to be a celibate weirdo in this situation feels right up that alley.
Yep to ad to Falken it also seems very much like guilt tripping and some people don't like that much or smth.
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