Cait a real Slut for Cuddles yet.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Cait's the only companion you can't ask to sleep with you at night. You can do it with Brint/Brienne, Bery, Quin, Kiyoko, and Arona, but not Cait? I mean if you have sex with Cait at a certain time in the evening, You can choose to ether Move on, or Cuddle. With Cait being the first companion/friend/lover you'd think you be able to ask Cait like you can the others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Cause sleeping doesn't advance industry, Pyro! You should know this. Every sleeping soul is one that isn't enriching the people of Savarra!
That's why deep down James is my spirit animal, I can never turn down good cuddles.

Always glad to see a fellow obscure RTS nerd, heh.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I think it's nice flavor and i suppose it did bother me a little starting out but at this point. since my character is fucking a lot of people in the party it's like. it feels weird to give priority to someone sometimes. Just have everyone pile in one bed and/or tent! lol... could make for funny silly mode things if nothing else. (arona bodysplash into all the others on the bed lol i dunno)

I get why it's not focused on though. At the end of the day it's just a snooze and you can still do it essentially if you go for the late night fuck lol.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Ok got it stupid retarded post by a dumb retarded loser that should never post anything again. In fact I'll go delete all my other loser written post and then delete my profile.

lost mage

Ok got it stupid retarded post by a dumb retarded loser that should never post anything again. In fact I'll go delete all my other loser written post and then delete my profile.

It wasn't a stupid question made by a stupid person. It was a normal question made by a person new to the community who has better things to do than lurk the forums and discord 24/7 to know everything about the game's development.

I know how you're feeling right now because I was there as well but it will pass and in a few days you will ask yourself how you got here. I will recommend you work on your confidence and seek help if you think you need it.

I apologize for my part in getting you where you are and really hope I haven't scared you away from our little community.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
I don't really like Sleepwith as a mechanic so writing that for my companions is verrrrrrry low priority, especially when she already has a dynamic night time cuddle mechanic.
Then why did you even bother with this mechanic if you hate it so much? Why not just get rid of it one less headach to put up with?

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Ok Mr Guest and Savin made it seem like Savin was the only one. Mr. Guest was also the one who, made me feel like I offended everyone. For even daring to make this post this thread wasting Savin's valuble time. "Savin working on more important matters don't waste, Posting a stupid thread like this again loser."That's what made me beat myself up. But whatever My Mental disorder fucking with me again read too much into it oh well. Thanks for humoring me anyway.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Ok Mr Guest and Savin made it seem like Savin was the only one. Mr. Guest was also the one who, made me feel like I offended everyone. For even daring to make this post this thread wasting Savin's valuble time. "Savin working on more important matters don't waste, Posting a stupid thread like this again loser."That's what made me beat myself up. But whatever My Mental disorder fucking with me again read too much into it oh well. Thanks for humoring me anyway.
Hey hey, man, completely seriously, I have a similar issue with taking stuff to heart a bit. Not meaning to sound rude by this either, I've had to learn it recently too, but it's always a good idea to look kinda at forum cultures and kinda get a feel for the communities, each one's different. Savin and Mr Guest didn't mean anything that negative, Mr Guest made a joke at the end too so think that was to kinda make it less insulting toward you or anything. Back on topic, the general forum culture here is all the devs are kinda, well, touchy some, in their defense they've been asked stuff and answered a ton, and I'm sure that's annoying for them, but sometimes they come off too sharp. ... Some of the team slightly more so than others. And a couple forum lurkers that pop in even sharper for brownie points or something. But generally they're nice, and human, and bad days aside you can't always communicate emotion online without talking like HK47. If you read all that though, also game's pretty early in development, Cait's been getting quite a bit of new waifu content too, pretty recently had her new character quest where I believe she gets her red mage outfit and butt stuff priveleges, if you haven't tried that, and as previously mentioned the cuddle options basically the "sleep with" in all but name. She's a pretty integral character so I'm sure she'll probably get more content as we go, I wouldn't worry about it, even if we didn't she has a surprising amount of content, make sure you keep her in your party as you do quests for more flavor text with her.
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War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Hey hey, man, completely seriously, I have a similar issue with taking stuff to heart a bit. Not meaning to sound rude by this either, I've had to learn it recently too, but it's always a good idea to look kinda at forum cultures and kinda get a feel for the communities, each one's different. Savin and Mr Guest didn't mean anything that negative, Mr Guest made a joke at the end too so think that was to kinda make it less insulting toward you or anything. Back on topic, the general forum culture here is all the devs are kinda, well, touchy some, in their defense they've been asked stuff and answered a ton, and I'm sure that's annoying for them, but sometimes they come off too sharp. ... Some of the team slightly more so than others. And a couple forum lurkers that pop in even sharper for brownie points or something. But generally they're nice, and human, and bad days aside you can't always communicate emotion online without talking like HK47. If you read all that though, also game's pretty early in development, Cait's been getting quite a bit of new waifu content too, pretty recently had her new character quest where I believe she gets her red mage outfit and butt stuff priveleges, if you haven't tried that, and as previously mentioned the cuddle options basically the "sleep with" in all but name. She's a pretty integral character so I'm sure she'll probably get more content as we go, I wouldn't worry about it, even if we didn't she has a surprising amount of content, make sure you keep her in your party as you do quests for more flavor text with her.
Yeah I try to remember that most of the time. If I don't know the person well enough, I have a hard time telling if they're joking or not. Thank you though I gotta remember, that all sorts of people come on here. Some ask the devs questions in a nice way some are complete dicks about it. Plus all that work not just for CoC2 but TiTs as well. So yeah they're going to come off mean because they're tired as fuck. As for the "Sleep with", and Cait I'm just surprised she wasn't the first choice after Brint/Brienne that's all.