Anno & Erra ship sex scene frequency


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
This is not a bug per se, but maybe something to consider -- as i understand it, old version of the game had entire ship as a single "location", which was replaced by a more detailed map in the javascript port. The thing is, it means instead of a single chance for crew scenes to trigger when entering your ship, there's now a chance for these scenes to trigger on each movement between ship "rooms"... but the trigger chance seems to be still single-room high, which leads to having them trigger pretty much every. damn. time. you enter your ship and try to go to storage or captain's quarters and back outside, interrupting you on your way. It gets old and then downright annoying, fast.

So, maybe either lowering the chance for the scenes to trigger (significantly, as on average the rolls are made 4-5 times as often) or limiting the check only to single room (the ramp or the helm or wherever) would be possible here..?