
Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Carnal Voyages Banner.png

Hey all, it's been a long time in closed development, but the first public release of Carnal Voyages is now up at our new itch.io page! This game is a sequel to my completed game, Carnal Coup (old thread here), and while still focused on text-based sci-fi, with a heavy emphasis on flexible sexual preferences, in other ways Carnal Voyages goes into some brand new directions. In this sequel you will take a highly-customizable player character across the galaxy as captain of your own starship, in command of a crew you will personally recruit, train and order.

Additionally, while some of the alien races will be returning from Carnal Coup by popular request, there will be almost as many new species to discover. There is still a long road of development ahead, so I'd certainly recommend following the Patreon for the latest updates and releases. Feedback and bug reports, especially for these very early releases, are greatly appreciated! In the meanwhile, enjoy the preview of the game's introduction sequence, and thanks for playing!

Admiral.pngChargen 1.pngChargen 2.pngCombat.pngDuty.pngMap.pngSecretary.pngShip.png
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
A quick State of the Game post up tonight; while I've started work on the crew management system and will be continuing that, the main point of interest is that I'll be overhauling the Patreon and other sites this month to prep for the resumption of 'normal' Patreon service in October. The Patreon has basically been in 'tip jar' mode since August of last year, but next month tier rewards will be resuming with special early releases just for Patrons. I'd recommend checking out the alpha release post for full details on that if anyone missed it. I'll also be focusing heavily on the crew services and management system, with a hope of being able to at least enjoy your own ship even if I haven't yet gotten to creating content in the wider galaxy just yet.
  • Like
Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The time has come, with over a year since our last patron game release, the Patreon has now resumed normal service with v0.2.0 of Carnal Voyages! While there hasn't been a great deal of new playable content since the public alpha release, a ton of work has been done in the past month and a half on the gameplay loop foundations, and I'm expecting to kick off proper story content in the next release a few weeks from now. Additionally, in celebration the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is now on sale on both Steam and itch.io as well! You can check out the Patreon post here for more info, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

v0.2.0 Change Log

Game Functions:


  • Added Galaxy Map and Harman System Map, with ability to travel from one system to another.
  • Map travel has been sped up, this may be revised back down when faster ships are added.
  • 'Heat' system has been added when passing time in hostile systems. Heat is decremented when passing time on the galaxy map or in the Figura system. There is currently no consequence for maxing out your heat.
Watch Station:

  • Added ability to change your crew gender preferences post-intro.
  • Added ability to transfer current crew members for requisitions and requisition credits.
  • Added ability to upgrade, downgrade, and spend requisition credits, and to spend requisitions.
  • The Intro sex scene featuring the Admiral's secretary can now be replayed from the Watch Station docks.
  • The game will now begin tracking time starting at the conclusion of the tutorial. Time will pass during travel, additionally a placeholder function has been added to the Watch Station docks to pass 10 hours. This will be removed once more activities to 'burn the clock' have been implemented. Note: resources may be capped or removed in a future update, so don't go wild on spamming daily updates.

  • Added additional NPC Personality Traits: Rock, Flighty, Partier, Studious, Chill, Hothead, Bold, Cautious. (Note: will only appear on newly generated NPCs)
  • Added additional rooms and station functionality to the ship, which can be used after the Introduction. New ship stations can provide speed and damage bonuses, and produce regular resources. Stations will provide extra bonuses depending on the stats, traits, and rank of assigned crewmembers.
  • Daily reports will be posted at the conclusion of each day, detailing the activities performed by crewmembers who have been assigned to ship stations that day.
  • The Crew Roster will now be accessible following the tutorial. The roster can be filtered in a number of ways, and selecting crewmembers will bring up their individual profiles. Viewing their personal traits will bring up the option to seduce the crewmember - note that this is temporary functionality and will become much more complicated to pull off in the future.
  • Rank insignia images have been added to crew face portraits in various locations.
  • A confirmation has been added when overwriting save files.
  • Added functionality to play certain scenes when at certain locations.
  • Added cheat code functionality and new cheats option: Free Requisition Packs.
  • Old Carnal Coup background track has been replaced by new music from Dark Fantasy Studio.
Scene Content:

  • Added Watch Station Personnel Department scenes.
  • Added a Captain's Office scene which will be your main home for scenes played aboard the ship. Currently not much to do there.
Art Content:

  • Harian and Seeder faction logos added to Galaxy Map.
  • Added 'Captains Quarters' background to the romance panel.
  • Added background images for the new ship rooms.
Codex Entries:

  • Trait entries added for new traits.
  • A new 'Setting' tab has been added to the Codex. This tab has 1 current entry, 'Date & Time'.
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with audio not looping.
  • Corrected trait typos.
  • Some code structure changes for save compatibility purposes (should have no visible effect).
  • Fixed possible issue where a player could be stuck following the bar seduction encounter.
Known Issues:

  • Due to changes in ship station functionality, crew will need to be re-assigned to stations in games from previous saves.
  • Like
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Getting back into the swing of things with our regular game release schedule, with v0.2.1 now up for patrons! This was a pretty short release cycle so the work focus was fairly narrow, but a number of new scenes and bug fixes made it in. For more details you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

Edit: Oh, and not to forget, the sales mentioned above are still up for one more day. Don't miss out!

v0.2.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Liberator and Overseer-tier Patrons are now receiving credit in the Options About tab.
  • Added functionality to support player Career type as a dialogue branching option.
  • Added functionality for scenes to set various progress flags (for example, for when to play a one-time scene rather than a repeating one). When in a scene with a progress flag, access to the maps/travel system will be deactivated until the scene is complete.
  • Added functionality to support progress flags as a dialogue branching option.
  • Added functionality for scene option selections to generate specific duty assignments, and added functionality for duty assignments to set progress flags.
  • Duty assignments now assign rewards on completion.
  • An 'Items' tab has been added to the Inventory screen, which displays Upgrade Items and Currencies.
  • The 'Crew Assignments' button will now be active following the Introduction, allowing access to duty assignments without going through the map screens.
  • Current XP has been added to crewmembers profile displays. This will be further updated when crew promotions are implemented.
Scene Content:

  • Several scenes added setting up the introduction to the Harman System. This chain will begin when first visiting the Abandoned Defense Platform (default location for the Harman System).
  • One storyline duty assignment added to Harman System.
Art Content:

  • None
Codex Entries:

  • 'Currencies' entry added to the Settings tab.
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the time display wouldn't update on loading a game until after some more time had passed.
  • Fixed display issue with Options, Codex and Inventory screens on smaller resolution displays.
  • Fixed an issue in the relationship portion of character generation that was saving nicknames from the wrong fields. These values should be automatically swapped to the correct characters in old saves.
  • Fixed potential error when completing duty assignments.
  • Added missing check on duty assignments for minimum required ranks.
  • Improved a number of text display issues with duty assignments.
  • Corrected labeling mismatch on Inventory requisition credits.
Known Issues:

  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The game's release schedule is now fully back in swing, with v0.2.0 now up for the public at the itch.io page, and v0.3.0 now up for patrons! This release cycle focused on filling in the duty assignment system, and getting some actual story progress done. While the number of scenes isn't tremendous, the amount of writing was, with me using the new 'Specialist' NPC introduction scene to really put my new scene branching system to the test. For more info you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

v0.3.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • New generic duty assignments will now appear in the game. The list of available duties is updated daily at hours 1 and 11, and when a new system is entered. Available duties which are not storyline duties and have not been started will be cleared at the same times. Some duties are 'anywhere' duties while others will be system-specific, storyline duties can be performed in any system once they have been unlocked. General reminder: resources may be removed or capped once the 'overstaying your welcome' mechanics have been implemented for the Heat system.
  • Progress-flag-locked destinations added to the map system, which will require story events to occur before you can travel to them.
  • Victorious added as an unlockable destination. Prime Station does not yet require a particular story flag but expect it to in the future.
  • Implemented 'timed' progress flags, which will be unlocked once a certain number of hours have passed.
  • Implemented 'choice' progress flags, which won't unlock content but may potentially change future conversations based on scene choices. ('Specialist NPC will remember this.')
Scene Content:

  • 31 'Anywhere'-located duty assignments added.
  • Post-Victorious scouting duty scene added to Abandoned Defense Platform.
  • Victorious 'first visit' scene added.
  • Harian Specialist NPC introduction scene added, with multiple branching paths.
Art Content:

  • Portraits for Specialist 'Choker' added.
Codex Entries:

  • Playable species entries have been added to the 'Species' tab.
Bug Fixes:

  • Changed some map systems to prevent potential issues when multiple destinations are available.
Known Issues:

  • None
  • Like
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
v0.3.1 is now up for supporters, with a focus on functionality and quality of life improvements for this release. In particular, help screens have been added in a number of places, and the Gallery system is now in the game! A number of other improvements were added as well, meanwhile the rest of the month will be spent returning to writing more story. Check out the Patreon post here for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.3.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Help Guide added to Encounters. This can be opened via the '?' button on the top left.
  • Help Guide added to Romance Scenes. This can be opened via the '?' button on the bottom right.
  • Help Guide added to Maps. This can be opened via the '?' button on the bottom right.
  • Help Guide added to Ship View. This can be opened via the '?' button on the top left.
  • Help Guide added to Duty Assignments. This can be opened via the '?' button on the bottom right.
  • Being in a partner's requested position during romance scenes will now double the speed at which they burn through the 'sweet zone' edging period.
  • Gallery added to the game. This can be accessed via the pause menu. Gallery currently contains 1 CG set and 4 portrait sets.
  • 'Gallery' flags added to the game, which will unlock certain gallery entries. Flags added to the following content:
    • Secretary CG: Playing the Secretary scene during the introduction or at Watch Station.
    • Player portraits: Unlocked following character creation or by loading a save game older than v0.3.1.
    • XO portraits: Uniform unlocked following XO creation or by loading a save game older than v0.3.1, Nude currently inaccessible.
    • Admiral Octo portraits: Uniform unlocked by meeting the Admiral in the intro or by loading a save game older than v0.3.1, Nude currently inaccessible.
    • Choker portraits: Coat/No Coat unlocked by playing Choker's introduction scene, Nude currently inaccessible.
  • 'Unlock Gallery' button added to Cheats in Options. This will unlock the gallery for the duration of the current play session. This will unlock all images including those indicated as inaccessible.
  • Tab highlights added to Codex, Options and Gallery to better indicate the currently selected tab.
  • Confirm Save File Overwrite prompt added when manually entering the name of a save file which already exists.
  • Pressing the return key on the Save File Name and Cheat Code text fields now submits those fields.
  • Romance Scene panel layout has been somewhat improved, with character portraits now added to character panels and description text added to several progress bars.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • Background added to Ship Bridge room.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected a few instances in Encounters where stat-based effects were not taking account of Trait-based stat bonuses.
  • Corrected a number of pronoun-switch-based typos in scenes and romance actions.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Like
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's monthly update time! The most recent update focuses on storyline development, kicking off the 'Harian citizens' plotline, however a number of minor art items have been included as well, including a start on updating the system maps to more dynamic, animated assets. Additionally, v0.3.0 is now up for the public, which you can find at itch.io or Newgrounds.

The next month will largely focus more on continuing the Harian plotlines, although I am planning to switch over to start on the Seeders for a bit once we hit 2023. For more info, check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below:

v0.4.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Portrait functionality updates to support civilian outfits.
  • Yet more scene flow/progress flag updates, to support 'hub scene' selections sending players to different scenes based on story flags.
Scene Content:
  • Two-part 'Sports Arena' scene added to kick off the 'Harian citizens' plotline.
  • Stub scene added for when you visit the sports arenas with no current activities to perform.
  • Stub scene added for when you visit the Blindside Bar with no current activities to perform.
  • Defense Platform scene added for 'Harian citizens' plotline.
  • Two story-based duty assignments added for 'Harian citizens' plotline.
Art Content:
  • Harian 'civilian' outfit portrait sets added.
  • Backgrounds added to Defense Platform, Victorious and Blindside Bar scenes.
  • Dynamic Suns and Gas Giants added to system map screens.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected issue in input field change in v0.3.1 which would cause the save overwrite confirmation to appear when it shouldn't. Added keypad enter to Save Name/Cheat Code submit keys.
  • Corrected issue with savegame compatibility from v0.2.0 or older.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Like
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, time for another story-focused update! The heist subplot continues and concludes, followed by the opportunity to do a bit of splurging in the shops for the first time. A number of polish items were also included in this release with bug-fixes, some generated backgrounds, and a new set of codex entries. The story focus will continue for the rest of the month, with a plan to swap over to the Seeders in the New Year. Additionally, a poll has been posted for Liberator+ folks on potential cameo appearances. Check out the Patreon post here for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.4.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality added to check the state of crew assignments at the start of an encounter. If no one has been assigned to the ship's bridge crew, the encounter will be automatically lost.
  • Functionality added to support in-scene shopping.
  • Functionality added to allow the generation of randomized NPC portraits for scenes.
Scene Content:
  • 'Ship Heist' scenes added, including space combat encounter.
  • 'Bank Heist' scenes added, including ground combat encounter.
  • Military Surplus Store added to Victorious, with Tactical Upgrade Component shopping available following the Heist subplot.
Art Content:
  • Background added to Watch Station docks scene.
  • Background added to Sports Arena scenes.
  • Background added to Military Surplus Store scenes.
Codex Entries:
  • The 'Characters' tab is now active.
  • Species: Celopi, Lencist, Maelish, and Vessian entries added.
  • Characters: Admiral Octivia entry added.
  • Setting: The Galactic Pure Union entry added.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue preventing the Save and Load screens from appearing during combat encounters.
  • Fixed potential issue that could allow a player to get the 'successful' scene branch despite losing in a ground combat or group seduction encounter.
  • Fixed issue preventing body details (like Harian fur markings) from properly displaying in the main portrait.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Love
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
No big update tonight, just wanted to note that the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is participating in both the Steam and Itch Winter Sales, with a new record discount of 40% off. Get your friends and family some alien smut this year!




Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
It's a new month and a new year, which means that the public release of Carnal Voyages has been updated to v0.4.0 and v0.5.0 is now up for patrons! I also wrote up a 2023 forecast post on the Patreon, which I'll just link here rather than repasting. This coming month however will be focused on setting up the Seeders, with a new system map, new NPCs to generate, and hopefully a decent start on the Seeders plotline. Check out the link for more info or the patch notes below, and have a happy new year! Oh, and P.S., our winter sale for Carnal Coup is still on for a few more days!

v0.5.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • New Cheat Code Option: Edit XO Relationship Details.
  • Scene variable parsing improved to handle more complex scene types.
  • Duty Assignment generation modified: duty assignments will now generate 2 'Anywhere' duties and 3 system-specific duties when updated. In systems without specific duty assignments, only the 2 'Anywhere' duties will be generated.
Scene Content:

  • XO Oral scene added to Captain's Office aboard the ship, with several branches. 'Solitaire' Office option removed.
  • 23 Harman System duties added to duty assignment pool.
Art Content:

  • None
Codex Entries:

  • 'Defense Task Force' entry added to Setting.
Bug Fixes:

  • None
Known Issues:

  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's time for a new game update, and our first one featuring the new race, the Seeders! This first update has been almost entirely focused on the backend setup for the new species, in particular with map and NPC generation work, but the rest of the month is now open for a focus on plotline development. For more info, check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below:

v0.5.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Domad Rast System (Seeders) added to Galaxy Map. System Map added, no destinations currently available.
  • Seeder data added to NPC generation system.
Scene Content:
  • Domad Rast introduction scenes added.
  • One story-based duty assignment added to Domad Rast system.
Art Content:
  • Seeder NPC art assets added to game.
  • Seedcarrier Specialist NPC art assets added to game and gallery. Gallery currently only accessible via cheat unlocks.
Codex Entries:
  • Seeders Species entry added.
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None



Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, CV v0.5.0 is now up for the public at itch.io and Newgrounds, and v0.6.0 is released for patrons! This release is based entirely around new written content, including the first introduction of our newest Specialist NPC, the Seedcarrier. He has a bit of a unique and rather aggressive take on things compared to most recruitable NPCs, you might find. We also doubled the amount of flavor text in the procedural scenes, and added in some new artwork. You can find the full update post here, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

v0.6.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • The Flower and Daenad Iond added as map destinations, once unlocked via story scenes.
Scene Content:
  • Many new flavor text entries added to procedural romance scenes.
  • Numerous scenes added progressing the main Seeder plotline.
  • Seedcarrier introduction scenes added.
Art Content:
  • 'XO's Interruption' CG added to scene and gallery. Scene will need to be replayed to unlock in gallery.
  • Backgrounds added to Everroots University, Path's End and Daenad Iond scenes.
  • Seedcarrier Gallery portraits are now unlockable via gameplay.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, v0.6.1 is now here for patrons! This update has a fair bit to it, with one new smut scene and significant work on two different game systems - the adversarial Heat system, and the ability to 'train' crewmembers through sexual means. This is in preparation for adding the crew promotion system to the game, which I'll be working on later this month. There's a fair bit in there, so you can check out the Patreon post for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.6.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Heat System has now been implemented:
    • If you have spent more time in a hostile star system than your ship's stealth capabilities can handle and attempt to use the System Map to travel, you will be given the option of fighting off a GPU patrol vessel or exiting the system via the Galaxy Map.
    • If you win the fight, 20 hours will be added to your detection timer. If you lose the fight you will immediately emergency FTL jump back to the Figura System with a 10 hour time loss. Reminder: Attempting a fight with no bridge crew assigned still results in an automatic loss.
    • If you have spent more time in the system than your ship stealth + 20 hours, you will only have the option of leaving via the Galaxy Map.
    • Leaving a system will reset any bonus hours remaining for that system.
    • The ability to pass time at Watch Station will remain until more GPU systems have been added to the game.
  • Crewmember Seduction system has been implemented:
    • You can currently attempt to seduce one crewmember every 4 hours. This is done by viewing crew profile information in the crew roster.
    • Base success chance is 20%. Some player sexual traits provide bonus options. Effective bonuses increase chance to 40%, negative effective bonuses reduce chance to 0%. Smoothtalker trait provides a 60% chance.
    • These values will likely change when future upgrade options are available.
  • XP requirements to reach the next promotion level are now shown on crew profiles. XP cannot be earned above this requirement, although previously existing XP is not removed (for now). Requirement values subject to change in the future. Commanders no longer earn xp.
  • Crewmembers can earn Sexual XP in dynamic sex scenes. XP is temporarily gained by actions, and 'locked in' when orgasm is reached. XP gain capped at 1/8th the promotion requirements per orgasm. Temporary XP that is not locked in is cleared on the daily update. Not all bonuses yet applied, all values subject to future change.
  • The XO will now select one random crewmember each day who isn't maxed out on Sexual XP and give them 'training' for 1/4th of their current rank requirement. This feature will be expanded in the future.
Scene Content:
  • Seedcarrier intro scene completed with second half. Additional XO/Seedcarrier scene variant available if your relationship is Fuckbuddy, Rival or Hatefuck. If you are already located at Daenad Iond on an old save you will need to leave and revisit to retrigger the scene.
  • New 'Scenario Replay' scene added to the Captain's Office aboard the ship. This hub scene will allow the replaying of previously viewed romance scenes that are otherwise one-time-only. Different options can be selected when replaying scenes but these will not qualify for any 'canon' progress flags. Seedcarrier intro scene added to replay hub.
  • Mini-scenes added as part of crewmember seduction system.
Art Content:
  • New map icons/decoration added to system maps: unique system stations, unique system trading vessels, GPU military vessels.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's monthly update time! v0.6.0 is now up for the public at the usual itch.io page, and v0.7.0 is now available for patrons! This was a pretty short update cycle, so the main focus for this one was on implementing crewmember promotions. For the upcoming month my plan is to focus pretty heavily on writing for the various Harian plotlines, and a bit of Choker content is already in progress. For more info you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

v0.7.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Ship Policies button is now functional following the tutorial. One policy currently available: to toggle on or off daily XO training of crew with Sexual XP. The maximum number of crew trainings will be upgradable at a future date.
  • New Cheat Option added. A new button has been added that will add 10 of each upgrade item and 500 of each currency type when pressed.
  • Crew Promotions now available. When a crewmember has sufficient XP of both types, a button will appear on their crew profile. If you have sufficient upgrade items of required type, you may promote them one rank. Trait bonuses applied to cost discounts, numbers still subject to adjustment.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • The daily log report of XO trainings is now colored to match other log entries.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Time for our mid-month update, and this time we've got the first in-game appearance of one of our main antagonist characters! As with doing anything for the first time, there were a few mechanical issues to sort out - in particular, dealing with the fact that these characters are gender-flexible yet gender preferences can be changed at any time. In the end I went with a system for locking a character in to the preferences you have at the time you first encounter them, so heads up, make sure you have your preferences as you want them before proceeding with the storylines! There was also a lot of duty assignment work in this update, as well as some further updates to the crew promotion system. You can check out the details here, or the patch notes below:

v0.7.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality added to support portraits and text switches for GPU Leaders. Note: Leaders from non-monogendered species will adjust in form to match your recruitment preference settings at the time of their first appearance in-game. It is recommended to make sure that your preferences are set to what you wish before proceeding with storylines and locking them in.
  • Duty Assignment slots will now display the career track logo matching the requirement for that slot.
Scene Content:
  • Second Choker scene added, unlocked 60 hours after the first scene.
  • First Admiral Clausen scene added, unlocked following heist/ship raid scene.
  • Watch Station Preferences Update scene updated to include warning notice about dynamic storyline characters.
  • 26 system-specific duty assignments added for the Domad Rast system.
Art Content:
  • Portraits for Admiral Clausen added to scenes and gallery. Nude gallery portraits accessible via cheats.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected Crew Promotions so that they will now add the additional number of character traits and stat points a higher ranked crewmember should have. Check has been added which should automatically apply updates to characters promoted in v0.7.0.
  • Corrected a layering issue on the Cheats screen.
  • Added missing relationship change chance flag in Choker Fight scene.
  • Fixed an error in the 'Attempt to Steal GPU Weaponry for Analysis' Harman System duty assignment.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Love
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
It's time for another update! You can find v0.7.0 up for public release on the usual itch.io page, and v0.8.0 is now up for patrons! This update focuses mostly on applying player preferences to one-off or cameo characters, allowing for a wider variety of smut scenes that aren't tied in to particular plotlines. One new smut scene is in this release, and we have a new CG set as well featuring our smug plant-boy. Check out the Patreon post for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.8.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality to support 'single use' characters in scenes who follow gender preference settings, in both text and portraits.
Scene Content:
  • Added Choker's third scene, unlocked 60 hours after the second.
  • 'Dark Streets' encounter scene added to Victorious, unlocked following bank/ship attack scenes. Two main scene variants, can be replayed. Content Warning: Attempted assault, scene is optional.
Art Content:
  • CG added to Seedcarrier intro scene (two variants added to Gallery). Gallery can be unlocked through the replay in the captain's office if required.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the progress flags in Choker's second scene. If previously played, it will likely be required to wait 60 hours then play it again.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent dynamic portraits (ie, removing clothing) from properly resetting if the scene is replayed.
  • XO portrait will now properly remove their shirt in the Rival/Hatefuck versions of the 'XO Oral' scene in the Captain's Office.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, got some new game functionality in tonight, and most of the progress towards getting the Tier 2 ships into the game. There's a number of new market options available at Watch Station in the Figura System, and you can now do some ship window shopping. Unfortunately the ships themselves still need some more work, and won't be purchasable until the next update. I talked a fair bit tonight about my goals for ship upgrades, which you can check out at the Patreon post here, and the patch notes are below. Enjoy!

v0.8.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Quartermaster Office added to Watch Station. Quartermaster allows for the currency exchange of DTF Merits and GPU Millitals, and low-volume trading of upgrade items for merits.
  • Dockyard Office added to Watch Station:
    • Your current ship can now be renamed at the Dockyard Office.
    • The ship shop can now be viewed, along with Tier 2 vessels. Purchasing new ships is disabled until ship design is complete.
    • Functionality added to swap between your current ship and one you have purchased. Note: It will not be possible to swap to a ship too small to house your current crew roster.
Scene Content:
  • Scenes added for new Watch Station locations.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Sup folks, it's monthly update time! v0.8.0 is now available for the public at the usual page, and v0.9.0 is now up for patrons! This update focused on finishing off the new Tier Two ship classes, which I talked about a fair bit in my last update, and making some more progress on the Seeder plotlines. For the next month I plan to do some further writing, in particular of the smutty kind, with perhaps some more functionality work at the end of the month. Check out the Patreon post for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.9.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Tier 2 ships are now complete and can be purchased at the Watch Station dockyards.
Scene Content:
  • Third Everroots University scene added, unlocked after meeting the Seedcarrier.
  • First Seeder Leader scene added, unlocked after the Third Everroots scene.
Art Content:
  • Backgrounds added for new Ship Laboratory and Armory ship rooms.
  • Sage Lantana portraits added to Scenes and Gallery. Nude portrait accessible via cheats.
Codex Entries:
  • Career Track descriptions added to Setting section of the Codex.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected issue where Seedcarrier BJ CG wouldn't display in the XO variant of the scene.
  • Added check to ensure new/promoted crewmembers do not get a trait they lack the anatomy to take advantage of. Existing crewmembers are not adjusted.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Love
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, it's mid-month update time! This month so far has been almost entirely focused on writing, particularly in regards to replayable smut scenes. For the second half of the month I'll be focusing on implementing shapeshifting, which has been one of the last larger functionality items sitting on my to-do list.

More importantly though, tonight I've also set up a poll to choose the next two races to be added to the game! Right now this is primarily so that artwork can be started rather than actually implementing new content, but this will likely determine development goals for much of the coming year, so it's a big choice. Swing by, sign up and vote! You can check out the Patreon post here for more details.

v0.9.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality to support player anatomy as a trigger for dialogue options.
  • Dynamic NPC functionality expanded to support default-non-binary characters, and mixed-gender NPC groups.
Scene Content:
  • 'Aryopter' scene added to Daenad Iond. Replayable.
  • 'Mess Hall' scene added to the Captain's Office, unlocked with the Cunning Linguist Personal trait or the Service/Oral Fixation Sexual traits. Uses preference-dynamic characters. Replayable.
  • 'Harian Civilians' second scene added to Victorious, unlocked following the Heist plotline.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue where dynamic generic NPCs might use the wrong settings if the player's preference is set to 'males with vaginas'.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's a new month, which means new updates! v0.9.0 is now up at the usual itch.io page, and v0.10.0 is now out for patrons! This latest update was entirely focused around post-character-generation customization, with a number of new features added for players with the Shapeshifting trait. Additionally, player name and gender can now be changed at any time from the Personnel Office.

Also, we had a species poll on our next two entries to the game, and the winners are: the reptilian Schen, and the goblins of the Happee Corporation! While they will not make an appearance for a while, artwork will be getting started on them shortly.

For this next month I'll be focusing heavily on writing tasks again, particularly with an aim of getting to recruit your first Specialist NPCs. You can check out the Patreon post here, and the patch notes below:

v0.10.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Shapeshifting player characters will now have the option of temporarily adding or removing genitalia and tails during dynamic sex scenes. Players will not be able to climax if both sets of genitalia are removed.
  • Shapeshifting player characters can now change their visual appearance from the Captain's Office. Apparent species, breast size, genitalia and visual details can be modified. If a male character chooses a Roth Mistress presentation or a female character chooses a Roth Drone presentation, their gender will be changed to non-binary.
  • Players can now change their name at the Personnel department at Watch Station.
  • Players can now change their official gender at the Personnel department at Watch Station. To register as female, neither your true nor shapeshifted species may be Roth Drone, likewise for male and Roth Mistresses.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Crewmember seduction attempts will no longer use the XO as a portrait placeholder.
  • Improved Toggle graphics to reduce pixel scaling issues.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, it's mid-month update time! This cycle was all about Specialists, with a lot of functionality work towards setting up Specialist recruitment, and a few scenes to get Choker in particular onto the crew. With that work out of the way I'll be spending the rest of the month trying to catch up the Seedcarrier's storyline a bit. I'll also note that tonight's Patreon post features a sneak preview of the new goblin faction portraits, as well as some more details on the plans for Specialist relationship advancement. Check out the post here, or the patch notes below. Enjoy!

v0.10.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality to support flag-locked codex entries.
  • Encounter actions have been sped up: scroll and message wait time cut in half, 'Updating' pause between messages has been removed.
  • Specialist Recruitment functionality added:
    • Specialists will join the crew as Lt. Commanders with pre-generated stats and traits.
    • Functionality added to support Specialist facial portraits in various screens.
    • Specialists can be viewed in the crew roster, but cannot be promoted through XP. Specialists cannot currently be seduced for dynamic encounters, but this will be unlocked in the future after completing more of their storylines.
    • Specialists can be assigned to Duty Assignments.
    • Specialists can be assigned to ship stations, including bridge stations.
    • Specialists do not count against ship capacity.
Scene Content:
  • Choker recruitment scene added.
  • Choker's first shipboard scene added.
  • Officer's Quarters added as a Specialist hub scene, accessible from the Captain's Office.
  • Choker's Cabin added as a hub for Choker scenes, accessible from the Officer's Quarters following her recruitment.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • Choker codex entry added, unlocked following Specialist recruitment.
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected bug that prevented the XO from being assigned to Duty Assignments with no specific Career requirements.
  • Corrected bug which prevented failed Duty Assignments from displaying their full result message.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Love
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Monthly update time, though alongside the v0.10.0 update for the public and v0.11.0 for patrons, I'd like to note that the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is currently on sale on Steam and itch for a record 50% off! A good time to check it out and pick up the art book if you haven't already.

This latest update focused on a combination of bug fixes and Seedcarrier plotline scenes, including quite a bit of Seeder smut crammed into one of those scenes. I'll be continuing with Specialist relationship plotlines for at least the next update. Til then, you can check out the patreon link here for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.11.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • None
Scene Content:
  • Second Seedcarrier scene added, unlocked 40 hours after the first.
  • Third Seedcarrier scene added, unlocked 40 hours after the second. Contains three different sex scene variants, one unlocked via the Swinger/Gangbanger traits. Will be added to replayable options in the next update.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected bug which allowed for crewmembers to spawn as part of the 'General' career division, which is a placeholder for randomization. Existing 'General' crew have had their careers re-rolled.
  • Corrected bug which was checking the wrong requirements to see whether or not a crewmember had enough Career XP to be promoted.
  • Corrected bug where the Options screen would 'forget' the current resolution settings while in Windowed mode.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, we've got a very Seedcarrier-focused update for you tonight! The lusty fellow is now recruitable for your crew, and a new CG featuring some of his followers has been added in as well! For the second half of the month I'll be going back to code work for a bit, aiming to add in the ability to issue request/orders to your partners in the procedural scenes. After that, it'll likely be going back to work on some of the non-Specialist plotlines for a bit. You can check out the Patreon post here for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.11.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Seedcarrier can now be recruited and assigned as a Cultural Lt. Commander.
Scene Content:
  • Third Seedcarrier scene is now replayable from the Captain's Office logs. Reminder: branch choices in replays will not affect overall storyline.
  • Seedcarrier recruitment scene added.
  • Seedcarrier's cabin added to the officer's wing.
  • Seedcarrier's first ship-based scene added.
Art Content:
  • 'Monastery Bedroom' background added to 2nd Seedcarrier scene.
  • 'Seedcarrier's Trio' CG added to third Seedcarrier scene, scene replay, and gallery. Scene will need to be replayed to unlock in the gallery if previously played.
Codex Entries:
  • Seedcarrier codex entry added, unlocked following Seedcarrier's recruitment.
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Sup folks, it's update time! v0.11.0 is now available for the public at the usual page, and v0.12.0 is now up for patrons! This update primarily focuses on adding new functionality to the procedural sex scenes, allowing players to request NPC actions rather than having to wait for the RNG to trigger them. There's also a few new scenes in both factions to enjoy. The coming month will focus almost entirely on writing, although adding in the next set of factions may be close on the horizon. For more info you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below:

v0.12.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Players may now make specific requests of partners during procedural Romance Scenes, rather than waiting for random events:
    • Players must be involved in a multi-person position for the option to appear.
    • Players may make any number of requests, but changing position or canceling requests will turn all requests inactive.
    • Partners with active requests will not randomly change their current behavior, unless they have the 'Royalty' trait.
    • Romance Scene help text updated with current functionality status.
Scene Content:
  • Second scene in Sage Lantana plotline added to Everroots, unlocked 40 hours after the first.
  • Third scene in Harian Civilians plotline added to Victorious, unlocked 40 hours after the second. Bonus variant available with 150 millitals.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved reliability of timer flags being updated during save compatibility checks.
  • Fixed bug where the XO character creation screen would display the career selection option if the player character was a shapeshifter (any career selected here has no effect).
  • Fixed issue where the starting ship name would be reset immediately after renaming. Affected ships can be renamed at the DTF Dockyards.
  • Typo fixes.
Known Issues:
  • None
  • Like
Reactions: Emerald


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, the mid-month update is here! This release focused almost entirely on writing, and in particular kicks off a mini-storyline featuring six characters from Carnal Coup, The Sorority! The clone sisters were chosen to cameo in a poll some months ago, and the time has come for them to make their appearance. The rest of the month will focus on completing this storyline, with some Sorority-Seeder fun sure to come. For more info, you can check out the patch notes below, or the Patreon post here.

v0.12.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality added to support dynamic multi-character portraits.
Scene Content:
  • Second scene in Harian Leader plotline added, unlocked at the Defense Platform 40 hours following the first.
  • Third scene in Harian Leader plotline added, unlocked at Victorious 20 hours following the second.
  • First Sorority scene added, unlocked at the Path's End Observatory following the first Seeder Leader scene.
Art Content:
  • Sorority portrait artwork added.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Crew Roster can no longer be viewed during scenes with important progress flags, to avoid potential issues arising from taking a break to seduce a crewmember in the middle of an important scene.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's new month time which means it's new update time! v0.12.0 is now available for the public, and v0.13.0 has been released for supporters. This update was entirely focused on the Sorority cameo plotline, and came close to finishing it off but not quite with a few more bits to add in for the next update. Afterwards I'll be spending the rest of the month on more Harian and Seeder plotline development, with high odds of starting on the next pair of species in October. For more info you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below:

v0.13.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Functionality added to support dynamic multi-character portraits in Gallery.
Scene Content:
  • Sorority second scene added, including combat encounter and pre and post-combat scenes. Unlocked at the Observatory 10 hours after the first scene.
  • Sorority third scene added, one scene variant still in development. Unlocked at the Observatory 10 hours after the second scene, can be replayed. First play awards two Seeder ensign requisitions.
Art Content:
  • Sorority portrait artwork added to Gallery. Clothed portrait unlocked via first Sorority scene, nude portrait unlocked via third.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug with facial portraits for Seeder officers.
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey folks, it's mid-month update time! This update wraps up the Sorority mini-plotline, including adding a new CG, and advances Choker's plotline by a few more scenes as well.

I also have something of a rant about Unity's new pricing plan changes, which I won't repeat here. Suffice to say, Unity's current leadership is insane and may have just killed the company. Whee! Check out the Patreon post here for more details, and you can find the patch notes below:

v0.13.1 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • None
Scene Content:
  • Sorority third scene variant added.
  • Choker's second ship scene added, unlocked 20 hours following the first.
  • Choker's third ship scene added, unlocked 20 hours following the second.
Art Content:
  • Sorority CG added to third Sorority scene, scene replay, and Gallery.
Codex Entries:
  • Sorority codex entry added, unlocked after the second Sorority scene.
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's a new month, and a new version is out! v0.14.0 is now up for patrons, and v0.13.0 has been released for the public at the usual link. This latest release adds the first steamy content featuring Choker, as well as a new shop to purchase upgrade items from. Next month is going to be a big step however, as I've decided it's finally time to start working on the next pair of species: the reptilian Schen and the space goblins of Happee Co! This will mostly involve a lot of behind-the-scenes work to start with, as there's a lot of work that needs to be done to get a new faction set up.

Also, today marks the second anniversary of the Carnal Coup: Overseer's Edition launch! For this week in celebration, it's 35% off on both Steam and itch.io!

Unity also updated their insane pricing plan since the last post, tldr: I won't be making any changes with Carnal Voyages as far as game engine is concerned.

You can check out the Patreon post here, and the patch notes are below. Enjoy!

v0.14.0 Change Log

Game Functions:
  • Assets and functionality added to support Schen civilian portrait outfits.
Scene Content:
  • Choker Relationship branch scene added, unlocked 100 hours following her third ship scene. Replayable if you change your mind.
  • 'Romantic' version of Choker's ship hub scene added, including replayable scene to change relationship type between Platonic/Romantic.
  • Choker sex scene added, with two variants. Replayable.
  • University Supply Shop added to Everroots University. Shop contents unlocked following the third 'University' plotline scene, includes Medical and Cultural upgrade items.
Art Content:
  • Choker's Nude portrait is now unlockable in the gallery following the first sex scene with her.
  • Background added for University Supply Shop.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it'd mid-month update time! There's admittedly little playable content in this update, as I've been working on the foundational work for the next two factions. Assets have been prepped and added to the game for Happee Co (space goblins) portraits, and two new systems have been added to the galaxy map, which can be visited and previewed although there's no content to be found there as of yet.

For the next update I'll be continuing to do some new faction prep work, and then starting on some story content, likely starting with the Schen. You can check out the Patreon post here for more info, or the patch notes below:

v0.14.1 Change Log
Game Functions:
  • Assets and functionality added to support Happee Co civilian portrait outfits.
  • Galaxy Map updated to include Hansche (Schen) and Joi (Happee Co) system destinations.
  • Hansche System Map added, accessible from the Seeder system. Contains two locations, no scenes.
  • Joi System Map added, accessible from the Harian system. Contains two locations, no scenes.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • None