BUG: Dog days - Hethia & Etheryn druid council Build 0.5.23


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
for starters, sorry for my poor english.

anyway, the "bug" is happening after you "fail" dog days. in other words if you lose to Hethia at any point during the quest she will (spoiler) do her thing with you and you will be saved afterwards.

however the bug here being that the conversation during the druid schismatic debate in the winter palace will be a bit off.

""Your champion also stole my whitewood bow after the fact." You couldn't quite leave it on her afterwards to come and be a threat while you were leading the loggers back to Hawkethorne, could you? Or do pale elves not disarm defeated opponents? But hey, that's enough from you — you've already derailed whatever this audience was about long enough. Now that introductions have been made, what's all this about, anyway? You gather it's some kind of diplomatic matter? "
end quote:
alright, this one is definitely not supposed to be there. Seeing as you only take the bow if you defeat Hethia.

also, this might not be a bug at all. but is Viv's sleep encounter supposed to happen after you recruit her? feels goofy that she talks like not knowing you at all and is currently in my party :p

those are the ones i could spot. i dont think i missed any.
also, sorry for my p*ss poor formating.
hope it makes sense.

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