Bug-Report 12/17/23

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New Member
Dec 17, 2023
I am playing a Psion Gryvain Herm, I just did the closet scene with the red Myr and then went to the plane icon to travel and got this error code:

 Version: 0.9.072-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#3901 Message: e.hasFlag is not a function Stack:
TypeError: e.hasFlag is not a function
    at o.get (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.5db79142.js:1:11995003)
    at o.value (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.5db79142.js:1:12002280)
    at Za (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549878)
    at Va (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549677)
    at $s (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:590508)
    at Ru (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576730)
    at ju (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576658)
    at Cu (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576521)
    at bu (file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:573508)
    at file:///C:/Users/Thefi/OneDrive/Desktop/New%20folder/TiTS-public-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523246
(05:18:15.225) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(05:18:16.432) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(05:18:40.277) (Creature) info: New key item applied to Alex: Holodisk: Horsecock Hell 2
(05:18:54.305) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Combat".
(05:18:55.944) (Creature) info: Status 'Psytuned Vitality Proc' already present on Alex
(05:19:19.209) (Creature) info: Status 'Psytuned Vitality Proc' already present on Alex
(05:19:26.028) (Creature) info: Status 'Psytuned Vitality Proc' already present on Alex
(05:19:29.820) (Creature) info: Status 'Psytuned Vitality Proc' already present on Alex
(05:19:31.638) (Creature) info: Status 'Psytuned Vitality Proc' already present on Alex
(05:19:34.024) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:19:34.024) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Combat"[/I] and setting [I]"Main Text"[/I] as active state.
(05:19:45.069) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Gallery".
(05:19:45.078) (UserInterface) warning: Gallery failing to render because currentBust [I]"null"[/I] is invalid
(05:19:52.446) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Gallery"[/I] and setting [I]"Main Text"[/I] as active state.
(05:19:54.628) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Gallery".
(05:19:54.635) (UserInterface) warning: Gallery failing to render because currentBust [I]"null"[/I] is invalid
(05:19:57.413) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Gallery"[/I] and setting [I]"Main Text"[/I] as active state.
(05:20:32.549) (Serialization) info: Autosave period has expired, performing an autosave...
(05:23:10.357) (Serialization) info: Autosave period has expired, performing an autosave...
(05:23:11.460) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(05:23:12.305) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Codex"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Mail".
(05:23:49.116) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Mail"[/I] and setting [I]"Codex"[/I] as active state.
(05:23:50.744) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:23:50.744) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Codex"[/I] and setting [I]"Main Text"[/I] as active state.
(05:24:22.503) (Creature) info: New key item applied to Alex: Kressia Pass
(05:24:25.051) (Serialization) info: Autosave period has expired, performing an autosave...
(05:24:41.817) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
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