Character Job balance


Nov 3, 2015
I know that this game is still in alpha and a lot of other things take precedent over it, however I just want to make sure that people are aware that this is an issue that needs to be addressed eventually.

As hopefully all of you can see I've included a table showing the difference Exp requirements for each character's jobs. Below that are totals and (rounded) averages of job Exp for each character. When looking at these numbers you'll likely notice mastering all of Layla's jobs only requires approximately 75% of either Kiai's or Terry's totals. This is despite the fact that Layla has access to 1-2 more jobs then either of the other part members. On average it takes approximately 60% more Exp for each companion to level their jobs up.

Frankly, it's kind of important to character balance to bring these numbers closer to each other. Since more characters are planned and they will need to have their own job Exp charts, we're going to have to decide where we put them on the scale. If we put them with Layla without changing numbers, Terry and Kiai end up being rather lackluster. Likewise putting them with our other companions but leaving Layla the way she is makes her kind of Op compared to everyone else. We also have to take into consideration the number of jobs the character will be able to obtain, as that will have a sizable impact on endgame.

Job Exp.jpg


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Interesting chart!

It's not too important an issue atm tho. You gotta see it in the perspective that:

  • The PC will have a lot more jobs available.
  • Currently, you are only showing the initial tier jobs (the only ones available). There's an initial "cost" for non-physical characters to enter a physical job. This will taper off as you go deeper into those trees.
Regardless, it'll be looked at eventually.


Nov 3, 2015
Interesting chart!

It's not too important an issue atm tho. You gotta see it in the perspective that:

  • The PC will have a lot more jobs available.
  • Currently, you are only showing the initial tier jobs (the only ones available). There's an initial "cost" for non-physical characters to enter a physical job. This will taper off as you go deeper into those trees.
Regardless, it'll be looked at eventually.

As long as you're aware, the chart served it's purpose. I wasn't really expecting changes to this till 'beta' at the earliest anyway.

I'm kind of interested in the number of jobs planned and what the "cost" would be now though. Also what is Layla suppose to be btw? She looks kind of neutral to me right now.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Layla has access to all the generic jobs, like the PC, but at a slightly higher cost across the board.
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