Bug When fighting Amb Cordella and recovering the probe it then crashes (Dhaal Planet)


New Member
Jun 13, 2023
Au Darwin
Version: 0.9.063-BACKER-ELECTRON#3632 Message: targetIndex is not defined Stack:
ReferenceError: targetIndex is not defined
at file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10301366
at Array.find ()
at w (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10301315)
at e.value (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10304084)
at e.value (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17111172)
at e.value (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17111353)
at e.value (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17110693)
at window.farrowQuestWrapUp (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/content_dhaal.04bc6273.js:1:5828165)
at e.oe.runOnEnter (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/content_dhaal.04bc6273.js:1:6325514)
at Kk (file:///E:/KDA/TiTS-public-0.9.063-win/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17585993)
(23:18:46.339) [Core] info: GameState postLoad()
(23:18:49.282) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:18:49.282) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276145
(23:18:49.495) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:18:49.495) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276141
(23:18:49.755) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:18:49.755) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276137
(23:18:50.211) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:18:50.211) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276133
(23:18:50.222) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:50.223) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276128
(23:18:53.959) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:53.959) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276123
(23:18:54.283) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:54.283) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276118
(23:18:54.621) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:54.621) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276113
(23:18:54.980) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:54.980) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276108
(23:18:55.576) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:55.576) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276103
(23:18:58.383) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:18:58.383) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276098
(23:18:58.923) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:18:58.926) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:18:58.929) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:18:58.932) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:01.715) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:03.961) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:06.216) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:10.296) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:12.064) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:20.501) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:20.503) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:22.962) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:19:29.519) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(23:20:02.686) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:20:02.686) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276093
(23:20:04.739) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasVaginas() was passed an invalid argument (Muffled giggles tease your ERROR, INVALID PUSSY to action just before two new pliant mouths kiss and suckle at the brim, whispering tantalizing promises against the opening. The tongues that enter surprise it with frictionless buzzing and eye-rolling rotations. Long seconds are spent lathing it and you towards a gasp of enjoyment that does little to slake the boundless, zealous thirst of those slaved to your will. )
(23:20:04.740) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasTail() was passed an invalid argument ( tail thrashes)
(23:20:04.745) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:20:04.745) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276088
(23:20:05.499) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:20:05.499) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276083
(23:20:14.944) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:20:14.944) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276078
(23:20:18.421) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(23:20:22.602) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(23:20:25.210) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:20:25.210) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276074
(23:20:30.836) [Player] log: Incubation change of 5 * 1 = 5
(23:20:30.836) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276069
(23:20:35.187) [Player] log: Incubation change of 4 * 1 = 4
(23:20:35.187) [Player] log: New incubation value = 276065 ```
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