Bothrioc Quest Help


May 6, 2018
In this quest, I've talked to Dr. Lessau and he brought up a point I hadn't actually thought about before. He's created the antidote and fake antidote for me, and I'm honestly in debate on whether I should use the fake or not. Ara would give me dna samples in reward, and people have mentioned this could be a means for creating a resistance/immunity to them. Also it could disrupt the Myr from either side having complete control. But Lessau is worried about the danger bothrioc possess towards other species if they do gain special rights (as in species not unique). My question is, what option should I choose to do to keep my sort of neutral position I'm trying to keep.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I sincerely doubt the Bothrioc are much of a threat to the rest of the galaxy. There is simply no way that they will compete with species that are most firmly in control of the galaxy and their biological advantages will not come as a surprise to anyone of note.