I recently started playing again with the latest updates and about halfway through Myrellion I had a thought/worry; Are we still going to get Psionic abilities/skills and characters?
Iirc it was mentioned back when TiTs was first being started that the player could possibly get Psionic powers through certain transformative items or with a high enough Willpower (it even has a tooltip in game that says as much) that would provide unique abilities to use in combat, or even new scenes. However the game has been in development for some time now and there doesn't seem to have been any headway on implementing it, and with how far the game has gotten into its creation it feels less and less likely that it will ever be implemented because of how much would now need to be changed to accommodate such a system.
This may be me just overthinking it, I've been looking forward to its implementation ever since it was mentioned and not seeing any progress on it is worrying. The only thing that comes to mind is the Uveto Frostwyrm scenario that has some flavour of psionics in it, I think there are other characters that are supposed to have it too but it hasn't been implemented for them yet.
Hell maybe I just missed something, like a post or update notice, that talked about Psionics at some point and I'm worried about nothing. If that is the case then woops lol xD
Iirc it was mentioned back when TiTs was first being started that the player could possibly get Psionic powers through certain transformative items or with a high enough Willpower (it even has a tooltip in game that says as much) that would provide unique abilities to use in combat, or even new scenes. However the game has been in development for some time now and there doesn't seem to have been any headway on implementing it, and with how far the game has gotten into its creation it feels less and less likely that it will ever be implemented because of how much would now need to be changed to accommodate such a system.
This may be me just overthinking it, I've been looking forward to its implementation ever since it was mentioned and not seeing any progress on it is worrying. The only thing that comes to mind is the Uveto Frostwyrm scenario that has some flavour of psionics in it, I think there are other characters that are supposed to have it too but it hasn't been implemented for them yet.
Hell maybe I just missed something, like a post or update notice, that talked about Psionics at some point and I'm worried about nothing. If that is the case then woops lol xD