Any armors work with unhindered?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but do any armors/clothing items work with the unhindered perk?  As great as a 10% evasion boost is, leaving the slot empty seems a bit...  wasteful. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As yo predicted the answer is no. But perk also saying about undergamets not been affected. Whole point of perk was to make PC fighting naked (well almsot in case it wear some underwear). So if there would be made new armor that is also at the same tiem not an armor...then it could be way to use this slot evenw ith this perk. Yet I would have hard time imagine at spot how should look such armor....maybe something akin to flying around PC armor pieces that would arrange themselfs at the moment of enemy attack to protect PC but normaly would be just hovering around filling req. of not been traditional armor that cover PC body.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
That sort of stinks.  It would've made sense for them to work for certain armors that leave the PC mostly nude like chainmail bakini, bondage straps, lusty maiden's armor...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah probably those armors that would be similar like underwear so all those like bikini style should work with unhindered perk. Lusty mainde armor go chainmail shirt so it's already partialy covering body more than bikini part of it. All in all it's up to each mod creator if it would be allow for some exceptions or not.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Since unhindered dosn't work with armors, what about making some more perks that build on unhindered by increasing the effects of going nude.  Maybe one perk to grant spell efficiency, one perk for slutty seduction, one to build on agility by allowing the armor bonus when there is no armor.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I agree there could be always place for new perks that would work well with some others. Unhindered for now not look such promising due to:

A) since no armor can be used then PC technicaly need to get something to compasate for lack of armor (underwear even if it's made of dragon scales isn;t hepling much and...going full dragon to get highest armor bonuses from TF...well I'm aware it's not something people would look kindy even if for argument that it would force all wanting to make full use of Unhindered perk and still not been squishy must pick some specific race TF effects)

B) lack of other perks that would support choice of going armorless.

If you got some idea for name and effect of perks that could work well with Unhindered feel free to share them even if their can sound absurdal... not like game itself already making us suspend our belives to some degree.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Freedom of movement, freedom of flow: req's mage: Increases spell efficiency by 50% when naked or using armors that unhindered supports

All Natural: req's corrupted libido: Gain Slutty Seduction when naked or using armor that supports unhindered

Unhindered, req's agility: Gain a portion of your agility as armor as well as 10% evasion when nude.  {fine print} Undergarmets and armors that support this perk will not disrupt it.

 ^ Also, add in a DISABLED on the perk list like enlightenment when its currently not working.  Armor bonus would be equal to clothing's armor bonus from agility

Flesh like iron: req's Unhindered, 200 toughness: When nude or using armor that supports unhindered, you are considered to be using heavy armor for scenes and perks that support it. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Adding DISABLED should be quite easy so few moments and it's added (so would add it in 0.7b).

First perk...maybe would look if not change slightly spell effecienty but toherwise interesting idea for perk and probably should be added.

Second perk would probably be good if non of armors that support Unhindered have perk slutty seduction. Need to look if it could be possible to stack thsi perk value. Overeal I like this one perk too.

Last one perk...I feel it's would feel more like how in Xianxia where getting up to base max tou of 200+ is not so hard (Revamp too but much harder to get ther I think). Wel with plant socre of 6+ in xianxia getting 200+ base tou would be really easy (this level of plant socre giving seriusoly huge boost to tou). About support for perks connected to heavy armor would it mean PC can use perk Juggernaut then too? (it's that when PC wear heavy armor it adds 10% physical dmg reduction and all specials of enemies that could damage whiel constracting - most prominent case is naga squeeze of Succubus gardener from D# wines squeeze PC won't be loosing HP from that) Aside that one "but" I liek this perk idea too...heck even name sound so...xianxia like xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As far as i know all bikini type  wich are skimpy as hell should work including the slutty black swimwear but thats just my tought
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