

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No. You can corrupt and defur her, though. Also, Bimbo Jojo is a mod-only thing.

P.D. The wiki is your friend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Out of curiosity Cascade - is bimbo content one of your fav ones? I could point you one more case of Bimbo'd npc which can't be camp member.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
To Ormal: Really now that's interesting, and as for your question yes I do in fact like Bimbo content. So how is it possible in turning Jojo into a bimbo? 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That additional npc is Rubi you can find in Tel'Adre. Giving this npc Bimbo TF would unlock her bimbo content.

For turning Jojo into bimbo you need to have bimbo liquer in chest. Then he will I think radomnly proc scene about seeing thief and giving you option of or him guarding stash or you doing it. or bimbo path let him guard chest....ends will be that Jojo in bid to stops thief will drink whole bottle. What follows that you can expect. Ohh and after that picking option of guard stash for him you need wait 1-2 days (as doing some other stuff while bimbo liq stay in camp chest).


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
So the Bimbo Liquer needs to stay in the chest, and for him to guard the chest for him to become a bimbo is that correct? Also I already knew about Rubi sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah that would be the way you turn him bimbo. Ahh and first Bimbo Liquer need to be in chest for 3 ingame days to get scene in whcih we can decide for Jojo to guard stash.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Okay for how long should one expect until Jojo to turns into a Bimbo? Also what about the theft does Jojo catches the theft while guarding the chest?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He not catching the thief just to make sure it won't steal BL...technicaly scene say thief already hold BL but Jojo took it back and to be sure it not stolen again drunk all of it. As for wait time I think it's should be 1-2 days after you get the first scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
BL -> Bimbo Liquer (I kind of bored to keep say full name of this tf so I started use shortened version of it name -_-' )

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
That additional npc is Rubi you can find in Tel'Adre. Giving this npc Bimbo TF would unlock her bimbo content.

For turning Jojo into bimbo you need to have bimbo liquer in chest. Then he will I think radomnly proc scene about seeing thief and giving you option of or him guarding stash or you doing it. or bimbo path let him guard chest....ends will be that Jojo in bid to stops thief will drink whole bottle. What follows that you can expect. Ohh and after that picking option of guard stash for him you need wait 1-2 days (as doing some other stuff while bimbo liq stay in camp chest).

There's another Bimbo'able npc in Tel'Adre as well, the Beer Cat Niamh.  Every now and then she'll ask you to give her something to drink different from what she's used to, and you can give her Bimbo L.  Once she gets bimbo'd, she'll move to the Bazaar eventually, where she sells Bimbo Champagne instead of Black Cat Beer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah our kitty is another that can be target of using BL. But after that it mostly just move form pure to corrupted city and change item that we can get from her. But then again 5 bottles of BC can be turned into 1 BL bottle...I think with Sean help. If not him some other npc for sure got offer to trqade ea 5 BC to 1 BL. And that was I think done back in times when getting BL was a lil harder than now. Well heck in my mode in Bught Ridge Succubus or Omnibius enemies got chance to drop BL and me think that highest of all enemies ingame chance to get it.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Well it seems like we were wrong Jojo has to Catch the Thief to become a Bimbo, but during the part of were Jojo changes into Joy she a herm.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Well it seems like we were wrong Jojo has to Catch the Thief to become a Bimbo, but during the part of were Jojo changes into Joy she a herm.

You can make Joy into a herm with p.incubus, but the BL converts Jojo from full male to full female. 


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Nope I'm telling the truth, but you can use a Pink Egg in order to become completely female.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Err ok so my bad. I knew that Jojo must take care of theif not PC. As other option was that PC will guard. nd this one was the wrong one. But to the correct one been called catching thief not guarding stash...welll I last time long ago done this so my memory a little liek chedar with losts of holes in it ^^

And about BL not say or just say in few scenes but Joy first is still herm that later need to be changed into full female if PC want.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Well we all learn stuff, but anyway who's Evangeline? I never heard of her until I played the Mod's CoC, and how do I max out her affection as well?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She's currently npc exclusive to Xianxia mod for CoC. And fairly new addition at that so many of her content existing only as plans currently. If you want to have spoilers on her I could give you few. About locked at 3% afection it wouldn't be possible to increase it without new content added for her.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Well that the Mod I download from, and sure I don't mind if you give me spoilers. Also I just recently starting fallowing you.  :D   B|


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She will have few more interaction options like talk, spar, sex. Also she would slowly transform getting stronger. And something that hopefully will work out - some scenes for interacting with other camp members and possible adding her section in scenes of recruitment of npc's - like her reaction for X or Y npc joining camp. Seems especialy those two are a little bit lacking for most npc that are camp members.

Yeah I noticed I got more followers now ^^ Well as for mod stuff you can post there too if you want talk on some mod specific subjects (thou I lately been talking about Xianxia mod in all the places but not mod thread itself).
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
To Ormael: So did you ask how to ingress Evangeline Affection, or is it going to more of the stuff later on? As for what version I'm playing it's 1.0.2_mod_Xianxia_0.6b_2. I couldn't tell which one was the version so I just put the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is no way to progress Eve affection above 3% in 0.6b_2 build. And 0.6c would mostly bring a few new TF items so tere is BIG maybe on that if PC would get possibility to rise her affection a little bit but not more than around 8-9%.

@dirty bubble: As making mobile builds isn't something I'm capable now there won't be this version anytime soon. So sorry to make you sad but chances for what you wish for are really slim atm :(