Chaurmine: can you beat him?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Has anyone actually managed to best this guy without Save Editing your stats to god levels? cause he seems to be tougher than the Frost Wyrm.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
All I've ever done with him is guard him while he jacked off and talk to him a bit about shit, so i didn't know he could be fought.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
read the combat text.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Has anyone actually managed to best this guy without Save Editing your stats to god levels? cause he seems to be tougher than the Frost Wyrm.

You can't face roll him. Pay attention to combat text as mentioned above.

...and then five minutes later I face roll him with Rapid fire/ rendering strikes lol
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
I've beat him 7 times already. Just a bit of RNG with his charge which, if he whiffs, will stun him and make any damage done to him get increased by 500% I think. Stunning with a weapon itself won't give you the buff though.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
I play a smuggler with as much evasion as I can manage with max stats (read: lots of visits to the gym). Then just use Stealth field generator on the 3rd round and typically (not always) he charges on the 4th round and (provided he misses you) gets his horns stuck in the ice or something, stunning himself. Then go to town with ranged Black Light Rifle. Aimed Shot takes over and deals about 500 damage with the first hit and Second Shot takes whatever is left. 5th round KO, 10k credits and butt load of XP. :D

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
How do you fight him? I don't remember an option for that?

Is it a personality locked thing, like glassing the ant planet? If so, it would make sense, as I couldn't see my current kind character trying to kick him while he's down. But maybe I'm just blind and didn't see the fight bar?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
He has to arrive on Uveto first, but to do that, you have to warm him up first.

Yep, more in detail you have to meet him as a random event in the wastes of Tarkus, befriend him in that planet's bar, raise his affection enough with talk and sex until he leaves for Uveto (as he says in an hangar scene). Once there, his racial/cultural lack of familiarity with the concept of romance and his growing feelings for Steele make him confused, angry, and frightened. You have to find him as a random encounter again in the wastes of Uveto (go looking for a crevice in the glacier) and help him put his mind at peace by letting him vent his emotions in ritual combat.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Also apparently once he gets reduced to around 430 HP he'll stun himself by running into a wall, and if you attack him the next turn you'll OHKO him. I was going through the fight doing an average of 10 damage and all of a sudden I did over 400 and the fight was over. I had to back a few screens to figure out what the heck just happened.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Melee Tech with Charge weapon can pretty much win easily.

What you should be doing is to pay attention to the combat text and as others pointed he stuns himself if he mess up which gives him a debuff that increase the dmg you deal to him by a large margin.