Anyone have expirience with Gamemaker Studio?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
So I have been wanting to make a text based rpg for awhile, but haven't had the slightest idea were to begin or what to use to make it. After some searching I turned to gamemaker after seeing games like Nuclear Throne and Undertale. While my game is not going to be nearly as visually impressive as those games I do what to utilize gamemaker as a tool to build a visually pleasing gui as well as add visual effects and such. Though I am a little uncertain where to begin with this since most tutorials are designed with visuals in mind. That being said I do have proof of concept images for what I intend the various HUDS to look like. For reference I was heavily inspired by the game To Burn in Memory. (link:


So this would be the main screen. Each box is labeled by what it's function is.

STORY TEXT: Background narration. This text sets the scene, describes your location, and points out npcs and such.

CHARACTER TEXT: Whatever a character says to you as well as the dialogues choices will appear in this box in true rpg fasion

MAP: A grid map displaying all the "rooms" you have visited. I plan on having it change when inside buildings/dungeons

STATS: The player's name, level, and stats.

BLANK SPACE: This will probably be filled with buttons to access system stuff (save/load, options) as well as a button for inventory and party.

8 BUTTONS: The 8 buttons at the bottom will list off actions as well as where you can move.


For combat the screen will change to a more rpg like screen inspired by games like Earthbound and Undertale.

CHARACTER BLOCKS: At the bottom there are four blocks, on the far left the player's name, lvl, health, and mana are all displayed. The same follows for the other three party members.

COMMAND BAR: Displays all available commands

COMBAT TEXT: Narrates the battle Ex: Player attacks! Player has dealt 5 damage to Enemy!

ENEMY BARS: At the top right of the combat text block are the enemy stats. They are similar to the character blocks. There is one for every enemy in battle.

All of this is just proof of concept and all I have so far. I'm sure I can come up with a few more huds for things like party management and such but first I just want to see how possible it is to get a playable version of this running off the ground. Let me know what you think and lend me advice on where to get started with this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Nothing wrong with the layout so far IMO but there is very little to comment on here. If there is anything you should do first its noting down what the scope of your game will have (and will not have) and plan out exactly what you want in the finished game. Even CoC got that one wrong.