Character Themes


Active Member
Sep 6, 2018
Way back when, and I imagine a few times since, there was a thread that discussed the sort of music that we listen to when playing CoC 2, or otherwise inspired our play or got us into the mood for it. It was quite a hit, and I was thinking about it recently.

This one's angled a little differently, though; namely, I'm curious as to hear what sort of music has inspired peoples interpretations of their PCs. Given the nature of the game, I'm sure there's at least a few people out there like I who've put a lot of thought into their OCs and tries to get into their head.

Feel free to accompany those themes with stories or insights into the character! And, since I'm going first, I might as well start;


There are two tracks in particular that I most strongly associate with my champ, who goes by 'Strider' in the Frost Marches. One is more of a 'general' theme, whereas the other is more related to a particular character. In order, those are;

A Darkness Opus, the 'main' track I associate with Strider, and most especially his ongoing conflict with Kasyrra. While the wraiths and their wraith-touched have been his principle enemy for the majority of his life, needless to say that Kasyrra is the driving force for the current stage of his life, opposed as he is to the corruption she brings about, most especially due to the harm and suffering she causes. But equally, over time one comes to know one's enemy better even than one's own friends, and complicated feelings arise. She is the enemy. But does she have to remain so?

Can she be redeemed, or will he be the one brought down to her level? Is this -his- darkness opus, the prelude to the rise of a demon king? In his attempts to stop her, is he merely sowing the seeds for yet greater evil, delivered by his own hands?

The other, decidedly more uplifting, is;

Canto D'Inverno, or 'Song of Winter'. Representing the brighter part of him, as has been brought about by his friends, companions and most especially Etheryn, this song's about how he sees Etheryn, as the powerful and beautiful princess she is beginning to realise she can be. I particularly like that there's both a male and a female singer; I almost like to imagine that they are singing alongside each other, having become more together than they could ever be apart.

Strider's life has been a painful one. Once a holy warrior and paladin, he fell from grace due to grief and despair, having lost his first love - a princess not entirely unlike Etheryn, in fact. In a very real way, encountering her has been like a second chance for him; he is determined not to fail her as he did before. Much as she depends on him, he depends on her in turn, as she gives him the strength and conviction he needs to stand up to the impossible odds he finds himself facing.

Indeed, the song is as much about him as it is about her; it's as much about how she sees him, as the strong and implacable protector and champion about whom she nevertheless knows little. Who is he, really, and where has he been before he came to the north? She doesn't know, but does it really matter? He is here, and he has been what gave -her- the strength to become more than she was, just as she does the same for him.

The future matters more than the past.

A bit dramatic, but hey!
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
Dramatic? That post was amazing! Makes me a little insecure, heh. Okay, okay, onto my guy (I actually have a ton of characters but for now I'm focusing on my "Seisen No Keifu brainrot" PC): Cyglud. Because the devs were asking for it by naming the old empire "Belhar."

First and foremost, I ripped this theme straight from the character I also copied, Sigurd. Much like him, Cyglud starts this whole insane quest by going to assist a priestess (Edain/Cait). Only (and hopefully) this whole thing turns out better than the source material...

I might see if I can scrounge up somethin' for Len, the elven warrior who is literally just this world's equivalent to Link (And Nintendo can't do shit 'bout it). Swear to God, Savarra is just NSFW Termina without the moon bearing down on ya.

I am that guy named Dick

Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
I have set my character up with the background of a human solider that has the loadout of what I think can pass for a wandering swordmage. A wondering solider that walks the path of Mandom, always striving for self improvement and following in what he thinks is right.

As for the music that plays when I am about to fight the boss and when I am fighting the boss is this piece right here. I will definitely plays this whenever the fight with Kas arrives.



New Member
Apr 22, 2023
Born a Catfolk, lived as a Hunter, then she met a pink kitty and her fate was changed forever...

Turned a Manticore, accomplished fighter, she took an oath to the Goddess of Light and to this day every demon she meet, she smite !

Except one, she not-so-secretly loves and who, one day, she hopes to save.

Striking her foes twofold, with an humble holy sword and a sacred blade of the old, but never alone for her greater strenght lies in her friends, lovers and their combined might.

Shegora the Valkyria, chosen champion of Lumia, Frost Marches standard bearer, fighter, lover, mother, call for union in a bellowing roar.

She has but one warcry to bolster them all : "United we stand, divided we fall !"
I'm not an artist so I used HeroForge... to represent her the most closely I could : appearance, equipment and a bit add with what should be Ashelander, hanging at her belt.

So, I liked the idea of this post and this is my (maybe first) humble contribution ('cause I have one or two more characters that could fit here, with true playstyles and guiding lines).
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