Companions and Brienne moosings


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
As far as I'm concerned, the cow girl stands head and shoulders above the competition in the eternal struggle for best girldom. Kink-wise, she's seems almost made to order for my tastes: woman, subby, fiery, likes the rough stuff and is monogamous (with guys at least) despite not minding me fooling around (which is good, considering I'm currently playing as some sort of elven Genghis Khan). I love the sleeping with content, the camp, the events... and now that Kor'Minos is up next, I can't wait to see what else is in store for my favorite cut of beef.

And yes, I'm aware that Brint is a total bro, but if I'm playing a male char and you make me choose between the coolest bro since Speedwagon and the best girl, well...

I like the fact that your companions don't have an homogenously good relationship between them and that they can like some more than others. However, I sense some special kinship between Brienne and Azyrra. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but milking seems to be a very intimate thing for minotaur gals (as far as Brienne tells you) yet she has a "mutual relieving agreement" with Azzy shortly after she joins the posse. Also, they seem to enjoy each other quite a lot when I have them in tandem. It could be they are kindred spirits (amazonian sweet cuddly things), the fact they are written by different authors, or maybe something more...

Considering Azzy is angling for a more serious thing with Liaden, I guess she is to Brienne what Cait is for the player (bro with many benefits), but I don't know if there's something on the works regarding companion bonds that do not actively include the player and if it will have some noticeable effects further down the development cycle. I guess not, but perhaps one of you got a hint somewhere.

... and now that I think about it, I can't believe Cait didn't join the Milking Entente, considering she also thinks Brienne is her fetish buffet.