Champions of Demons


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
“A war is being rage across Mareth however it is a war of shadow. It is a war of demons. The five demon lords wage war on each other through their follows and beasts. Who are they you ask? Sit down and let me tell you, maybe you'll live longer. Lethice the Lady of Lust is the most well-known, and many people assume only, of the demon lords. With her around we must watch our backs friend, you never know if the people on the street will rape you if given the chance. Not only does she cause the beings to go into a lust craze but she also has an army of succu, incu, and omnibus's at her beck and call. Juiblex the Lord of Nothing, on the other hand is the most unknown of the lords. Don't let his title fool you; he is just as powerful as the rest. What does he want? Boy he wants to make every last being on this world a part of him, even if we don't want to be. Not many people follow him but slime's will do anything he says, a very dangerous phenomenon. Orcus the Prince of Undeath, one of the more aggressive of the lords then again he can afford to be, what with him being undead and all. As his title states his realm is undeath making one of the strongest of the lords, if only since he and his followers are hard to kill. He hates the living so much that he will kill us all just because were ugly in his eyes. If you find yourself in lands under rule, don't stay out after sundown, trust me it's not fun. Zuggtmoy the Lady of Rot, aside from Juiblex she is the most patient of the lords. She sees this world as a garden to plant her beloved fungus. She won’t stop until every living thing is infected by her spores. Last but not least we have Yeenoghu Lord of the Wild. All he wants to do is have everything kill everything. The savages of the world flock to him, what his forces lack in skill they make up for it in effort and rage. Beware his lands most of all! While the others have their dangers none are as numerous as Yeenoghu’s, even the plants will feed on flesh given the chance. Remember lad the best way to survive is to have a sharp eye and a quick sword arm.”

Hello people, if you’re down here then congrats! You made it through an exposition dump. Now on to the meat of the matter. For this game the players shall be dragged to Mareth by the lovely demon lords you heard about. Now you may be asking yourself “why” the answer “Their demons they want to make chaos.” Now since there are five demon lords that means five players, if a sixth person make a good case as to why their character should be added to the story then I’ll let them in but no more than that. By this point I bet your asking “What’s the point of this?” The point is to spread your lord’s influence more than the other players. This can be done many ways and is up to the players how to do it. For example say the champions of Zuggtmoy and Yeenoghu are walking down the street and see a beggar. The champion of Zuggtmoy might help him out by giving him money that has spores dusted on them, so he will fall under your master’s spell. The champion of Yeenoghu might encourage the beggar to leave the city and carve out a life in the wild.    

Setting: The game takes place on Mareth and will start in Tel'adre, since the city is a neutral zone. Just so you know the forest and mountain zones are the border for Lethice’s area, the swamp will lead you to areas controlled by Zuggtmoy, and the plains will lead you to places controlled by Yeenoghu. It also should be known that while each lord will have unique enemies and races in their areas they will also have repeat one as well. Using the three lords above as examples, it’s safe to say that each will have forests and in those forests will be Beegirls. However since the demon lords have different influences will affect the Beegirls differently. If it’s in Lethice’s area she will be curvier and will want to have sex with you more than anything. If she is in Zuggtmoy’s area she will be less curvy but still wanting to get in your pants but for a different reason then her counterpart in Lethice’s forest. Then there is the Beegirl in Yeenoghu’s forest, she would be more of an amazon build and she’d be the least likely to have ‘fun’ with you.

Combat: For now this will be simple until I get some inspiration. For now here’s how it will work. Each weapon will give you a modifier, say a sword gives you a +3; you would roll a d20 for an attack it would look like this. (Loss rushes forward to slash at the gnolls sword arm (12+3=15 vs 16+0=16) the gnoll barley moves his arm in time and tries to stab the human (1+0=crit fail) the gnoll slips and falls allowing Loss to stab him through the head) This might change over time. If Loss had won that first attack the gnoll would have gained a penalty to attacking with that arm. There is no real health points in this game you could win in one turn or it could take ten, it depends on how you and your opponents react in battle. Magic works a little bit different, if you just learned a spell you get no mods to your roll the more you use a spell the easier it will become to use. Lust will also work like this with a few twists, for example you could seduce an enemy then put a dagger in his ribs, or your lust attack can fail right off the bat.

When it comes to the interaction between you and your lord it is very open. You don’t have to be the perfect solder and can be rebellious with them. However if you do something that sets their plans back you will be punished, on the other hand if you do good by them they will gift you with new abilities and weapons. Also since this is CoC RP there can be sexy fun times, just be careful of who you go after never know who they really are ;).

Demon Lords: This is to give you a heads up on how the lords act and might react to your choices.

Lethice: lustful, coy, flirtations. Likes: sex, spreading sex, corrupting innocents. Dislikes: prudes, Orcus, violence for no reason

Orcus:  brooding, nihilistic, grumpy. Likes: undeath, silence, domination. Dislikes: sunlight, living things, messes

 Zuggtmoy: patient, cunning, lonely. Likes: Fungi, decay, gardens. Dislikes: anything that hurts her gardens, fire, bad weather

Yeenoghu: brash, violent, angry. Likes: killing, eating, destroying. Dislikes: order, civilization, Lethice

Juiblex: calm, patient Likes: survival, consuming others, slimes. Dislikes: rushing things, non-slimes, Zuggtmoy  

Character sheet: Name


Gender (You may be Herm if you want)



Body (You may put things like bust size, cock size, hair, eyes and other such things)

Your Demon Lord (I run on a first come first serve policy, you may pm me which lord you want and I will hold them for you and remember pick the lord you think will be the most interesting for your character to work for.)

Background (Be sure to include what your character is doing before being sent to Mareth) 

The game it self will take place in another room that will posted after I got the players. If you have any questions please ask.

 Yeenoghu, Juiblex, Zuggtmoy and Lethice have been taken. The champions have been chosen. 
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Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Name: azhidal the defiler

Age: 22

Gender: Male (doesn't make sense to be a herm unless you're with lethice TBH...)

Species: Warped Man

Height: 6'5


Pale skin smeared in blood and dirt, a nightmarishly contorted face with no mouth  hole and 2 nostril slits, left eye stitched shut by the eyelids and the right eye completely blood red.

his right hand is fitted with this gauntlet except the blue parts are black and smeared in blood and the gold banding is rusted:

in his left hand is a bloodstained longsword with a serrated mid-section on the forward swinging side

His body is armoured in black and silver sabatons and greaves, a silver chainmail shirt and 2 black and silver pauldrons with a cloak made of blood stained bear fur which conceals chainmail, his head is covered by a black centurions helmet with a completely covered up left side, the right side is covered spare for an eye slot

Demon lord: Yeenoghu (Here after reffered to as the blood king)

Background: azhidal... a fallen champion of old... lost to the throes of corruption and lost without a cause... maddened by his insatiable lust sought satisfaction through destruction... this was his first step down the path of bloodlust... in the years that came he would cut a bloody swathe through mareth, slaying any who dare to tease and torment him for his sexual desire... this savage warrior caught the eye of lord yeenoghu, so impressed was he in this wayward champion's bloodlust that he thought to test the untempered beast by sending the erlking against him... a foolish action indeed when azhidal rended the semi-corporial huntsman off of his steed in a single strike before making him suffer an endless torment... it is said to this day the old erlking's bloody screams of terror still echo through deepwood...

to this day every victim of azhidal is made tribute to his lord. every smear of blood on his body a testament to his devotion...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Character sheet: Thyona

Nickname: "Lusthound"

Age: 27

Gender: Female(Can grow a cock with sexual magic)

Species: Hellhound

Height: 6'6"

Body: Taking the appearance between a black skinned human and wolf, she has black wild hair that flows behind her, wolf ears, and a wolf tail. She has black fur on the lower parts of her arms and legs along with large claws and feet but smooth flawless skin elsewhere on her body, she runs around almost naked save for some small pieces of armor and her enchanted skull spiked collar(This collar has a spell in wish can summon a chain to drag her back to Lethice at Lethice's desire or simply restrain her into bondage) Her red eyes with black sclera stare into the world around her as fire erupts randomly from her body, normally around her head or claws. She hs large DD cup breasts and a curvy attractive body with her pussy always glistening with her eternal arousal.

Your Demon Lord: Lethice

Background: The hound is often more loyal than any solider, even as a young normal dog morph she showed immense loyalty to whomever she followed, going through many masters to teach her how to survive and fight. Though she was unable to cope with the thought of being left alone without a master she turned to corruption, embracing the hellhounds as they ravished her for days, turning the young dog morph into a hellhound girl, and soon the hellhounds found themselves with a new alpha. Her body corrupted by lethice's pets and her mind growing sharper as the new alpha, her body now forever desiring sex but with every sexual encounter her power grew, she fed upon it, she loved it, and than Lethice saw her. Seeing the hellhound's rise to power and sexual activity, she placed a special collar on her new champion, to bind her forever to Lethice as her pet, her personal pet and champion to do what she so desires with and with this power unlocked the latent potential of magic within the hellhound, forever changing her battle and sexual poweress.


Aug 28, 2015
Character sheet: Mierin Eronaile

Nickname: "Mistress"

Age: Well beyond a few hundred

Gender: Herm

Species: Vampire

Height: 5'9

Body: Covered beneath a luxurious dress and all that beneath a thick black velvet cloak the appearance of a beautiful, shapely woman shows. She is of average height, but with a curvature of a seductress. Her pitch-black hair flows freely across her back and her skin is pale as snow. Beneath the black dress, her sizable breasts, E-cups, hangs heavily, supported by a leather corset. Her slim figure continues down to a posterior that is as curvy as her chest. Hidden beneath the dress is a 10 inch cock and matching balls, each two inches across. Her long legs are supple and is made to stroke. All of this would be beautiful, if not for her face. While beautiful, its cold and distant and two fangs sticks out from her plump lips.

Your Demon Lord: Orcus

Background: Mierin, once a young practitioner of magic she sought to fight the demons, tangled with forces she could not handle on her own to. In an act of desperation she took help from any who could give it. As the help came, the problems grew until only one more could give her aid. She submitted to another lord. To Orcus. She asked him to save her village and he could have her and her servitude. He accepted and granted her the power to defeat the demons at the cost of her life and her loyalty to him was bound. When the village cheered for their victory, she turned on them. Slaughtering them to the last, only to raise them from death to servitude of Orcus.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Character sheet:

Name: Dunkel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Lamia (The Pathfinder kind)

Height: 6’4”

Body: Dunkel is an odd creature by many peoples standard. What with him being half human half panther in the way similar to a centaur. His lower body is pitch black in color and soft to the touch, odd for one who has lived in the wild for most of his life. His upper body is that of young man, lean with muscle from his years in the wild. He has dark brown hair and yellow eyes with slit pupils. He wears nothing more than a vest he made from some poor beast. He has two punch daggers on him at all times.  

Your Demon Lord: Juiblex the lord of Nothing

Background: An outcaste since a young age since many people in his village took his lower body as a sign of demon blood. Dunkel fled the village when he was 15 when some of the villagers brook into his home and trashed the place. For years he’s lived in wilds only entering a city for weapons and certain other items. Then four years ago he came across Juiblex. At first he didn’t know that it was the demon lord, after all it looked like a pit of black green goop! Not what one would imagine a demon lord would look like but then Dunkel started to notice things about this pool. The first thing that tipped him off was the fact a lot of slimes were coming and going from this pool, second was that when a creature got to close be it a rabbit or fly the pool would reach out and pull it in. Seeing this action on many an occasion made Dunkel think ‘what is the point of this?’ Well such thoughts could wait, after all he needed food. So from then on he would bring the remains of meals and the occasional fool stupid enough to be in the wrong area. This went on for one year until Dunkel heard a voice in his head after throwing another wanna be adventurer. The voice was of course the lord Juiblex, he was telling Dunkel about the truth of this pit. Turns out Dunkel had been feeding the lord. Jublex offered Dunkel this “Serve me as my guard, make sure no one knows that I am here and you may live.” Dunkel knew that he had little choice in the matter so he agreed. That’s how it’s been for the last three years, patrolling the demon lords pit and throwing in any fool that got to close.          

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Character Sheet:

Name: Pytra  Bella

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Height: 5'6"

Body: Pytra is slender with sun bleached hair, cystal blue eyes,  and well tanned skin from many many hours working outside.  Her large breasts are often obscured by the simple loose robes she often wears.  Pytra also carries a bag that seems too large for one of her slight build lift, yet she carries it with ease.  Inside the bag is a large variety of tools, some of which can be 'repurposed' as weapons should the need arise.

Demon Lord: Zuggtmoy the Lady of Rot

Background: Raised by the Sisters of the Divine Thorn, Pytra was found by the Sisters, the sole survivor from a small village attacked by human bandits.  The Sisters of the Divine Thorn are an order of warrior monks dedicated to stamping out demon influence where ever they find it.  To this end they train constantly to resist any temptation and to make their bodies into living weapons stronger than any sword.  Although Pytra engaged in their daily training, she had no interest in joining their crusade feeling more resentment toward other humans than demons.  

For many years Pytra stayed with the Sisters keeping to herself, tending the extensive gaardens and performing maintance on the monastary.  Until one day while all the senior Sisters where away a horde of demon followers attacked the monastary.  Pytra was taken as a prisoner to Mareth.  Pytra was then 'rescued' by one loyal to Zuggtmoy.  She was brought to Zuggtmoy herself to be a cmpanion to the Demon lord.  As soon as she was able Pytra snuck away from the Demon lord's lair.  Thinking herself finally free, it wasn't until some time later Pytra realised her body was infused with Demonic spores to spread Zuggtmoy's influence.  Still unsure how to feel about her role as Zuggtmoy's 'Champion' Pytra finds her way to Tel'adre.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sad to say that Mierin Eronaile has had to leave the game so a space has opened.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Any room for another player? If so here's my Character Sheet:

Name: Alpha Kaiser

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Hybrid (Wolf, Tiger, Shark, Kitsune, and Dragon)

Height: 5 foot 6 inchs


He has a stocky build, a bevy of perfectly defined muscles, and structurally sound scales. Currently wearing custom issued red armor and wielding twin machetes. he face is fairly wolflike in shape, but is covered in black and charcoal grey fur. Electric, neon red eyes. Mouth reveals a set of dagger-like shark-teeth and gives his visage a slightly angular appearance and monstrous grin. It has a sharp chin and chiseled jawline. A pair of pointed wolf ears parts the moderately long, surging red hair atop his head. He has a humanoid shape with a scaled torso, furred arms, hands, and fingers. His gills run along the sides of his neck. He has two flat breasts with remarkable pectoral muscles, each supporting one 0.2-inch nipple. His sculpted midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, and grey scales on top for natural protection.  His arms are coated with red striped, shield-like scales. His forearms are coated in black fur with red stripes. Each also has a pair of black spikes grown on his forearms. His fingers are tipped with tough, tiger claws. He has boyish hips, and a perky, muscular backside that molds closely against his form. A long, striped shark-tail trails down from his backside, swaying to and fro while giving him a dangerous air. Two human-like legs grow down from his muscular thighs, sheathed in scales and ending in padded feet, each have five clawed toes. His shins have a pair of spikes that match his forearms.

His chimeric maleness is 9 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. Tiny tentacles with a venomous, aphrodisiac payload surround the crown. The shaft has a number of rubbery protrusions that vibrate, as he gets more aroused. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your lengthy member; ready to expand to help him lodge it inside a female. The knot is 1.9 inches wide when at full size. At its base, a number of longer tentacles have formed, guaranteeing that pleasure will be forced upon his partners. The entire thing glows faintly and leaves no doubt about its arcane origins. A scaly scrotum hugs his quartette of large balls tightly against his body. Each estimated to be about 2 inches across.

Demon Lord: Yeenoghu Lord of the Wild


[SIZE=13pt]Alpha is an electromancer as well as a distinguished inter-dimensional bounty hunter and has been for going on 3 years. He grew up in a different world in a different time but came to Mareth to extend his services in exchange for profit and challenge, or at least that was his intention. In fact, he was actually deceived into walking into the portal by a demon disguised as a local citizen influencing him to traverse new territory. As a man who thrived on a wild planet, one with numerous dangers and each day was like surviving a death trap, he sought to challenge new territory and pursue new targets. He became trapped in Mareth without any of his technology or tools other than his customized armor and pair of machetes.[/SIZE]
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