bought a ship

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New Member
Aug 28, 2023
i bought a ship with a trade in and when i clicked on my inventory i got this bug for it. couldnt get a screenshot for some reason so i copied and pasted the error here.

TypeError: e.hasFlag is not a function
at o.get (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.e9f4374c.js:1:11995096)
at o.value (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.e9f4374c.js:1:12002373)
at Za (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549878)
at Va (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:549677)
at $s (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:590508)
at Ru (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576730)
at ju (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576658)
at Cu (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:576521)
at bu (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:573508)
at file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523246
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:641866)
at Go (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523023)
at Xo (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523191)
at $o (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:523126)
at hu (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:570893)
at Ju (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:586779)
at il (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:587794)
at Object.t.render (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:595766)
at e. (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.e9f4374c.js:1:17228601)
at file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/main.e9f4374c.js:1:10506251
at o (file:///E:/A-Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.072-win/resources/app/vendors.d1bad588.js:1:48987)
(05:06:56.904) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(05:06:58.240) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(05:07:01.615) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(05:07:03.254) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:03.254) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:04.654) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(05:07:05.084) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:05.085) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:05.376) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(05:07:05.770) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:05.770) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:06.187) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(05:07:06.825) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:06.825) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:08.286) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory".
(05:07:08.852) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:08.852) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inventory" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:19.528) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inspect".
(05:07:20.980) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(05:07:20.980) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Inspect" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(05:07:26.203) (Core) warning: Failed to clone UI state: Failed to execute 'structuredClone' on 'Window': function () { [native code] } could not be cloned.
(05:07:26.203) (Core) error: UI state creation has failed.
(05:07:26.254) (Core) warning: New UndoState was invalid, skipping insertion into history.
(05:07:27.333) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Inventory". ```


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

This was down to some ancillary stuff I fiddled with last week that allowed the selected item in the inventory UI to persist through inspecting items - the Inspect screen doesn't clear out that stuff, and we don't clear it out on every relevant element switch anymore. The ship purchase flow also uses the inspect screen, so we had to set the selected item for that to work, and then never cleared it out....
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