[CoCII 0.6.28] Post Triple Marriage Brihause Text Error


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
An entire and possibly a few other mass of texts that are not coded in right post marriage (I forgot if there were some during)

You walk down the pathway with Brienne, arm slung around the cowgirl's curvy hips as she happily hums. She gives you a quick kiss on the cheek while you wait for the door to be answered, swinging open to reveal [var0 |a smiling Cassia, one hand cradling her pregnant stomach. "[pc.name]," she says, leaning in for a quick kiss. "I spotted you coming down the path. And my darling daughter." "Hi mom," Brienne says, pecking her on the cheek. "How's the house?" you say, closing the door behind you as you step inside and give Cassia a proper kiss. Reaching back, you give the voluptuous cowgirl's big, curvy ass a squeeze that makes her murmur into your mouth. "Everything okay here?" "Mm. Everything's fine. Rina's out in the yard," Cassia says, smiling [pc.isHeight 75 |up at |at ] you. "She'll be thrilled you're back again. Come in, you two. Let me get you some food – I was just cooking." "Thanks, babe," you say. "Do you need any help in the kitchen?" "Honestly, no," she says, glancing at Brienne, "but I'll take my daughter off your hands anyway. She might as well learn to cook for you if you're going to be travelling together." "Okay!" Brienne says, bubbling with excitement. "That sounds fun." "Okay. I'll go say hi to your other beautiful daughter, then," you say. "It's easy to see where they got it from, at least." "Hah," Cassia says, grinning. "You are such a flirt. Go bother Rina and leave [pc.mf |the women |us ] to the cooking before I jump you in the hallway." Cassia's ears are wiggling happily as she walks into the kitchen with Brienne in tow, and you head out to the yard to find Rina. It's not like it's much of a search – she's sitting in a chair right here with the flowers, and some kind of fruit juice on the table. "Hey," you say, coming up from behind with a smile as you wrap your arms around her. "[pc.name]!" Rina gasps, looking up into your face. "I'd have come met you at the door if I'd known you were coming!" You lean down and give her a light kiss, gently stroking her fuzzy ears as she relaxes in your hands. "How're you?" "Gooood," she murmurs. "Just being quiet and relaxing with the babies. I've been walking to keep fit." You smile. "That's good. Don't give up on athletics just because you've got kids now. Well, as long as you stay away from highjump." She giggles. "I don't think I'd even make it off the ground right now." You take a chair at the table and chat to Rina until Brienne and Cassia bring the food around, insistent you stay seated while they serve it. You make up for it by doing the dishes instead, letting your pregnant wives relax in the yard[brienne.pregStage 1 | | with Brienne ]. There's nothing in particular to do after that – just spending time with them. |Rina, already beaming with happiness. "Hi [pc.name]! I saw you coming down the path!" she says, throwing her arms around you and hugging you to her rounded tummy. You [pc.isHeight 66 |lean down |lean in ] and hug her back, planting a kiss between her horns when she turns her face up. "Welcome back." "Hey, Rina," you say, rubbing the cowgirl's back. "Good to see you again." "Hi Rina!" Brienne says, leaning over your shoulder and smiling down at her in your arms. "You're looking good." "Hi sis!" Rina says, stretching her arms up to pull Brienne's head down and kiss her on the cheek. "Mom's out in the garden doing some exercises. Want something to eat, you two?" "I'll go say hi to Cassia," you say, extricating yourself from the cuddling and giving both cowgirls' ears a gentle squeeze and rub. "You girls go feed yourselves." The chatty sisters head into the kitchen while you walk outside to find Cassia huffing as she stretches herself out on a mat in the yard. You stop for a moment just to get an eyeful of the extremely curvy, fertile cowgirl before you keep walking and greet her. "Hey, babe," you say. "Oh! You're back," Cassia says, letting her pose go and smiling back at you. Her cheeks are flushed, and she's a little sweaty. She looks full of life. "Hi, [pc.name]... mm." You take her chin in your hand and kiss her, the pregnant woman's pretty eyes fluttering closed as you cup one of her enormous breasts. Several seconds of progressively heavier kissing go by before you pull back an inch, [pc.hasCock |your dick already beginning to harden between your legs |your pussy already starting to get wet ]. "If the girls weren't about to walk out here with food, I'd fuck you on the spot," you say to her. "There's no reason we can't go upstairs after we eat, darling," she murmurs. "I'll take care of you." Right on cue, Rina pops her head out of the door. "Do you guys want your food?" "Coming, dear!" Cassia calls, smiling at you. "Help me up, would you? I'm not quite as agile as I was before you knocked me up." "Still every bit as beautiful, though," you say, helping her to her hooves. She giggles, trying to keep herself from grinning outright. "I am going to blow your mind [bhaus.isEvening|tonight|later]." You join the girls for a meal during which Cassia keeps shooting you sly smiles, your expectant [pc.hasCock |dick throbbing |pussy dripping ] in your underwear. Your mind is elsewhere as you wash the dishes. There's nothing to do right now but spend some time with your wives. |your smiling wives. "Hey girls," you say, grinning as they throw their arms around you. Brienne makes it three, hugging you from behind. "Welcome back, darling," Cassia says. "Hi [pc.name]!" Rina chirps. "We saw you coming down the pathway. Hi sis!" "Hi Rina," Brienne says, smiling down at her. "Hey mom." Cassia gives Brienne a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek before taking you by the hand and leading you into the living room while Rina hugs her sister. "I was just making some food," Cassia says. "Take a seat, will you? I'll bring it out to you." "You don't want help?" you say. "Thank you, but I'll be teaching my daughters how to cook properly instead," she says, putting her hands on her hips as she looks at Brienne and Rina. "I don't want to hear any stories of our [pc.mf |husband |wife ] going hungry out there adventuring." "As if I'd let [pc.himHer]," Brienne says, winking at you as she passes by. "Besides... I've got plenty of milk to give." You [pc.mascFem |chuckle |giggle ] as you hear Cassia sigh from the kitchen. The girls finish cooking up and join you in the yard for a meal after which you wash the dishes, letting your pregnant wives relax in the yard[brienne.pregStage 1 | | with Brienne ]. There's nothing in particular to do after that – just spending time with them. ]