Any good single player game recommendations for pc?


Apr 8, 2016
To be more specific, i'm looking for a game that you can easily pick up and put down, has a good sense of accomplishment and a good story, any type of game works, has to be pc tho, if the game has some dirty stuff, well thats awesome too. I love all the games recommended on this site, and all the games on this site are great, so if anyone has a time consuming, easy to pick up game, that would be great! Thanks guys. (im not opposed to visual novels, or anything really)

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Time consuming? Check.

Easy to pick up? Check.

Sense of accomplishment? Only in the first playthrough.

Good story? Eh, decent, considering it's the typical "you are the chosen one" WRPG-story.

And you can mod it to hell and back if you eventually grow bored of everything the game world has to offer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I might have a few suggestions, depending on how liberal you are with those requirements of yours. Really, it sounds like you're asking for a bit of an ideal game, so I'm not sure I can give you that.

One Way Heroics - It's a turn-based, roguelike-esque game where you're constantly on the run from encroaching darkness, defeating monsters and picking up loot on the way.

The mechanics aren't too heavy and the gameplay isn't too complicated, but with multiple classes it's easy to spend quite a lot of time with it. It can be broken into runs rather than a single continuous game, so it's easy to pick up and put down. The story mostly come from the various partner NPCs you can pick up on your runs, so it's rather light (but the epilogues are nice). The game has multiple difficulty options and things to unlock.

Westerado: Double Barreled - In this one you're looking for the man who killed your family and burned down your ranch. Genre-wise, I suppose I would describe it as a 2D action adventure, maybe?

Started life as a flash game until it was expanded into a full retail game. Fun and easy to pick up. Again, this is a game that's more separated into runs rather than a continuous game. The plot and story are fine, but not the main focus. They're there to facilitate the game. A little light on challenge, but the last fights actually can be pretty tough on your first time through. There's a fair amount of content to explore and endings to find, so it has more potential playtime than it might seem, at first.

FTL - You're the commander of a ship trying to on the run from hostile rebels. I guess I would call this one... a real-time RPG focused on ship-to-ship combat, but you can pause during battle at any time to issue orders and designate targets.

This isn't quite what you asked for since it has very little story, but it hits your other requirements so I thought I'd throw it in. You might already be familiar with this one. It describes itself as a "spaceship simulation roguelike-like." Once again, it can be broken into runs so it's easy to pick up and put down. Plenty of ships and ship configurations to unlock, and the procedural content makes it easy to sink a lot of time into it. You'll find plenty of challenge here.

Sorry if these don't meet your requirements, exactly. I realize they're all a little light on story. Still, you might find some of them interesting, and I can go into greater detail on any of them if you want.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Try Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius or the other 2 Sunrider games. Information on Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius is at VNDB.


Apr 8, 2016
One way heroics sounds pretty good, I'll check that one out for sure! Someone else also recommended monster girl quest, and I saw it on the links here, so I figured I'd give that a look too. Thanks guys! :D


Feb 25, 2016
Ori and the Blind Forest. And surprisingly Black Ops 1 is quite fun. I'm actually enjoying it more then 2 and 3, despite having played the later ones first. Dragons Dogma might be worth looking into. If you're looking for something with good story then I'd recommend the Wolf among us. It's a telltale game and one I had fun playing through. Stardew Valley might keep you entertained. If it's something with action as well as story you're after then the Dynasty Warrior games does a very good job of making characters stand out and even has an encyclopedia about them and the han dynasty era (I recommend 4 and 8). Some games I spent a LOT of time on was Fire Emblem and Breath of Fire 2 on GBA (emulators and roms. Easy enough to put on and use on a PC). Fire Emblem Sacred Stones is my favorite. And the one before it (the first one in the west at that) is pretty damn good as well. More so when you make the right characters face each other. Amazing story and replay value.

I been playing a bit of Endless Legend lately. Think of it as civ in a completely different world/setting and quests. Anthro dragons, animated crystals, zerg like "Necrophage". That kind of thing. Spent a lot of time on Heroes of might and Magic 5 as well. 6 is ok but I skipped 7. Doesn't even have demons and is pretty weak overall. Not even animated on cutscenes on that one.

There's a LOT more I could list, but I think that'll do for now. ^_^;
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New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Another +1 for Ori and the Blind Forest. Loved that game to death. Did lose some sleep though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
layers of Fear. its one of the trippiest games I've ever played, quite scary too!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can try Kingdom if you like strategy, Hotline miami 1/2 for action or maybe Worms


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
If you like side-scrolling Metroidvainias, Action RPGs,, and Hack & Slashes, then I'd highly recommend Valdis Story: Abyssal City. You can get it on Steam, GOG, and the developer's own website. I'd describe it as "Castlevania meets Devil May Cry." The way you explore the world is very similar to Symphony of the Night, having to gain items or abilities to access certain areas. The combat system wouldn't be out of place in something made by Platinum Games. It's very fluid and responsive, and during Boss Fights you are ranked according to your performance, with higher ranks resulting in better rewards. You gain experience by defeating enemies, and when you level up you gain a Stat Point you can spend to increase one of four stats (Str, Agi, Int, and Luck) and a Skill Point, used to unlock an ability or buff from you Skill Tree (Ex: Increase damage done by 5%, Critical Hits inflict Bleed, etc.)

Here's some screenshots:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you like side-scrolling Metroidvainias, Action RPGs,, and Hack & Slashes, then I'd highly recommend Valdis Story: Abyssal City. You can get it on Steam, GOG, and the developer's own website. I'd describe it as "Castlevania meets Devil May Cry." The way you explore the world is very similar to Symphony of the Night, having to gain items or abilities to access certain areas. The combat system wouldn't be out of place in something made by Platinum Games. It's very fluid and responsive, and during Boss Fights you are ranked according to your performance, with higher ranks resulting in better rewards. You gain experience by defeating enemies, and when you level up you gain a Stat Point you can spend to increase one of four stats (Str, Agi, Int, and Luck) and a Skill Point, used to unlock an ability or buff from you Skill Tree (Ex: Increase damage done by 5%, Critical Hits inflict Bleed, etc.)

This one is awful, actually. Platformer part is unbearable. And I am talking as one who like Fortune Summoners.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
This one is awful, actually. Platformer part is unbearable. And I am talking as one who like Fortune Summoners.

The platforming isn't that bad, it's just a little floaty. Besides, the platforming isn't the focus, and the only parts with any particularly hard platforming is for optional stuff. What drew me in was the superb combat (I swear this is the closest we'll ever get to a 2D Devil May Cry) and character build customization (4 playable characters each with 4 different weapons and Skill Trees.) It's amazing how good it turned out when you consider that it was funded on Kickstarter and developed by a team of two people. It's one of those games that I'm upset that so few people even know about..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The platforming isn't that bad, it's just a little floaty. Besides, the platforming isn't the focus, and the only parts with any particularly hard platforming is for optional stuff. What drew me in was the superb combat (I swear this is the closest we'll ever get to a 2D Devil May Cry) and character build customization (4 playable characters each with 4 different weapons and Skill Trees.) It's amazing how good it turned out when you consider that it was funded on Kickstarter and developed by a team of two people. It's one of those games that I'm upset that so few people even know about..

There are tons of platforming puzzles with very, very tight time limits, split second delay and you fail, one pixel off the optimal route and you fail. The one which made me drop it - one after boss fight, incredibly long, over falling platforms filled with enemies. Jump now - and you'll be dropped to death by foe, wait and you'll fall with a platform. Now add bad controls which makes you do combos instead of movement if you try to move too fast...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
There are tons of platforming puzzles with very, very tight time limits, split second delay and you fail, one pixel off the optimal route and you fail. The one which made me drop it - one after boss fight, incredibly long, over falling platforms filled with enemies. Jump now - and you'll be dropped to death by foe, wait and you'll fall with a platform. Now add bad controls which makes you do combos instead of movement if you try to move too fast...

You're talking about the Mana Crystal Mine escape sequence, right? It's not that hard, just gotta be smart about when to use your Skill Cancels. I cleared it no problem on my second attempt on my first playthrough. Maybe you just aren't good at this kind of game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're talking about the Mana Crystal Mine escape sequence, right? It's not that hard, just gotta be smart about when to use your Skill Cancels. I cleared it no problem on my second attempt on my first playthrough. Maybe you just aren't good at this kind of game?

Well, maybe not really good, but I've played some games with notably hard platforming, like Fortune Summoners or Ori and the Blind Forest, and many others, and they weren't that bad. I've failed a lot, but I felt what was done wrong and what should be done. Here... Nope, nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Well, maybe not really good, but I've played some games with notably hard platforming, like Fortune Summoners or Ori and the Blind Forest, and many others, and they weren't that bad. I've failed a lot, but I felt what was done wrong and what should be done. Here... Nope, nothing.

I think the problem is you're thinking of the jump physics like a Platformer, when in fact it's much closer to the jump physics of a Fighting Game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think the problem is you're thinking of the jump physics like a Platformer, when in fact it's much closer to the jump physics of a Fighting Game.

Maybe. Never was into fighters, have no actual idea how modern fighters physics work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Maybe. Never was into fighters, have no actual idea how modern fighters physics work.

So your problem with the game seems to be the platforming. Did you at least enjoy the combat? It is at least one third Hack & Slash, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So your problem with the game seems to be the platforming. Did you at least enjoy the combat? It is at least one third Hack & Slash, after all.

Don't actually remember anything about it. Was OK, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Don't actually remember anything about it. Was OK, I guess.

The more I hear from you, the more I'm sure this just isn't the game for you. I really like the game because it has the exploration of a Metroidvania, the customizable character builds of an RPG, and the combat of a Hack & Slash, which are my favorite parts of my favorite genres. You don't seem to really care for any of those genres. It doesn't mean either of us are right or wrong, it just means we're different people with different tastes. Good night.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The more I hear from you, the more I'm sure this just isn't the game for you. I really like the game because it has the exploration of a Metroidvania, the customizable character builds of an RPG, and the combat of a Hack & Slash, which are my favorite parts of my favorite genres. You don't seem to really care for any of those genres. It doesn't mean either of us are right or wrong, it just means we're different people with different tastes.

Well, I like RPGs, can enjoy Hack & Slash, and some of the games which are considered Metroidvania. I've enjoyed Dust: AET immensely, Unepic was quite good, I've mentioned Fortune Summoners already, Blade Kitten and Rogue Legacy are sort of here too...