CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Woot. Yeah go ahead and finish up the TF's you've already commited to.

Since my brain for a moment is fried and I need go sleep anyway I would show I not only try toss new TF ideas to my log.

Just remember it's still WIP transformation...feel like part about hair may need more work on wording or smth *soo sleepy* aside that I been too tired to finish final body part TF (DAT CUTE EYES that can petrify ya all muahahahahaha). Ohh and not sure if good thing but snake hair can be used to attack similar to anemone one hair (should it be kept or dropped, anyone opinions on that?)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Since my brain for a moment is fried and I need go sleep anyway I would show I not only try toss new TF ideas to my log.

Just remember it's still WIP transformation...feel like part about hair may need more work on wording or smth *soo sleepy* aside that I been too tired to finish final body part TF (DAT CUTE EYES that can petrify ya all muahahahahaha). Ohh and not sure if good thing but snake hair can be used to attack similar to anemone one hair (should it be kept or dropped, anyone opinions on that?)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

That just SS I took while testing still incomplete Gorgon Oil like 2 maybe 3 hours ago counting from moment of posting this post. Some parts of this tf could change still but it's generaly closer to be considered complete than not even started.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
That just SS I took while testing still incomplete Gorgon Oil like 2 maybe 3 hours ago counting from moment of posting this post. Some parts of this tf could change still but it's generaly closer to be considered complete than not even started.

Still, woot!

BTW, are you and Kitteh going to merge mods together?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I doubt they're gonna fully merge, the intended scope of this overhaul seems to go far beyond what Kitteh is aiming for but them sharing mutually fitting/ relevant code seems like it might be a thing. (Stuff like the pull request for firemander whiskey into Kitteh's mod.) There's room for both mods to coexist in harmony and share content.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I doubt they're gonna fully merge, the intended scope of this overhaul seems to go far beyond what Kitteh is aiming for but them sharing mutually fitting/ relevant code seems like it might be a thing. (Stuff like the pull request for firemander whiskey into Kitteh's mod.) There's room for both mods to coexist in harmony and share content.

Mmmn, I suppose... I just wish the two would work together is all... regardless, I like the idea of being a One Punch Man xD
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Aug 28, 2015
The thing is that the aim of this mod is sort of to stop being CoC and to instead become a world like of this Wuxia novel. Which is a very nice novel and a neat setting. But I'd hate if it came at the cost of the original CoC setting and lore being completly abandoned. Kitteh's mod isn't exactly completely lore friendly to the CoC cannon but it maintains a much closer connection. So while i'm eager to see how Ormael fleshes this out I'm glad that it looks like Kitteh is gonna continue doing his own separate thing.

@Ormael Will there be any Meng Hao cameos?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
The thing is that the aim of this mod is sort of to stop being CoC and to instead become a world like of this Wuxia novel. Which is a very nice novel and a neat setting. But I'd hate if it came at the cost of the original CoC setting and lore being completly abandoned. Kitteh's mod isn't exactly completely lore friendly to the CoC cannon but it maintains a much closer connection. So while i'm eager to see how Ormael fleshes this out I'm glad that it looks like Kitteh is gonna continue doing his own separate thing.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well i did propose Gorgon tf to kitteh several time weither he didnt notice or not is likely due to the fact his topic is totaly flooded half the time so even when i propose cool mechanics such as the perk natural jouster or the gorgon naga he miss it 1/2 of the time btway Kitteh Ormael also got a fully done manticore tf so you may ask for the code"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
BTW, are you and Kitteh going to merge mods together?

As long we both find time to talk about it. So far in last...three months only thing we talked actualy be it on forum/in PM's or on one of our mods trello board was thing about Salamander Firewater. So it's not me that is against even talking it's just Kitteh is too busy to talk with me and I not pushy person and keep pesking him on all possible contact channels.

Mmmn, I suppose... I just wish the two would work together is all... regardless, I like the idea of being a One Punch Man xD

Hue hue wait till I actualy get around to get tougher enemies into mod be it new more badass demon spawns or orient-styled ones (well ok wuxia-related enemies). Savin already know about one of new demonic enemy I got and he even said he finds this idea interesting (totaly I not feel pressure to not make you unhappy Savin *hides in corner*).

The thing is that the aim of this mod is sort of to stop being CoC and to instead become a world like of this Wuxia novel. Which is a very nice novel and a neat setting. But I'd hate if it came at the cost of the original CoC setting and lore being completly abandoned. Kitteh's mod isn't exactly completely lore friendly to the CoC cannon but it maintains a much closer connection. So while i'm eager to see how Ormael fleshes this out I'm glad that it looks like Kitteh is gonna continue doing his own separate thing.

@Ormael Will there be any Meng Hao cameos?

AIm it's not to make it stop been CoC and became another Wuxia novel setting. But as Jiffler pointed out above he like been One Punch Man and....wuxia novel MC are usualy such guys (funny thing wuxia novels have none or little female main characters - at least in those one novels I read all MC are males more or less manly but still). In some points of COC canon I would and already few times asked people of vanilla CoC dev team jsut to keep all in theme.

I wish mod to me one where you got CoC stuff and Wuxia-stuff coexist without one eclipsing other one.

Proofs (I suppose they count as this) that I not wanna make it less CoC and more Wuxia: all new TF items, races I made accessable for people like manticores, scorpion tails (later will make full proper scorpion TF), expanding demonic roaster of enemies to fight (like say any of you since when we could meet ingame outside dungeons fightable succubus, incubus, omnibus?)

As for Meng Hao I actualy had idea of cameo of Lord Sixth and his concubine Lady Nine ^^ Not thought about making cameo of someone that would fans recognize as CoC version of Meng Hao -_-'

Well i did propose Gorgon tf to kitteh several time weither he didnt notice or not is likely due to the fact his topic is totaly flooded half the time so even when i propose cool mechanics such as the perk natural jouster or the gorgon naga he miss it 1/2 of the time btway Kitteh Ormael also got a fully done manticore tf so you may ask for the code"

Yeah you actualy giving me so many cool ideas that that helping quite much expanding CoCverse.

@Kitteh6660 after few minor irl stuff I would get to make that PR.

And later I gonna go back to work on Gorgon TF. Knowing me I gonna around end of the day drop some update on work progress.

PS. Pheww that ended as really long post ^^
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I just wonder, have you considered something like angel TF? since there already are demon TF (Incubus/Succubus)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I been thinking about angel TF but lil problem with it is that most TF are of species we meet ingame. As for angel it could be the hardest one to meet since ITS goddamit bacon demon realm (well unless we call this angel descending to demon realm for some sort of crusaide/mission/etc.). And won't be still gender dependent aka 2 Tf for each gender (for demons it had some reason behind but for angels I not think it would be justified). Only thing I wanted this TF have is chance for multiple pairs of wings, well tbh I do added option for double pair of bat wings to both demon TF already but with angel let go deeper and make them with more than 2 pairs of wings if RNG would love PC.

But all that when I clear a lil more of my TF plate (ohh my poor list of stuff I want to do all at once always extending, never shrinking ;_;) like gorgon/centaur Tf and then will look for another TF to be added/created. It may even been angel TF if I would be in mood and have inspiration for creating it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah I been thinking about angel TF but lil problem with it is that most TF are of species we meet ingame.

The real problem with angel TF that angel TF is basically feathered wings and nothing more. So it would be something like Dove Balm from TiTS.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
And one more things is, since with all this TF, can you add some more spicing it up. Like TFs that have wings can have special fly to avoiding attack, and transform which have claws can scratch and fangs can bite, things like that. Make each transform more unique.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The angel TF thing though sort of confirms the fact that this mod while fun, is not at all lore friendly. It's ceasing to be the CoC setting and instead something new and diffrent. It's just as pornographic and has TFs I like, but it's not really gonna be CoC anymore. 

Angel TF was one of the few TFs Fen was vehemently against as being incompatible with his envisioned canon of the CoC. Kitteh's mod isn't 100% lore friendly either but it does hew closer. That's why I think these mods are best left as seperate entities that occupy individual niches. But they definitely should share resources like porting over certain TFs.

Angel TF might be interesting in this mod if it's more than just a pair of wings. It should probably somehow involve a halo and other divine trappings. But if it does get added I belive that this TF in particular should not be ported back to Kitteh's mod for lore reasons. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Angel TF was one of the few TFs Fen was vehemently against as being incompatible with his envisioned canon of the CoC.

Would you mind to enlighten me as for reasons angel TF is canon breaking? I not yet said I will for sure make it, just meantioned I pondering over possible making it. I'm open up to listen eitehr why it's good or bad idea to make such TF ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Would you mind to enlighten me as for reasons angel TF is canon breaking? I not yet said I will for sure make it, just meantioned I pondering over possible making it. I'm open up to listen eitehr why it's good or bad idea to make such TF ^^

Angels are from abrahamic mythology. And angel is not a stray mortal who can accidentally get through portal and get stuck in other world. So you'll have to give a reason for alien element to be there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
 Speaking of idea how about adding a scylla/octopus with a constrict ability similar to naga and a grapple to. The ability to spit ink to reduce speed and blind foe would be cool.

could also make her a new encounter at the lake/boat
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Aug 28, 2015
Well it's likely that the same force that keeps the Demons from getting out of Mareth prevents Angels from getting in. 

From what I recall that Fen has said on the matter before,  was that the game is meant to be about demonic taint and corruption. Angels are the antithesis of that/ are too pure to fit into the setting. And every time he was asked to add them he reiterated that he never intended to. 

Mareth is a realm that has been so thoroughly tainted that it's quite likely that if an angel somehow did make it in its doubtful they'd survive/ remain an angel for very long. If the ambient corruption doesn't kill them it would likely at least cause them to fall/ bevome something that's no longer an angel. 

The world is so far gone that its creator deity Marae is on the brink of falling/ does fall during the course of gameplay. A minor divine power on the scale of a single angel would be snuffed out like a candle that's been droped into a lake of sewage. 

The champion may potentially turn things around but oddly enough that may be because they are mortal. The demons of the CoC setting all started as mortals themselves. Lethice was once a human mage. But yeah CoC is a setting where humans have torn down divinity and reshaped the world to further thier dark ambitions,  becoming demons in the process. Humans broke the world and it's gonna take a human to fix it because the divine powers that be already lost the war. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well it's likely that the same force that keeps the Demons from getting out of Mareth prevents Angels from getting in.

Not sure about it. About the very existance of such power. Actually, it is a bit different, about dark ambitions and such. Actually, after getting final piece of lore from one of the game's endings, you learn that there are no true villain in this story... Actually, if there are some force which keeps demons from getting out, that force is true villain here.

Edit: Actually, I should actually fight actual filler words...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There is a lore doc I read once that described it along the lines of the world of Mareth being like a trap. It's  relatively easy to get in but exceedingly difficult to get out. The first demons were the descendants of human mages that found their way into Mareth and got stranded. They weren't content to remain traped in the world however so they started seeking to acumulate magical might in order to force their way out.

Along the way Lethice discovered how to make lethicite and how it could boost magical power. So she and her fellow mages became demons and began their demonic campaign to further their goals of amasing the power needed to break out of the world. 

(Hmm let me check if I can find a link to that lore doc.)

In that sense though it would be easy for angels to get into Mareth. The force doesn't keep them out. But I don't think they would last very long in Mareth. And the force would prevent them from escaping before the corruption either taints or destroys them. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if it even lore fact that same reason demons (or other beings can't leave Mareth) keep Angels or similar type of enties outside realm then I'm fine with it and not gonna push much for angel TF.

And as it been said mostly what would be about physical TF effects to become angel? Pair(s) of wings and mostly human shape. So ASSUMING angel TF would be a thing I think it need to be TF to make PC full human with angelic wings. Then one step for other TF to remove wings and...bam we can always return to human form.

And on this I DO remember CoC is about slowly loosing humanity (and purity gaining corruption of all sort not only meant as reaching 100 points in corruption stat) and human shape becoming 'something else'. So in this regard I see issues with making angelic TF causing it to not been possible to happen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There is a lore doc I read once that described it along the lines of the world of Mareth being like a trap. It's easy to get in but exceedingly difficult to get out. The first demons were the descendants of human mages that found their way into Mareth and got stranded. They weren't content to remain traped in the world however so they started seeking to acumulate magical might in order to force their way out.

Along the way Lethice discovered how to make lethicite and how it could boost magical power. So she and her fellow mages became demons and began their demonic campaign to further their goals of amasing the power needed to break out of the world. 

(Hmm let me check if I can find a link to that lore doc.) 
They weren’t always demons. They were a large party of interdimensional explorers whose expedition became mired in Mareth. Dark, demonic arts weren’t even considered at first, but after endless years of isolation, even the most pure-hearted of wizards were willing to risk burning out their own souls.

Despair can push you to the dark side more effective than wrath...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Hmm let me check if I can find a link to that lore doc.) 

Is this that link to Lore doc you looking for? This one was Rycharde made on I think putting together all pieces of official canon history he could find.

Also as on what Etis said. It was hinted/openly stated that Dominika way to leave of realm would cause huge harm to it/outright destroy it. So even such people like Tel'Adre ciztizens stopped try to escape Mareth and even started to actively cut all attempts of others to do it in selfdefence of realm they live in.

Quite poetic of becoming so hopeless you gonna drag others cuz you affraid. But affraid of what? That they destroy whole realm escaping meaning trading all others life for their. Or cuz it may be succesful and not destroy evrything(as much as it was suppose) giving still slim ray of hope for few more 'survivors'?

Here is the Timeline doc. The source material is supposedly various conversations with Fen in fenchat.

Hum interesting gdoc...not recalling reading it so should look over it to not make any new mistakes concerning canonical setting of CoC :D

Maybe even one doc I got link to and the one you got link are almost 100% the same ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also as on what Etis said. It was hinted/openly stated that Dominika way to leave of realm would cause huge harm to it/outright destroy it. So even such people like Tel'Adre ciztizens stopped try to escape Mareth and even started to actively cut all attempts of others to do it in selfdefence of realm they live in.

Quite poetic of becoming so hopeless you gonna drag others cuz you affraid. But affraid of what? That they destroy whole realm escaping meaning trading all others life for their. Or cuz it may be succesful and not destroy evrything(as much as it was suppose) giving still slim ray of hope for few more 'survivors'?

We have no clues if Dominika's way out is same that demon's intended to use. Actually, it is very likely not to be tha case. And, from that line, I assume that they initially risked themselves, not others.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah from what I've heard about Dominika her content was never finished but the problem wasn't that her method of escape would destroy Mareth but rather that it's activation would destroy the magical wards of Teladre, leaving it unprotected. It's also possible that the ritual itself would involve the sacrifice of the citizens of the city as a power source. Her methods are different than the demons and In some respects perhaps even worse. Because it seems like she was willing to outright exterminate the entire population of the city to further her goals. Whereas if the demons had their way the people would still be alive. The demons don't seem to be keen on murder, they prefer conversion and recruitment to their cause.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
See this is what i meant about my ideas behing burrowed under walls of text and disapearing into oblivion

In case you missed it i proposed a scylla/octopus tf on previous page with ink spiting and grapple attacks
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well if it even lore fact that same reason demons (or other beings can't leave Mareth) keep Angels or similar type of enties outside realm then I'm fine with it and not gonna push much for angel TF.

If you really want, you can do some content about fallen angel, whos connection to divinity is sewered, something like Anzu.

See this is what i meant about my ideas behing burrowed underwall of text and disapearing into oblivion
