Hey, i just wanted to say congratulations to the crew of TiTs. You've managed to make an incredibly enjoyable game that at this point i think i've played more than the original Final Fantasy games when i was wee. You've managed to make interesting stories with a multitude of choices and interactions. In addition, you've actually managed to make me laugh my ass off on more than one occasion. Much props to the writers for their sense of humor. I wanted to say thanks for making it freely available, i have been trying for damn near a week at this point to sign up to support you on patreon with no luck. Local banks dont like it when you try to send your money out of the country apparently, even if it's five measly dollars. As this is literally the first time a company didn't want my money, i'm a bit confused. Looking at prepaid or other card options. Keep making an awesome game, and i promise i will eventually find a way to throw money at you damnit!