Can you get rid of traits?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
So question .. well with a bit of exposition first.. I am a pretty heavy transformation fetishist and while I try to play my Steele as I would myself in such a Universe that means while I often set out as a human that pretty much lasts not much longer than the first landing zone. Honestly .. in  RL .. if you handed me something and said "eat this and it will turn you into X" unless it was something horrible I probably would. Also I tend to play my character as the classic space cowgirl so yeah when asked questions like "Are you a hero" the mental response I give is "Your god damned right I am." so with all that out of the way... 

Most of my favorite transformations in the game also frequently sadly include mental effects as well such as bimbo and ditz speech. No real problem with that... bad with the good is often the best part of TFs but however so many of these can often end up overlapping to the point that a character with interests such as much can often end up almost unplayable. Lust accumulates so fast and important for my build stats like int drop like a rock that I end up losing more fights than I win. For example .. this is my character if I play her true to my own interests right nows "perks" (see attached) ... while all of its nice and fun .. it also means her lust is pretty much broken.

Sooooo (Yes I'm babbling..) is there any way to remove such traits as bimbo and what not? Or is there any plan to include that in the future? Even removing a couple of these traits would reduce my level of suck immensely. If not, oh well. Hell I wouldn't even undo my playthough .. just struggle on .. sexily sexily on.. but it would be nice. <3



Aug 26, 2015
There is no method of undoing any bimbo-related transformations.  The permanence is part of the fetish, which is why it's also gated behind drugs that advertise heavily what they do.

Except Badger, but there's a reason Badger gets hate.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
That is quite the perk list.  The sum of it: you're boned.  

You can save edit those out, but a big part of the dynamic of those perks is that you're stuck with them.  If you depend on intelligence or willpower, you're boned. 

My advice: If you need to treatment up, be sure you get cowmazon or brute, they're the only treatment variations with a net positive. 

Other treatment variations are at your own risk, and will pretty much break tech specialists. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There's a super obvious warning and button for Badger, not to mention you can just reload your save. People will complain about anything.

Speaking of Bimbo stuff, I took Dumbfuck and then the Treatment and got two sets of Ditz Speech and Fuck Sense. Any idea why, @Jacques00?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
There is no method of undoing any bimbo-related transformations.  The permanence is part of the fetish, which is why it's also gated behind drugs that advertise heavily what they do.

Except Badger, but there's a reason Badger gets hate.

For the record I love Dr. B and hope she some day gets more content. She is the one part of the game I refuse to skip no matter what. I'll just have to take being a bimbo and make it work. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With all the hate when she was added back then it may be hard to get more content for her. Even getting this recent quest about Penny was attained after few galons of hate been poured out...and one not bad expansion been scrapped out.


Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of Bimbo stuff, I took Dumbfuck and then the Treatment and got two sets of Ditz Speech and Fuck Sense. Any idea why, @Jacques00?

I'm looking it over and I can't see how that is possible--they all check to see of the perk is already obtained before adapting it. Unless you are playing a really old or modified version of the game, or if the save file was edited in some way (misspelled perk names or something), that shouldn't happen. Did your character take the items simultaneously?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, there's a "warning," but it is nowhere near as conspicuous as it needs to be considering she literally ruins your character from top to bottom over the course of a single screen.

...B-But, the Be Hero button straight up says that it's "going to brain-drain you". I mean, the only way to make it more obvious is to put "THIS WILL TURN YOU INTO A BIMBO TURN BACK NOW."

@Jacques00: Save was from...1 or 2 months ago. I'll try going through the process again and submit a bug report if necessary. My character isn't a Cum Cow though.
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Aug 26, 2015
As for Ditz Speech, Fenoxo mentioned someone bringing up the idea of Ditz Speech being removed and regained at certain points with the Dumb4Cum perk. I have recently implemented this in a pull request, so it may come out in a later build. Basically, if the character is cum-hungry enough and doesn't already have Ditz speech, they will gain it; once relieved, they will lose it (unless it is permanent, via Dr. Bimbo or Dumbfuck).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A better way to fix Badger would be to make her not so shallow. If her encounter had any kind of depth to it whatsoever, maybe a stat check to avoid getting hit, or some kind of combat element, or literally anything other than "act a certain way for completely arbitrary reasons or you get absolutely fucked," she wouldn't be so irritating. As it is, she's a supremely grating character that's protected by nothing but the shallowness of her content. 

JimThermic tried that with his "Turning the Tables" project (it's even complete) but it was rejected.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Of course it was.  ¬¬

Honestly, if that's not because of an explicit request by Badger's creator (even if I dislike the character, I would respect the desires of her author), it's probably just because the issue is, at this point, so banal and exhausted that the devs can't be bothered to care. 

I often forget Badger exists entirely, at least until someone says her name. Then my need to make sure everyone knows how butthurt I am flares up.

Did you know, that Dr.Badger was was made after the someone's fursona and that someone isn't the author of the Dr.badger scenes?   :smugdog:
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
addButton(0,"Hero",heyDocImAHero,undefined,"Hero","You better skedaddle if you don't want to get bimbofied, fam.");

Better change it to this then.

I mean, I definitely agree, but like you don't understand the shitstorm that happened when she was introduced. People took it way too seriously. At least, in proportion to what it really was. Again, definitely controversial, but you'd think it was loli content given how upset people got.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Putting large sign and with bold letters in tooltip for this will do little since people will often click fast anyway. Hell maybe renaming this button from "Hero" to "BecameBimbo" or similar will help figure out that it's about bimbofication xD

Multiple save slots are also for making some safe saves in case something happen and we want reroll to some earlier point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Oh I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with the way it was or saying AHMAGURD I got bimboed... I understood exactly what was gonna happen. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in going through some ordeal to clear my head later. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
At some point in past I think Couch had plans and even made some rough draft of item to give or remove bimbo/brute speach perk. It was really funny esepcaily reference to omlete de fomage :laugh:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
This scenario is exactly why I'm glad I stick mainly to male PCs in Fen games lol, male characters are less likely to get the game breaking perks. Though I still have to be afraid of the likes of Dr Badger.


Aug 26, 2015
I made the item, it's somewhere.  Speech perks are used virtually never, so it's not exactly a high priority.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Can we like please not open that Can of Worms again? The last discussion about doc b didn't end well and I doubt it will end well in this thread either if the discussion continues to lead down that road. :aaa:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I made the item, it's somewhere.  Speech perks are used virtually never, so it's not exactly a high priority.

The whole of Myrellion man. Almost all the important people on that planet support Brute or Bimbo, and it fucking kills me. I like what the Treatment and Dr. Badger can do for a character physically, but the mental changes almost always make me skip over both of them.

CoC had De-bimbo, we need something like that. Or, I dunno, an NPC that brain fucks the smart back into you or something. Anything would do at this point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
I mean we kind of already opened it, but like I said:

I'd imagine the player base is in the same boat. Yeah, a lot of people don't like Badger. That's pretty much a given. A few people do like her. She's been around this long, so she's obviously not going anywhere. There's not really anything to argue or debate if the encounter itself isn't going to be changed. Yeah, it's almost a given fact that's it's structured really poorly and could've been done in a much better way, but here we are.

It's just kind of the way the topic drifted naturally.

Nuuu. Don't take away mah Doctor. Shes all I gots. I NEED her. Seriously.. favorite thing in the game. Though I like Holiday probably second best. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nowhere did I say she should be taken away lol

At most she could stand to just have her initial encounter rewritten with either a better excuse as to why the PC can't fight back or... something. She doesn't need to be cut, that'd be counterproductive.

Personally, I'm still hoping for "Turning the Tables" to be implemented...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Nowhere did I say she should be taken away lol

At most she could stand to just have her initial encounter rewritten with either a better excuse as to why the PC can't fight back or... something. She doesn't need to be cut, that'd be counterproductive.

I'd like something more between her and Lash. There's some reference to a feud between the two of them. Picking a side, running errands for them to get a discount on services, help them get the edge over the other... I dunno, something like that might be neat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like something more between her and Lash. There's some reference to a feud between the two of them. Picking a side, running errands for them to get a discount on services, help them get the edge over the other... I dunno, something like that might be neat.

This is kinda played up in that quest where Dr. Badger gives you a bimbofying raygun to zap Penny with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
This is kinda played up in that quest where Dr. Badger gives you a bimbofying raygun to zap Penny with.

Yeah, but that results in Penny being Bimbo'd. If I don't like it when it happens to me, I don't want to do it to other NPCs. That's why I feel the two of them should stay in their own bubble of hate and pettiness. And we can get payed/transformations for helping them fuck with each other.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's why I feel the two of them should stay in their own bubble of hate and pettiness. And we can get payed/transformations for helping them fuck with each other.

Interesting idea but...

Yeah, but that results in Penny being Bimbo'd. If I don't like it when it happens to me, I don't want to do it to other NPCs. 

Bimbofying Penny isn'the only possible outcome from that quest. You can also inform Penny of Dr. Badger's intentions.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Interesting idea but...

Bimbofying Penny isn'the only possible outcome from that quest. You can also inform Penny of Dr. Badger's intentions.

Yep, and that removes Badger from the game. Since both of the individuals (Badger and Lash) are on the run from authorities, adding in a scene where you turn Lash in wouldn't be out of the question either. Like, if you turn Penny into a cumslut, Lash could let you remove Penny's cock... and vag. Basically turn her into RoboCop, as the 'purging for clarity' that he craves. And instead, you could turn Lash in since he sterilized a planet. Hell, Penny could get a bunch of new sex scenes, like Bimbo does, with her being dominant over the PC.

That said, Lash is far more useful than Badger at this point, since he can remove unwanted genitals and breasts. Why doesn't badger have a way to add those? Then she would serve a purpose beyond 'I sell illegal shit'.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep, and that removes Badger from the game.

No, I mean't that when when you accept the quest from Badger when you come to Penny after you inform her of Badger's plan with the raygun, you have three options. One involves turning the Badger in, the other is you zapping Penny regardless and the third one involves going to Lash so he can re-tool the bimbofying raygun.