Anywhere Love Can Blossom (For Mackenzie)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
There was a faint blue glow ahead in the darkness of the small cell, barely big enough to stand up and move around in. there was only barest essentials; a bed, a sink, a toilet. The floor was hard and cold, the air stagnate and dry. The only sounds were the faint hum. The prisoner laid with a hazy mind and a painful headache in this dark and cramped cell. how did he get here again? he was nearly nude at present left only in a pair of shorts. That's right.... he'd be thrown in here and knocked out, he was going to be sold.... as a slave, a piece of property! If he listened closely enough he'd hear the sounds of others crying, and others yelling in rage, some begging for freedom. "Get up you worthless human!", shouted a voice from an the ceiling, a speaker perhaps? "You! On your feet before I really give you something to groan about, that slave collar isn't just for show!", It shouted. Now that it mentioned it there was a metal collar around the prisoner's neck. "The buyers are coming soon!", it barked.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Mackenzie wakes up slowly and groggily, his senses overwhelmed by the his new surroundings. The dry air robbed him of the moisture in his mouth and lips while he was unconscious, he smacks his lips waking up trying to wet them again. In the silence he hears a mix of emotions coming out of people, some trying to get free and others accepting the cruel reality

He looks around at his surroundings and wonders exactly where he is and what’s happening, when the voice made its presence known he bolted up. Then at the mention of the collar he couldn’t believe it, he didn’t even realize the metal encasing his firm neck.

The red head looks up to the speaker. “Buyers?!” He thought to himself frantically, but on the outside he composes himself the best he can. He doesn’t want to let them win, he won’t be broken and he won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing him afraid. Though light sweat is on his body, but he remembers the voice said “human”, was it a alien? Was he on a alien planet? What were they like? Were they attractive? These questions run through his mind and he brushed the last one away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
oh right.....Of course they were aliens! for at least a good fifty years humanity had been in contact with several races, and was soon allowed into the galactic conglomerate. Humans adapted very quickly to the new lives they could live out in space... out there where things were so new and different... perhaps our poor prisoner sought a life off of earth, out there in the final frontier. he'd only ever perhaps seen some real aliens in the holo vids. But now here, well something told him he be getting quite up close and personal with the races of the galaxy...

Then the lights snapped on, bright and painful to the eyes adjusted to dim glow of the blue forcefield at the cell's entrance. After his eyes adjusted to the painful, bright bright, starkness of the overhead lights in and outside his cell, he could see he was surrounded load of other cells in the room his was attached to. It was circular by the look of it he could see others in the cells like his, many vaguely human shaped, some others not so much. several did look..... not to bad all the females he could see were beautiful in one way or another, chosen carefully it seemed.

A door opened in the wall directly across for some distance away. A very tall humanoid figure with purplish pink skin. it was tall, very tall, and appeared to have four arms and red spikes coming out of its shoulders. it was bulky and muscular wear copper colored armor. it's heavy footsteps felt though the floor. It was head roight for his cell. it had blood red eyes and a mask covering it lower face. "You.... come..... auction!", it rumbled as it stood outside his cell. "You follow this Groonall and you don't stray away and do make any sudden moves, you get me? one step out of line and ZAP understand?", came the voice from the intercom, as the barrier was lowered.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Mackenzie winces at the bright light, and steps back a step having his arm in front of his eyes until they adjust. He was familiar with aliens and different species, but not to the extent of others who seen and talked with them. He only ever seen them on holo’s and chat with some over on the holos, He was exited and scared to see aliens for the first time in person.

When the door opens Mackenzie looks over trying his best to keep a straight face, and looks in confusion at the alien wondering how if it was in pain or if it looked and acted normal. The voice makes its presence known again, Mackenzie follows the alien to the auction obediently. There is no point in fighting it right now they have all the cards, he will play his role but for how long even he doesn’t know. Depends on if his buyer is evil or not, he shakes in anticipation, not knowing where he is going or who he is meeting somehow exited him. He looks around seeing the door and wall it’s connected too, he sees this as his line. His line from freedom to slavery that he is forced to cross.
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