Ceria's styling submenu


New Member
Mar 3, 2022
I'm trying to get white fur and under Ceria's colour menu it says "this is a multipage menu - the buttons in the lower right can be used to page through it" but... what buttons? The standard 5x3 buttons are all colours except the botton right is "back", the navigation panel is greyed out except Data and Main Menu.

This is one of those situations where I'm worried it might just be me being dumb, are there other buttons I'm just not seeing?


Well-Known Member
If you're on the JS version, it's a known issue; when there's more than 15 buttons, only the first 15 can be displayed. I imagine a fix for that will have to wait until the UI has been finalised. In the meantime, you can use console commands; open the console (ctrl+shift+i in most browsers), type pc.furColor = "{colour you want}" and press Enter.