Are there really no WIP games? (not Work In Progress)


New Member
Jan 31, 2017
It hit me the other day, and hunting around no examples seem to be found.

Arguably the #1 exploitation media subject - Women In Prison - and there's ZERO adult games featuring this subject?
That can't be right, can it? I mean, it even has the built in schedule format so many games love, and there are dozens of movies to pull plots and ideas from. Corruption of Innocence, a very popular theme, is ready, set, go without having to go to any convoluted lengths. Cheap excuses for any amount of forced nudity, sexual situations, etc., is built into the scenario.

How can there not be any Women In Prison games out there?
I'm already balls deep in a couple other projects (well, one is a testing ground for the other), or my next six months would be booked.

Or am I just missing some potentially great game in my ignorance?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
There was a prisoner mod for CoC that never got finished. I think the lack of freedom makes prison a little too confining for most game developers to use as a setting. It's not like people make their own schedules in prison. Nor is there a clear win state without making escaping prison or getting paroled a possibility. Although the more I think about it the more surprised I am there hasn't been a slavemaker spinoff where the PC is a warden corrupting the guards and prisoners.


New Member
Aug 28, 2015
Although the more I think about it the more surprised I am there hasn't been a slavemaker spinoff where the PC is a warden corrupting the guards and prisoners.
would probably work better as a hentai highschool spinoff then a slavemaker spinoff.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I can think of a couple Japanese hentai RPGs that do this, but nothing western comes to mind...


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
The stereotype of women in prison is being butch hard-boiled lesbians which people don't fetishize.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
There was a game by a french developer I think. I can't remember the name, though! It centered around a male PC in charge of a women's prison facility and was built with 3d assets and RPG maker. I think it's since been abandoned and I think it was posted on this site. Maybe someone wants to take over?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
To be honest I didn't even know this was a thing until now... and I know quite a few fetishes.
I think the reason why women in prison are so rare it in due part due to its obscurity and lack of media coverage, its basically a niche interest. When you browse porn you have regular sex, BDSM, water sports, gay/lesbian, interracial, furries, etc, but no WIP. The closest thing I can think of is a roleplay session of "cops and robbers". When people go look for fapping material, they want quick videos similar to the assortment you find in RedTube and similar websites, not actual movies like that wiki link seems to indicate. I think its a detriment to the genre if the only material available are exclusively full blown movies. You'll also notice that there's little to no information regarding men in prison too, or prison themes in general. Again, niche interest - too few people know of it, even less so would make a game off of it.
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