Any Attack on Titan Fans Wanna Talk about the New Season? Namely episode 76: "Judgement"


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Pretty much the title. I picked up the manga in Season 2, and I've been so hype for the new season but I'm the only person in my circle that actively keeps up with AoT. I'm really happy to see how Mappa's style is showing through more this go around and the first episode was just the perfect way to jump back in.

More best girl Hange.

Monke Cheeks.

That banger of an opening. I know Mappa has been playing it loose with trailers and visuals, but man the opener is just in your face out of context spoilers and I love it. Straight up calling it "The Rumbling," and the songs is just like "Rumbling! Rumbling! It's Coming!" Lmao.

But it's just a heavy chug chug metalcore-y song and I'm all here for it as a metalhead. The art style and transitions were on point. The shot of the crew on the wall is just so emotional. And that last clip with endgame Eren is just chef's kiss. That flash of of [purposely redacted] really made me jump for joy. Like those mad lads really went there. Eren's scream in time with the music? Perfect.

But the episode itself. What can I say? It's more of Eren and Reiner beating the dog shit out of each other, featuring the Jaw Titan! This makes me think of how Attack on Titan has handled it's power scaling (for lack of a better term), or lack there of. Besides a few "training" segments of Eren learning how to use his Hardening, I like how the titan powers are just there. The shifters know what to do after some practice. No unnecessary training arcs. They just do it.

I don't know if they intended it to be, but the moment where Galliard cuts Pieck's hand off is just hilarious. Gabi just freaks out and Pieck is just like "Hey, that hurt."

Pieck best girl.

Once again, I think they chose a good cliffhanger for the episode, and I just can't wait for things to really kick off. I am excitement. I know what moments I can't wait to see finally animated.

What about you guys? What do you all think?