Change genital location


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I do not remember how I ended up with this, but I have an old horse-taur (4 legged) character, that has 'waist' listed and described as his genital location. Is there a way to change that to 'hind legs' or whatever is the standard for taurs, without undoing and then redoing the taur tf (via horse pills or holiday if i read the wiki correctly)?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No, not without redoing taur status. To make it simple, though, try using TiTSEd, change leg type and count to something else, save file, load game, save game, reload in editor, change legs back. It sounds long, but it's the best option without mucking with .minerva issues.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
No, not without redoing taur status. To make it simple, though, try using TiTSEd, change leg type and count to something else, save file, load game, save game, reload in editor, change legs back. It sounds long, but it's the best option without mucking with .minerva issues.

TiTSEd is windows only, right? Don't have my windows here, so I'll have to go the save-scumming way. Thanks for the fast answer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I do not remember how I ended up with this, but I have an old horse-taur (4 legged) character, that has 'waist' listed and described as his genital location. Is there a way to change that to 'hind legs' or whatever is the standard for taurs, without undoing and then redoing the taur tf (via horse pills or holiday if i read the wiki correctly)?

Minerva can solve that issue, since the genital location slot is an integer. Change it from 0 to 2 and you are set.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Save-scumming worked just fine. Took me a while till I got what I wanted, but my bull-taur looks better than ever.