Can't assign levels

Feb 24, 2022
If you have reached level 10 and you haven't assigned your levels yet, you will be unable to assign them anymore. I found out the hard way when farming amazon treatment for strength while saving all my levels for when the treatment is over.

Edit: Another thing I found out is that if one of your stats has a decimal, and you want to max that stat, you can't. you cannot max a stat if the stat has a decimal, as in, you cannot add the final stat point to that particular stat ex. level up screen displays 49, stat is 49.7 cannot add a stat point to make it 50, so it will always be below max. A fix I would recommend is to make a stat check every time you sleep and if a stat has a decimal, round to the nearest point. ex. 49.7 round to 50 or 33.2 round to 33
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