Best way to gain Experience?


New Member
Feb 14, 2017
Does anyone know a way to grind shit-ton of experience fast? Im trying to save Hell's dad from the harpies but Im just barely too low a level to do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Esiest way is find enemyies that you can beat been relatively lower then them so each fight would give you tons of exp. If not this way since you went to Hel dungeon in case of vanilla game would be only slwoly grind on swamp or bog enemies. For places to grind much exp in mods you better ask in respective mod thread or mods here will be unhappy you asking about mods outside their threads.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For vanilla PC that is high enough as said above only Swamp/Bog can give some exp. Eventualy trying to meet Izumi in H. Mountains or Minerva as both of them are one of highest lvl enc in game but both in vanilla can be proc only each X explorations (6 to 8 I think) so it's hard to keep meeting them to have constant exp income.