Certain games help.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
I've found a good couple games on here that literally no one tells you how too get too game or play them or the blog just says here support us , and then no links too down load ,or play I understand you people are from an old forum but you must remember a lot of people aren't, and don't know about such easy things  but won't register just too tell you guys that.

I can't even begin to list all names because I have such bad memories for ones in sites alone however games like night games ,or alone xp that I remember which I downloaded today had problems I was simply told down load and click to start how ever night game had no thing too start it that I could find and alone has glitched, and I can't figure out how too fix it.

I've found a good couple games on here that literally no one tells you how too get too game or play them or the blog just says here support us , and then no links too down load ,or play I understand you people are from an old forum but you must remember a lot of people aren't, and don't know about such easy things  but won't register just too tell you guys that.

I can't even begin to list all names because I have such bad memories for ones in sites alone however games like night games ,or alone xp that I remember which I downloaded today had problems I was simply told down load and click to start how ever night game had no thing too start it that I could find and alone has glitched, and I can't figure out how too fix it.

Sorry that I can't do more explaining all things I have found like said bad memory I can understand moving, and that not all are finished,  and games update but if there is these things can be checked you could at least try too keep up if uploading them, or make a chat where if someone can find, and check tell things that have happened 


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
Alone-xp says can't find a rtp standard thing I'm being driven mad.

sighs* I'd rather be working on the scripts but oh well I did tell them but nope

sorry my anger is at the surface right now due to frustration.
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New Member
Apr 15, 2017
I realize just how old this post is, but since it is high on search on google, and since my game is mentioned by name I thought I had to make a short comment:

I am, first of all, sorry you had issues. The reason is that you need the RTP pack to play the game. Under the download page I highlighted a way to find the RTP, though I do get how many people would simply look for a download link and that's it.

Sorry for bumping such an old post, but I thought it should be mentioned.
